Monthly Archives: August 2016

What is Mortgage Insurance?

Cartoon courtesy of LSM Insurance

By Chantal Marr, LSM Insurance

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Sounds great just lying there on paper, doesn’t it?

Really solid.

The underlying concept of mortgage insurance is that if you die or are incapacitated mortgage insurance will pay off the rest of your mortgage. But be careful: Mortgage Insurance is the most dangerous financial product out there.

Mortgage insurance is the one financial product that declines in value as you continue to pay. Therefore each year you are getting less and less value for your premium.

Why Math is Important

Renting vs. Owning

Let’s start with your house. When you take a mortgage out on your house, it’s a very bad deal to start with. You are just paying interest on the value of the house and in most cases the interest far exceeds the cost of renting the same property.

Here’s an example based on a $500,000 20-year mortgage at 6% on a $600,000 house. We’ll assume rent inflation of 4%/year:

Year 2010: Mortgage payment $3,560/month. Rent: $2,500.

You are leaving over $1,000 in your pocket per month in ready money. That’s a lot of restaurants and vacations twelve months a year.

But let’s take it ten years later: Continue Reading…

Retired Money: Why I won’t defer my OAS past age 65

OASMy latest MoneySense Retired Money column is about when to take Old Age Security (OAS) benefits and has been posted at Click on the highlighted text to access the full version here: Why I’m taking Old Age Security right at 65.

As the piece goes into in more depth, the Government incentivizes those in their 60s (including Yours Truly) to defer the date for commencing receipt of benefits of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security. The longer you delay between 65 and 70 (or in the case of CPP, beyond age 60), the better the ultimate payout: wait till 70 instead of 65 and OAS will be 36% higher and CPP 42% higher.

Reasons for Deferring CPP may not also apply to OAS

However, the circumstances surrounding CPP and OAS are not identical, so in my own case I plan to take OAS as soon as it is on offer, less than two years from now, while I will endeavour to defer starting the receipt of CPP for as long as I won’t need the money.

Continue Reading…

The critical role of planning for Cash Flow

Ennio Longo

By  Ennio Longo

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Are you like so many Canadians? You have a good paying job, are in a two-income household, own a home and yet you run out money before you run out of month?

The majority of Canadians are spending more than they make.   If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.  We are trying to put some money aside for the future as we have been told we should, but we also want to enjoy today; take that trip, get a new car, renovate the kitchen. We cannot just live for tomorrow.  WE WANT TO ENJOY TODAY.

The reason we have this shared experience is that we never went to school to learn how to “handle” our finances or how to manage our CASH FLOW. With so many different companies from financial institutions to consumer goods vying for our money, managing our cash flow on a monthly basis can be very difficult for many people; myself included.

Certified Cash Flow Specialist

With a four-year business degree and a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter), one would think that I would have received a formal education in cash flow planning as well, but I didn’t; at least not until I received an actual formal education in cash flow planning and became a CCS (Certified Cash Flow Specialist). Continue Reading…

Should I invest a lump sum all at once or stagger it over time?

dollar_cost_averaging“Should I invest a lump sum now or drip it into the market over time?”  This is a question we’re getting more and more often.  As usual, the answer is not straightforward and of course … it depends.

Despite the declines last year and the early part of this year, North American stock markets seem to have continued their upward march and are now at peak levels.  European and Asian markets aren’t as close to peak levels but nonetheless investors are jittery and not sure if now is the best time to invest.

The US election is pending, Brexit implications are still playing out and the news generally tends to be doom and gloom.  It’s understandable why people might hesitate if they have a lump sum of cash sitting on the sidelines and are unsure if now is the best time to put it at risk.

It’s not only about expected investment returns

There are two distinct views on what to do with a lump sum.

The first is that it’s best to invest right away.

The second is that it’s best to spread your investment over time, engaging in what is commonly referred to as “dollar cost averaging”.  Dollar cost averaging might involve splitting your lump sum into four equal tranches and investing one tranche every three months over the course of a year.  In doing so, you’d smooth the impact of market volatility, maybe missing some good upward trends but also maybe avoiding putting all your money in at once just before a market crash.

What does the evidence say?  The academic research tells us that trying to time the markets is futile and at any given time we can expect a future positive return on investment.  After all, the market generally goes up, in fact according to Jim Yih of Retire Happy the annual return of the TSX stock index was positive 73.9 % of the time between 1920 and 2010.

So the odds are in your favour that you’ll be better off by investing now – certainly not guaranteed but expected to be positive.   Dimensional Fund Advisors (not that Nobel prize winners are always right but but this group has a strong evidenced-based approach to investments) say the following on this subject (from its website):

“Standard financial analysis says dollar cost averaging is suboptimal.  If you focus only on your investment outcome, investing a lump sum immediately lets you construct the best portfolio you can today; slowing the process with dollar cost averaging just keeps you in something other than your best portfolio until you are done.”

Sensible and supported by good math I’m sure … but not the whole picture.   They also go on to say:

“Behavioral finance provides a different perspective. Because of the difference between the way people react to errors of omission and errors of commission, dollar cost averaging may give investors a better expected investment experience.”

Essentially what this means is that while purely from an investment perspective the expectation is that one would be better off investing a lump sum today, it is not a certainty and when decisions have to be made when uncertain future outcomes are at stake psychology enters the equation in a big way.

An active decision to invest now followed by an unexpected poor outcome might scar an investor from making future beneficial investment decisions.  Surely there are many people who, scared and scarred by the market carnage in 2008/2009, sold out at the bottom and have remained on the sidelines through the subsequent rally.

Or imagine if you’d invested a large lump sum a couple of weeks before Black Monday in 1987 instead of smoothing it out over the following year or so.  You may find yourself hesitant to ever put money in the markets again!  Investors that are liable to suffer extreme regret from their own active decisions that turn out to be wrong (errors of commission) may find that spreading a lump sum investment over time eases the blow sufficiently to keep them invested and on track with their investment plan.

Figure out what kind of investor you are, make a plan and stick with it

Market crashes don’t happen very often and at any given point in time investors should expect a positive return.  This doesn’t mean that behavioural/psychological forces aren’t real and powerful.

So what are investors to do? To begin with, investors would be very wise to spend some time considering how they might react to various market scenarios – what kind of investor are you?  Are you unphased by market volatility and immune to external pressures like the press and market pundits?  Do you feel really nervous making a decision under uncertainty?

Try taking a risk survey or two to help gauge your willingness to take risk relative to other investors – a sort of investing gut check.  Try to imagine yourself in these situations and practice how you might feel and react.

Lastly, put a plan in place ahead of time – take the decision out of your hands – blaming the plan might be psychologically easier than blaming yourself if things don’t turn out exactly as expected.

Decide now what the best course of action is for you and document it in a well thought-through plan.  Then make sure to remember it’s often when the plan feels most uncomfortable that it’s most important to stick with it!

grahambodelGraham Bodel is the founder and director of a new fee-only financial planning and portfolio management firm based in Vancouver, BC., Chalten Fee-Only Advisors Ltd. This blog is republished with permission: the original ran on August 12th on Bodel’s blog here.





Tax evasion schemes land “De-taxers” in jail

David Rotfleisch-03-500W
David Rotfleisch

By David J. Rotfleisch

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

When “de-taxers” use best business practices such as franchising and friends and family of multi-level marketing (MLM) techniques, you know that even fringe thinkers are watching and learning from the likes of “Dragon’s Den” and “Shark Tank.” Entrepreneurialism, it seems, has caught on in the tax evasion industry.

They’re running seminars and courses, and selling books, CDs, and DVDs, to teach fringe thinkers and gullible Canadians that it’s their God-given right not to pay taxes and here’s how to do it:  commit fraud by evading tax. They are “educational,” setting up schools to do this.

And they do this for fees, of course.

Two de-taxer founders now in jail

De-taxers have been on Canada Revenue Agency’s radar for a long time and the founders of two different tax evasion schemes have been jailed recently. Tax protestors have gone from nuisance to serving jail time, plus hefty fines, in short order.

Continue Reading…