Debt & Frugality

As Didi says in the novel (Findependence Day), “There’s no point climbing the Tower of Wealth when you’re still mired in the basement of debt.” If you owe credit-card debt still charging an usurous 20% per annum, forget about building wealth: focus on eliminating that debt. And once done, focus on paying off your mortgage. As Theo says in the novel, “The foundation of financial independence is a paid-for house.”

Study: Coronavirus Pandemic creating Tax Problems that could get worse in 2021

By Mike Brown, LendEDU

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Americans struggling to repay their 2019 taxes in the midst of a recession has been just another issue to deal with during the coronavirus pandemic.

Recognizing this, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) actually extended the filing and payment deadline for 2019 tax obligations from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020.

The extension may have temporarily stopped the bleeding, yet there’s a looming tax debt crisis that has the potential to boil over in 2021 when 2020 taxes are due.

That’s because millions of Americans took to relying on unemployment benefits, retirement funds, or stock sales to stay afloat amidst the pandemic recession.

All of those things could lead to a heavier tax obligation in 2021, and with many people still out of work and struggling to get by, the country could be looking at staggering tax debt numbers next year.

The U.S. tax gap (total outstanding tax debt) currently hovers around $400 billion, but that figure could approach crisis levels after next year’s tax season.

To capture the struggles from the 2020 tax season and also the fears regarding the 2021 tax season, LendEDU surveyed 1,000 adult Americans to better understand what the average taxpayer has been dealing with during these unprecedented times.

Observations & Analysis

All data is based on an online survey of 1,000 adult Americans commissioned by LendEDU and conducted by research firm Pollfish. The survey was conducted on December 1, 2020. For some questions, the answer percentages may not add up to 100% exactly due to rounding.

17% of Americans laid off because of Pandemic unable to pay all 2019 Taxes

As mentioned above, the IRS extended the deadline to pay 2019 taxes by three months given the financial hardships experienced by many as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and recession.

However, paying all taxes owed by the July 15th deadline was still impossible for many Americans, especially those who have lost jobs due to the pandemic.

Amongst respondents who have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, 17% were not able to pay their 2019 taxes on time and in full.

Many still haven’t filed Tax Returns

Even if you are unable to fully pay all tax obligations by the filing deadline during any given year, you should always file your tax returns on time.

When dealing with the IRS, a failure-to-file penalty is much worse (5% of unpaid taxes for each month your tax return is late, up to 25%) then a failure-to-pay penalty (.5% of unpaid taxes for each month you don’t pay, up to 25%).

Yet still, data from our survey found many Americans that couldn’t pay all their taxes on time also didn’t file on time.

32% of taxpayers who couldn’t pay all 2019 taxes on time didn’t file their taxes by July 15th either. Even worse, 72% of these taxpayers who missed the July 15th filing deadline still have yet to file their tax returns for 2019, which could lead to serious financial and legal troubles.

Amongst respondents who at least have filed their 2019 tax returns despite not being able to fully pay all taxes by July 15th, here’s how many have been able to finally repay all 2019 taxes owed…






With 53% of applicable taxpayers still having tax debt from 2019, we wanted to see how much they have left…

For American taxpayers that still have some amount of tax debt from the 2019 tax year, the average amount remaining is $3,662.

If you are someone that is currently repaying tax debt, you may want to learn more about tax relief as a possible way to settle or reduce your tax bill.

The data from our survey makes it clear that repaying 2019 taxes has been unusually tough, and mass unemployment brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has been a big reason for the struggles.

But the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on the tax system won’t end in 2020 and likely will be more damaging in 2021 as taxes from this unprecedented year will be owed.

Over half worried about next year’s Tax Debt

The 2021 tax season is shaping up to be a brutal one as the full financial ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic and recession develop. Continue Reading…

Four effective ways to make your business more efficient and profitable

By Sia Hasan

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

A phrase you’ll hear over and over again when you run a business is “time is money.” And, for the most part, it’s true. Especially when you have workers paid by the hour, it’s tough not to see their time as a reflection of your business’s value. Most modern offices have lots of wasted time that could easily be trimmed to save everyone a headache, and save you money. These tips will give you some good ways to start saving time.

1.) Software and Automation

Managing a team of people can be tough on your own. Requests for breaks, time off, and sick days add up over time, and you can wind up with a lot of money thrown out the window. Relying on pen and paper systems will frequently become a headache and errors are inevitable. Investing in good management software will save time in more ways than one.

If you’re supervising a team and want a good way to manage their time clocks, a time card calculator is a great tool to have. You can track their productivity as well as their reported hours, giving you a better idea of how their time has actually been spent on a certain task. Automation is also a necessity in modern business, as certain tasks just can’t be done as well by a human as by a machine. Give the monotonous tasks to your software and watch as you gain time back.

 2.) Minimize Distractions

A lot of wasted time during the workday comes down to unnecessary distractions. While it’s good for employees to bond over a conversation in the break room and feel comfortable stopping by each other’s desks for a chat, it’s best to keep these interactions at a reasonable minimum. Encourage employees to take their lunch breaks together to cut down on the need for conversations throughout the work day.

But time can be wasted by work-related interactions, as well. Most meetings can be summarized easily by a mass email, and chat software can easily interrupt an employee’s train of thought, so consider replacing longer meetings with a shorter daily one. Allow employees to turn off their notifications, encouraging them to check their email during specific times, and allow them to have plenty of time for focused and productive work.

3.) Go easy on multitasking

Some individuals truly are great at multitasking, but the truth is, many of us are challenging ourselves to a task we’re not up to. Productivity doesn’t come down to the number of things you’ve worked on in a day, but the volume of work you’ve completed. Allow yourself to prioritize a certain task and work on it until it’s complete. Continue Reading…

4 simple tips for building your Nest Egg and Retiring Early


By Lisa Bigelow 

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Retirement! For many of us, it’s an event so far in the future that it almost seems unreal. Taking active steps to plan and invest for the “golden years” feels unnecessary.

Yet as anyone who’s lived through their 30s and 40s can share, those decades go by quickly. And if you want to retire early, the worst thing you can do is wait to start saving or unintentionally sabotage your portfolio.

Long story short, if you want to retire early (and wealthy), you’ll want to start now. But what does “start” mean when it comes to saving for retirement?

The answer is surprisingly complex. The good news is that learning how to build your nest egg won’t consume all of your free time. With attention and discipline, you can retire early: so let’s get started.

1.) Visualize your future and figure out what that costs

You wouldn’t renovate your kitchen without choosing a style and establishing a budget. Think of building your nest egg the same way: you need a goal and a plan to get there. Sure, you know you want to retire early. But what does retirement look like for you once you’re there? Do you want to travel? Live in your hometown? Play bridge? Take piano lessons? Visualizing your retirement home base and how you’ll spend your free time will help you set your savings goal.

Envisioning a loose plan for what you want your post-work life to look like is a great start. But you’ll also need to take into account inflation and investment returns, among other factors. AARP’s retirement calculator can help you understand where you’ll need to be financially in order to achieve your goal. It will also help you prioritize the actions you’ll want to take now so you can actually get there later.

2.) Pay off debt and reapply the payments

Debt is a normal part of life for most Americans. Buying a home or paying for college often requires taking out a loan, and so does starting a business. Borrowing responsibly in these areas can help you get ahead financially, but other kinds of debt, like high-interest credit card payments, can hinder your retirement savings efforts.

First, if you have education debt and think the scholar-”ship” has sailed, think again. There are actually scholarships that pay off education debt for borrowers who have already graduated. And if you have excellent credit, you can also look into refinancing your student loans.

If you have credit-card debt, personal loans, or other high-interest payments, prioritize paying off those balances in full. If the payments were manageable for your budget, repurpose those payments into building your nest egg instead. Bonus: once you’ve paid those debts, your credit score will probably rise. And that helps you qualify for lower rates when refinancing or taking out a new fixed or adjustable-rate mortgage.

3.) Get sneaky with microsavings so you can live life along the way

Small dollars add up fast. That’s great news for people who want to enjoy life and save for retirement at the same time. If you’re aggressive with microsavings, you’ll have an easier time affording life’s little niceties and still be able to save for retirement at the same time. Continue Reading…

Covid pandemic impacting Canadians’ mental health with worries about rising Debt and Housing


A third of Canadians were financially unprepared for the pandemic, and more than 75% think Covid-19 has impacted their mental health, according to a Manulife Debt Survey released late Tuesday. Young people are particularly concerned that their hopes for home ownership are slipping out of reach: two thirds of Canadians served who do not own a home worry about saving for one. 

A whopping 36% said they worry significantly about saving for a home, while 28% are concerned about supporting their children through post-secondary education (28%) and 28% about saving for retirement.

On average, Canadians have been allocating nearly half their income to essentials like food and housing since COVID-19 began, with 58% of homeowners and 54% of renters worry about making payments.

Manulife Bank CEO Rick Lunny

“Debt can negatively impact mental health and leave Canadians feeling like their financial goals are unachievable. The pandemic has made that even more pronounced,” said Rick Lunny, President and CEO, Manulife Bank. “It’s so important to have financial flexibility, especially when one looks at purchasing a home – it’s easy to feel stressed. Financial conversations are essential to identify opportunities, what matters most and help you stay on track, no matter the financial environment.”

A financially unprepared population

The survey found 35% admit they were financially unprepared for the pandemic. 74% believe their financial situation has been impacted as a result of the pandemic and 69% of them  say the impact has been overall negative: 42% worry that it may take them over a year to recover to pre-COVID-19 levels.

One in four are struggling to keep up with their bills, with one in six laid off due to COVID-19: an equal number say they would have been laid off had it not been for the wage subsidy provided by Ottawa.

Some have flourished

The survey reveals a sharp disparity in how the pandemic has impacted us, with some flourishing as others have been devastated. Manulife views this as evidence of  a K-shaped recovery narrative. On the one hand, while Canadian on average, appear to be saving more compared to a year ago (16%  of after-tax income, on avg. vs. 14%  in Fall 2019), 24% have been saving absolutely no after-tax income compared to the same period last year. Within the indebted population there has been a significant increase in the proportion of those who say everyday living is the cause of their debt: 24%. This suggests more Canadians who are in debt are struggling to make ends meet, even if fewer Canadians (27% debt-free vs. 21% on Fall 2019) are now in debt overall compared to a year ago.

Continue Reading…

The 13 biggest Life Insurance mistakes: Experts’ perspectives


By Lorne Marr, CFP

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

There are numerous life insurance mistakes Canadians are making, and who qualifies better to talk about these mistakes than life insurance experts? We asked numerous life insurance experts to weigh in on the top life insurance mistakes they have seen throughout their careers.

You can find a summary of their replies in the above chart, with more detailed explanations following in their segments (% shows how often a particular mistake has been mentioned).

The top three mistakes are:

1.) Putting off your life insurance purchase until it is too late, or not getting life insurance at all (especially in your younger years).

2.) Not doing a needs analysis and not understanding all possible risks resulting from being underinsured.

3.) Not leveraging the benefits of a permanent life insurance policy due to its higher cost, though there are numerous benefits to this product in the long run.

Tony Bosch, Development Hub Financial

Tony Bosch – Executive Vice President Broker Development Hub Financial

“Life insurance is a key component in most financial and estate plans”

Three key mistakes people make when purchasing life insurance:

  1. Not doing a needs analysis: The first step in any life insurance purchase should be to do a proper needs analysis. People often fail to look at the big picture when buying life insurance. The calculation of how much insurance you need should be more detailed than just having your mortgage paid off or replacing a certain multiple of your income. In determining your life insurance needs it is necessary to determine what amount is actually necessary to “allow your family to maintain their standard of living and pay off outstanding debt”under “less than ideal circumstances,” factoring in that the grieving process and the time to recover emotionally may take several months or even years. Life insurance should provide “financial confidence.” allowing a family time to adapt and adjust to life without a loved one.
  2. Product selection: Life insurance, unlike most forms of insurance, can come in a variety of payment options from low cost term insurance to permanent policies that can build substantial tax sheltered cash values and can help solve estate planning needs and/or serve as an alternative investment. The problem arises when the product selection overrides the need. Clients with a limited budget may be attracted by product features causing them to choose a permanent product with a lower face amount than is required. A family with three kids may like the idea of a shiny sports car but may need a mini van. It is critical to first define the amount of protection required and then choose the product or combination of products that meet this need within a given budget.
  3. Choosing a solution based on price and/or convenience rather than contract guarantees and flexibility: A simple example may be purchasing loan or mortgage insurance through a lending institution. Although this may seem like an easy and convenient solution, it may require additional underwriting at the time of claim, which could result in a claim being denied. A basic renewable and convertible term plan underwritten by an insurance company may take a little more time to set up, but in most instances provides a better and more flexible policy that can adapt to your changing needs.

Life insurance is a key component in most financial and estate plans. Working with an experienced and trusted independent advisor will help make sure you and your family get the life insurance you require with the flexibility to adjust to your changing needs.

Michael Liem, Canada Protection Plan

Michael Liem – Canada Protection Plan Regional Vice President

“Don’t put it off until it is too late.”
  1. Putting it off until it is too late: Even though Canada Protection Plan can help get life insurance for people with medical or lifestyle issues, I think it is always best to get insurance when you don’t need it and when you are healthy. It’s not how much you can afford, but rather how healthy you are that gets you the best insurance options.
  2. Not telling anyone about your life policy: People get a life insurance policy but when they pass away, some beneficiaries don’t even know about it. I always suggest that advisors should acquire contact information for the beneficiaries and where possible, introduce themselves because these beneficiaries will most likely be contacting the advisor to make a claim.
  3. Regularly reviewing a client’s policy: So many advisors provide the initial policy but never review them. People’s lives are constantly changing and they may need to adjust or add more coverage. If an advisor never contacts their client, then they should not be surprised when the client switches their business to another advisor.
Lawrence Geller, L.I. Geller Insurance Agencies

Lawrence Geller – President of L.I. Geller Insurance Agencies

 “Everyone has asked to either renew the existing policy or buy a new policy.”

Of the many people who have assured me over the years that they only needed life insurance for a maximum of 10 years, every one has asked to either renew the existing policy or buy a new policy to replace the one that was renewing. Even then, most have deluded themselves by thinking that they would not need the coverage when the term of the contract ended, and almost all have wanted coverage at the end of the term.

Not a single client who bought a guaranteed paid up whole life policy has ever told me that they made the wrong choice of coverage, although many have told me that they wished that they had purchased a larger amount of life insurance.

Daniel Audet – Vice President Assumption Life

Daniel Audet, Assumption Life

“Don’t gamble on being uninsured.”

The top life insurance mistake, from a consumer’s perspective, has to be the choice to gamble on being uninsured (or underinsured).

LIMRA reported a year ago in 2019 that 32 per cent of Canadian households do not have any life insurance coverage, while 56 per cent of Canadian households do not have any individual life coverage. Everyone would agree that there are more pleasant things to consider and address than the risk of dying prematurely, and that may be the reason why so many Canadians are shying away from a proper assessment. More likely, the observation comes from a knowledge gap of the risk and associated loss. Many Canadians would not necessarily consider themselves as gamblers, meanwhile the chosen approach of not buying insurance (or not buying enough) is very similar to that of a gambler’s behavior. The gambler “invests” a little wager with a small probability of a large payoff. In comparison the non-insured “saves” paying a small premium hoping he/she wouldn’t die with a significant financial burden. Both types of gamblers have small amounts involved when compared to what is at stake, and the odds of the event, while relatively small, can have a significant impact. They are just at both ends of the spectrum: the casino gambler hoping for the big win, and the life gambler neglecting to consider the major financial loss.

Turning a blind eye to the needs of paying final expenses, replacing income, paying off the mortgage, or paying the estate bills, and choosing not to be insured (or underinsured) is essentially just like gambling the financial state of the loved ones left behind. Several Canadians, when asked why they do not own life insurance, have stated they could not afford it (27 per cent) or that they had other financial priorities (25 per cent). Continue Reading…