Tag Archives: home warranties

How to save money through home warranties

It’s a line often touted by lenders. “Mortgages are cheaper than rent,” they say. On the surface, it’s usually true. In some urban cores, many properties are grossly overpriced. However, like most sales pitches, there’s something they aren’t telling you.

Home ownership carries with it substantial financial responsibilities. In addition to your monthly mortgage payments, you’ll owe property taxes to your municipality. Do you live in a condominium? If so, you’ll also owe building fees, which pay for the upkeep of shared systems, common areas, and landscaping.

And then there is household maintenance. Every year, Americans spend an average of US$2,000 per year just to keep their homes intact. And that’s just an average: the average American household is now 37 years old. As a result, many spend more than US$2K a year on their house.

These expenses would only be mildly annoying if the economy were genuinely thriving. However, despite the stock market reaching record highs, more Americans than ever are struggling financially. 40% of us can’t cover a sudden $400 expense, and a whopping 78% live paycheck-to-paycheck.

More than ever, we’re looking for ways to rein in costs. Misguidedly, some opt to forego maintenance. This approach always backfires, though. A famous maxim says it best: pay me now or pay me (a lot more) later.

Instead, we recommend you investigate home warranties. Depending on your circumstances, they could save hundreds or even THOUSANDS per year. In this blog post, we’ll explain what home warranties are and if it is the right solution for you and your family.

What are home warranties, and how do they work?

Home warranties have been around since the 1970s. Until recently, though, most Americans had no idea what they were. Rodney Martin, CEO of America’s Preferred Home Warranty, says only 3-4% of households had them as of 2015.

There’s a simple reason why home warranties haven’t caught on. In earlier generations, the age of the average home was younger. As a result, maintenance costs were lower. Fast forward to 2018: that year, the average house in America was pushing 40 years old.

Maintenance costs are steadily rising. People are looking for answers. Accordingly, interest in home warranties is increasing.

So, what exactly are home warranties? In a nutshell, they are contracts that cover the repair/replacement cost of appliances and systems. All machines eventually break. Because it’s an expected outcome, though, homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover them. Home warranties fill in this gaping hole, providing their holders with badly-needed peace of mind.

Let’s say your dishwasher grinds to a halt. Stepping over a river of leaking water, you grab your phone and call your home warranty provider. After confirming they cover your issue, they dispatch a repair technician. Apart from a nominal service fee, you pay nothing more out-of-pocket.

How can a home warranty save me money?

You might still be skeptical. After all, getting a home warranty means investing significant capital in something you’re unfamiliar with. Think of it like this: right now, the average American spends US$2,000 per year maintaining their home. Some years it’s less, but in others, it’s more. Continue Reading…