By Ed Rempel, CFP, CMA
Special to the Financial Independence Hub
What is financial independence? How do you get there?
Financial independence means work is optional. You have enough money to live the way you want without having to earn money.
When you get there, life changes. You have freedom. You can do only what you enjoy or find meaningful.
If you don’t like your job or your boss, just quit. Your life is full of options. You can make the most of your own life.
When you get there, you can have a quiet confidence. You are financially secure.
Your plan should start with understanding your inner motivation and defining specifically the lifestyle you want to have once you are financially independent. It is your opportunity to determine your future.
Becoming financially independent requires planning and effort, but it is worthwhile to live a more fulfilling life. “It’s not about the money. It’s about your life.”
“Real freedom is financial freedom.” When is your Findependence Day?
Achieving financial independence is a very broad topic. Writing nearly 1,000 comprehensive, professional financial plans specifically for real Canadians has given me a deep insight into what really works.
Seminar in Toronto this Wednesday evening
I am doing a seminar and webinar jointly with Jonathan Chevreau and Mike Drak, which includes an overview of everything you need to know to manage your money confidently.
The 6 steps to become financially independent:
1.) Understand your inner motivation. Make your life goals meaningful for you.
2.) Get a professional, written financial plan. A financial plan is your GPS to the life you want. It is the answer to your money worries. Understand what a financial plan is and how it benefits you.
3.) Effective Investing – The 3 important things you need to understand to invest effectively and achieve your life goals.
4.) Effective mindset. “The enemy is us.”
5.) Effective strategies that might help you. Introduction to 8 strategies that could make a huge difference in your life.
6.) Work with a planning-focused advisor. Understand how an planning-focused advisor benefits you.
Jonathan will talk about his financial novel, Findependence Day. How you can achieve Findependence.
Mike Drak will talk about his & Jonathan’s best seller, Victory Lap Retirement. Create a vibrant, healthy, low-stress, sustainable lifestyle.
“Real freedom is financial freedom.” When is your Findependence Day?
Registration is required, so we know how many people to expect. Sign up at:
Ed Rempel, CPA, CMA, CFP is a popular financial blogger, fee-for-service financial planner, and an expert in many advanced tax & investment strategies. He is a certified financial planner with a unique understanding of how to be successful financially based on extensive real-life experience, having written nearly 1,000 comprehensive personal financial plans. He has been an active blogger for more than 10 years. He loves sharing his insights on his blog “Unconventional Wisdom” at