Will fin-tech disrupt the asset-based model for dispensing financial advice?

Cute RobotMy latest Financial Post blog reports on the Radius Exchange Traded Forum 2016 conference that began on Tuesday and continues Wednesday at the Design Exchange in Toronto.

You can find the full blog by clicking on this highlighted headline: Robo Advisers and ETFs prove it’s time for a new financial advice fee structure. 

That model, described before here at the Hub, consists of taking advantage of the scaling possibilities of so-called “fin tech” (financial technology) like robo advisers and the underlying ETF structures, and moving from an asset-based model based on a percentage of client wealth, and moving to a Netflix-like monthly subscription model.

Needless to say, not everyone in the established financial industry is thrilled by that prospect. To quote one of the experts cited, “Index funds are like garlic to vampires for Wall Street.”

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