How to find a stable career

By Sarah Davies

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Perhaps the only thing more important than wealth or power is stability. Things come and go all the time when a situation isn’t stable, and it’s hard to plan an uncertain future. Obtaining a career that provides stability is a must. The workforce is changing, and so are the kinds of jobs that are available. If you want to settle in to your desk and never need to find another one, you might need to change the attitude you bring to work with you. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself with a stable job and the tools you need to prepare for your financial future.

Let the numbers guide you

When deciding on a career path, look at projections. As technology continues to change the world, something big is going to happen. Certain jobs won’t exist anymore, and jobs we never had a need for previously are going to pop up. Some paths are more stable than others, and you want to pick one that’s still going to exist in ten years. While the positions themselves may change with time, simply being familiar with and experienced in the industry can keep you afloat.

Think about what you want, versus what you need

There’s objective stability, and there’s subjective stability. For example, there will always need to be customer service representatives. That is a career that won’t go away. But can you always be a customer service representative? Will it drive you crazy after a while? Will your patience wear thin? Stability needs to come from both sides. You have to find a career path with longevity, but it needs to be a career path that you’ll be happy with for the long haul. Consider your future self when making a decision.

Develop versatile skills

Certain skills will apply to any job you wind up deciding on. Timeliness, productivity, organization, effective communication, attention to detail, innovative thinking, and the willingness to learn will take you anywhere you need to go. These versatile skills will allow you to adapt to a number of working environments and career conditions. Even if everything changed overnight, you’d know how to quickly adapt to that change. Ultimately, it’s your mindset and resiliency that will enable you to have anything you can possibly want.

Become invaluable

Becoming invaluable sounds like a tall task, but it’s not like learning to fly. Someone who is invaluable is a master of their trade. They read about their industry, and they know where the future is taking it. They stay abreast with current trends and never stop learning how to do their job better than they could the day before. This requires a deep level of devotion, but it shouldn’t be hard to devote yourself to a career you know you love. Being invaluable is the direct result of constant development, growth, and ultimately improvement.

Don’t forget a fallback

No one can look into a crystal ball and tell you whether or not your career will be stable forever. Always have a fallback in mind in case the world changes tomorrow. In the event that your career isn’t stable anymore, you’ll find yourself stuck in a less stable position for a far shorter time. Knowing where you might go next helps you find stability again within a reasonable timeframe. The shorter the gap, the quicker you can find yourself back on the right path.

Stability might feel elusive, but it does come to those who work hard to seek it out. Part of it is the way you think about your career, and the other part comes from the career you choose. It’s a balancing act, and it might take some time to master, but anyone who is determined enough can find it.

Sarah Davies is a blogger with a great love for writing and sharing her tips and strategies pertaining to careers, education and business. Currently, she is supporting Open Colleges, Australia’s leading online educator. Find her at @sarah_davies_au.





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