Tag Archives: imagination

Millennials: Visualize the Future, then make it Reality

Excel concept as a creative solution to a challenge as a businessman crossing a complicated maze or labyrinth with a bridge made from a rainbow as a success metaphor for visualizing a future accomplishment or virtual reality.By Helen Chevreau, Hub Staff 

We millennials are often told to visualize our future, then go out there and make it happen. But like so many things in life, this is more easily said than done.

Let me start with a disclaimer:  Though finances are at the root of this week’s post, it’s mostly focused on spending our time and money on what we really want, as opposed to what society thinks we should want. ‘Should’ is a word I’ve come to decide to avoid at all costs.

As millennials, we get so focused on making sure we become good grownups that sometimes we forget just what we want it to mean. Do you want to become a good grownup by owning property, or is that just what everyone has told you makes a good grownup?

Could you be a good grownup by being completely financially self-sufficient while living the life you always wanted? Or do you think that being a good grownup means sometimes saying ‘no’ when you’d like to say ‘OMG YES PLEASE ALL OF THEM AND DO THEY COME IN RED?’

Clearly, being a ‘good grownup’ means different things to different people, which means it’s super important to define to yourself what you believe makes one. If you spend these valuable years working toward someone else’s dream, you could end up in a bad place.

Benefits of Imagination

A wonderful way to figure out what you want from life is to visualize or imagine it. Imagine yourself in your ideal place, doing the job you’d do even if they weren’t paying you. Daydreaming is a great way to escape the stresses of modern millennial life, Continue Reading…