FWB TV Video # 3 — How to choose a financial advisor

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Michael Kitces

The third in our series of FWB TV videos is now up at FWB Securities.com and Findependence.TV. Click on How to choose a financial advisor.

In the short (almost 4 minutes), Robin Powell interviews well-known American financial planner Michael Kitces about how the evolution of financial advice has moved from helping clients pick a few actively managed mutual funds that pay commissions to the advisor, to the modern holistic financial planning model that’s generally fee-based. The “Value Proposition” has shifted accordingly from merely helping clients pick funds or investments to helping clients outline their long-term goals, tax filing, retirement strategies, estate and succession planning and all the rest.

If you missed the earlier videos and accompanying introductory blogs, you can find them below:

Who gets the Porsche, you or your investment advisor? (Sept 30)

Don’t assume investment performance is due to manager skill  (Oct 7)

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