Longevity & Aging

No doubt about it: at some point we’re neither semi-retired, findependent or fully retired. We’re out there in a retirement community or retirement home, and maybe for a few years near the end of this incarnation, some time to reflect on it all in a nursing home. Our Longevity & Aging category features our own unique blog posts, as well as blog feeds from Mark Venning’s ChangeRangers.com and other experts.

How to Prepare for Retirement as a Midwife

Midwives play a rather important role in maternal healthcare. They provide crucial support to expectant mothers before, during, and after childbirth. While the focus of midwifery is on delivering excellent care to patients, it’s equally important for midwives to have a financial plan in place for themselves. Here’s a look at how midwives can prepare.

Adobe Stock Image courtesy logicalposition.com

By Dan Coconate

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Retirement planning is a critical step in ensuring Financial Independence and peace of mind after years of dedication to a meaningful career.

For midwives, who are often focused on caring for others, planning for their own future can sometimes take a backseat. This guide emphasizes how to prepare for retirement as a midwife so that you can build a solid plan that focuses on future financial strategies, career development, and truly golden years.

Get Familiar with your Financial Landscape

To plan effectively for retirement, you need a clear understanding of your financial situation, goals, and needs. Start by calculating your current income, savings, and any existing retirement benefits. Many midwives work as independent contractors or part-time employees, which can often mean fluctuating income. Identify what portion of your earnings you can set aside monthly for retirement savings.

Review any benefits offered by your employer, such as pensions or retirement savings programs, such as 401(k). If these aren’t included, consider opening a traditional or Roth IRA. Understanding your financial opportunities and constraints will form the foundation of your retirement strategy.

Explore Savings Plans and Investment Opportunities

Midwives often face unique challenges in saving for retirement due to irregular salaries or periods of self-employment. That’s why exploring diverse savings plans and investment opportunities is critical.

Consider options, such as SEP IRAs, which allow self-employed midwives to contribute higher amounts than personal IRA plans. Diversifying investments can also bolster your long-term savings. Look into index funds, bonds, or low-risk mutual funds to create a balanced portfolio. Remember, the earlier you start, the more time your compounding interest will grow your nest egg. Continue Reading…

7 Tips to Save on Health Insurance in 2025

Image courtesy Pexels: Leeloo The First

By Evan Tunis

Special to Financial Independence Hub

As healthcare costs continue to rise, finding ways to save on health insurance is becoming increasingly important.

In 2025, it is estimated that the average American family will spend over $25,000 a year on healthcare expenses.

This high cost not only affects individuals and families but also puts a strain on the overall economy.


Here are 7 tips to save on health insurance in 2025

Compare Plans

With the rise of online marketplaces, comparing health insurance plans has become easier than ever. Take the time to shop around and compare different plans from various providers. Consider factors such as premiums, deductibles, and coverage options before making your decision. You may find a plan that offers the same coverage for a lower cost.

Consider High-deductible Plans

High-deductible health plans (HDHPs) typically have lower premiums but higher deductibles. This means you will pay less each month for insurance, but will have to pay more out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. If you are generally healthy and do not require frequent medical care, an HDHP could save you money in the long run.

Utilize Preventive Care Services

Many health insurance plans cover preventive care services at no additional cost to the patient. Take advantage of these services — such as check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations — to catch any potential health issues early on and avoid expensive treatments in the future. Continue Reading…

Estate Planning Checklist for Entrepreneurs

Photo courtesy Pexels/Featured.com

By Robert Theofanis

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Estate planning is like going to the dentist. Everyone knows they should do it. But whether it’s getting your teeth drilled or contemplating your mortality, we’d all rather fill our time with just about anything else.

For entrepreneurs, this problem is even more acute. Your business depends on you, and high-priority items constantly appear at the top of your to-do list.

What I’ve found as an estate planning attorney is that my clients can get more done when we approach estate planning in a systematic way. This post contains an actionable plan for entrepreneurs like you to design and implement an estate plan.

I’ve organized the list by priority, with the most critical items first:

Obtain Term Life Insurance

If you have minor children, life insurance is the most important component of your estate plan. Most parents of young children simply haven’t had enough time to accumulate sufficient wealth to sustain a family without any additional income.

I like term insurance for this baseline protection because it’s cheaper than a permanent policy.

I also recommend that both parents have policies. Irrespective of who earns the income, both parents contribute to the household.

For the benefit amount, err on the side of more coverage and consider purchasing separate policies (e.g., two $1 million policies rather than one $2 million policy). This allows you to scale back the coverage amount without dropping coverage entirely.

If you don’t have children yet but are planning to, I still suggest getting coverage now. Life insurance premiums increase with age and pregnancy-related health issues may make it difficult to secure coverage later.

Create a Revocable Living Trust

A basic revocable living trust is the foundational legal document for an estate plan. Its purpose is to keep you and your property out of conservatorship and probate proceedings.

Included in this step is creating the other estate planning legal documents:

  • A pour-over will ensures that all property is distributed in accordance with the terms of your living trust, even if it’s inadvertently left out of the trust;
  • A durable power-of-attorney authorizes a financial agent to conduct transactions on your behalf if you’re incapacitated;
  • A medical directive authorizes a healthcare agent to make medical decision for you if you are unable to and specified your healthcare and end-of-life wishes (in some states, two separate documents are prepared for this purpose);
  • A guardian nomination appoints a guardian to raise your minor children if you are unable to.

Be sure to actually fund the trust! This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. This involves transferring title to real property, opening new financial accounts (bank, brokerage, etc.), and updating beneficiary designations.

Establish and Implement a Written Financial Plan

Estate planning is more than just creating a set of legal documents. It’s a multifaceted plan to achieve positive outcomes for you and your loved ones. So, while the first two items on this list are about limiting your downside, this item concerns your upside. Continue Reading…

Book Review: Retirement Income for Life (3rd edition)

ECW Press

By Michael J. Wiener

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Actuary Frederick Vettese has a third edition of his excellent book, Retirement Income for Life: Getting More Without Saving More.

He explains methods of making your retirement savings produce more income over your entire retirement.

These methods include controlling investment fees, optimizing the timing of starting CPP and OAS pensions, annuities, Vettese’s free Personal Enhanced Retirement Calculator (PERC), and using reverse mortgages as a backstop if savings run out.

This third edition adds new material about how to deal with higher inflation, CPP expansion, new investment products as potential replacements for annuities, and improvements to Vettese’s retirement calculator PERC.  Rather than repeat material from my review of the second edition, I will focus on specific areas that drew my attention.


“We can no longer take low inflation for granted.”  “An annuity does nothing to lessen inflation risk, which should be a greater worry than it was before the pandemic.”  “We could have practically ignored inflation risk before COVID hit but certainly not now.”

It’s true that inflation is a potential concern for the future, but it’s wrong to say that it was okay to ignore inflation in the past.  Not considering the possibility of inflation rising was a mistake many people made in the past.  We were lulled by many years of low inflation into being unprepared for its rise starting in 2021, just as many years of safety in bonds left us unprepared for the battering of long-term bonds when interest rates rose sharply.

Inflation risk is always present, and financial planners who have treated it as a fixed constant were making a mistake before inflation rose, just as they would be wrong to do so now.  This underappreciation of inflation risk is what causes people to say that standard long-term bonds (with no inflation protection) are safe to hold to maturity.  In fact, they are risky because of inflation uncertainty.

People’s future spending obligations are mostly linked to real prices that rise with inflation, not fixed nominal amounts.  The uncertainty in future inflation should be respected just as we respect uncertainty in stock market returns.

Maximizing retirement income

Vettese does a good job of explaining that things like CPP, OAS, and annuities provide more income now because they offer your estate little or nothing after you die.  To make full use of this book, you need to understand this fact, and “you have to commit to the idea that your main objectives are to maximize your retirement income and ensure it lasts a lifetime.”

Spending shocks

Retirees should “set aside somewhere between 3 percent and 5 percent of their spendable income each year, specifically to deal with spending shocks.”  “This reserve might not totally cover all the shocks that people … might encounter, but it will definitely soften their impact.”

It’s easy to plug a smooth future spending pattern into a spreadsheet, but real life is much messier than this.  I’ve seen cases of retirees choosing to spend some safe percentage from their savings while also expecting to be able to dip in anytime something big and unplanned for comes up.  This is a formula for running out of retirement savings early.

Retirement income targets

In this third edition, Vettese assumes that retiree spending will rise with inflation until age 70, then rise one percentage point below inflation during one’s 70s, two percentage points below inflation from age 80 to 84, then 1.8% below at 85, 1.6% below at 86, 1.4% below at 87, 1.2% below at 88, 1% below at 89, and rising with inflation again thereafter.

This plan is based on several academic studies of how retirees spend.  I don’t doubt the results from these studies, but I do have a problem with basing my plan exclusively on the average of what other people do.  The average Canadian smokes two cigarettes a day.  Does that mean I should too?

The academic studies mix together results from retirees who spent sensibly with those who overspent early and were forced to cut back.  I don’t want to base my retirement plan partially on the actions of retirees who made poor choices.  Similarly, I prefer to base my smoking behaviour on those Canadians who don’t smoke. Continue Reading…

How to Maximize Retirement Income with Hobbies

In retirement, hobbies, believe it or not, can seamlessly transition into income-generating ventures: thus presenting an opportunity for older adults to monetize their passions. Whether it’s woodworking, photography, gardening, or crafting, the key lies in recognizing the market demand for these skills or products and strategically positioning oneself to capitalize on it. Here’s a quick look on discovering how collecting and small businesses can boost your finances in your later years.


Image Adobe Stock/Pikselstock

By Dan Coconate

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Retirement offers a perfect time to turn hobbies into profitable ventures. Many retirees seek ways to supplement income through hobbies that provide both enjoyment and financial rewards.

Choosing hobbies with financial benefits allows you to maximize retirement income with hobbies while staying engaged in activities you love. The right hobby can provide personal fulfillment and a steady income stream that supports your retirement goals.

Explore Collecting as an Investment

Collecting serves as one of the most effective ways to generate income. Collectibles like vintage items, rare artifacts, and diecast car models can appreciate over time. Market trends and knowledge about item values help collectors make smart investment decisions.

Limited-edition diecast car models typically increase in value, offering a return on investment. Collectors who stay informed about market demand can identify items with the most potential for appreciation. Adopting eco-friendly collecting practices for diecast model cars enhances the long-term value of your collection and supports environmental conservation.

Turn Hobbies into a Small Business

Starting a small business based on a hobby provides another income source. Retirees can transform passions like crafting, gardening, or baking into profitable enterprises. Selling handmade goods, plants, or homemade treats on platforms like Etsy or at local markets offers a steady income stream.

Consider expanding your hobby-based business by offering workshops or classes. Teaching others how to create or maintain their own collections or crafts can generate additional income. For example, a retiree who enjoys gardening can teach a course on growing and maintaining a garden.

Monetize Knowledge and Expertise

Sharing knowledge and expertise related to your hobbies can also generate income. Retirees can offer workshops, create online courses, or write e-books to teach others about their hobbies.

This method monetizes your passion and keeps your mind active and engaged. For example, if you have extensive knowledge of vintage car models, you could create an online course or write a book about the history and intricacies of collecting these items.

Invest in Appreciating Assets

Hobbies that involve acquiring appreciating assets, such as art collecting, antique restoration, or wine collecting, offer financial rewards over time. These assets often gain value as they age, providing an additional source of income in retirement. Staying informed about market trends and seeking expert advice ensures that your investments yield the best possible returns. Continue Reading…