
9 top Personal Tips for Long-Term Index Fund Investments

Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels

Long-term investments in index funds can secure your financial future, but what strategies do the experts use? In this article, insights from business leaders and Financial Officers shed light on successful investment tactics.

Learn why diversifying across sectors and regions is crucial, and discover the benefits of adopting a set-it-and-forget-it approach.

This post compiles nine valuable tips to help you navigate your investment journey.



  • Diversify Across Sectors and Regions
  • Start Early and Invest Consistently
  • Maintain Consistency Through Market Fluctuations
  • Stay the Course During Market Downturns
  • Diversify Across Global Markets
  • Avoid Over-Diversifying with Index Funds
  • Automate and Regularly Invest
  • Stick with a Single Index Fund
  • Adopt a Set-It-and-Forget-It Approach

Diversify across Sectors and Regions

When I invest in index funds for the long-run, I like to spread my money across different sectors and regions. This way, I’m not putting all my eggs in one basket, and can buffer against any market downturn. I also regularly rebalance my portfolio to keep everything in the right proportions as the markets move. By consistently adding to my investments, and avoiding the urge to time the market, I’ve found a reliable way to achieve steady growth over time. — Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

Start Early and Invest Consistently

The approach is simple: Start early and invest consistently, regardless of market conditions. This method, known as dollar-cost averaging, has proven effective based on my analysis of market trends and investment patterns.

Here’s the gist: Choose a broad, low-cost index fund (like one tracking the S&P 500) and invest in it regularly: monthly or quarterly. The key is maintaining this routine even during market turbulence.

This strategy works by removing the stress of timing the market and allowing you to buy more shares when prices dip. Over time, this can lead to significant returns. — Markus Kraus, Founder, Trading Verstehen

Maintain Consistency through Market Fluctuations

One key tip for long-term investments in index funds is consistency. Regularly invest through dollar-cost averaging, regardless of market fluctuations. This strategy reduces the impact of market volatility and allows you to benefit from compounding returns over time. Additionally, stay focused on your long-term goals and avoid reacting to short-term market noise. Patience and discipline are essential when investing in index funds, as they provide steady growth over extended periods. — Jocarl Zaide, Chief Financial Officer, SAFC

Stay the Course during Market Downturns

One personal tip for making long-term investments in index funds is to stay the course and avoid timing the market. Index funds are designed to mirror the performance of entire markets, and over the long term, markets tend to grow despite short-term volatility. Based on my experience, consistently investing — even during market downturns — through a strategy like dollar-cost averaging can help smooth out the effects of market fluctuations and take advantage of buying opportunities when prices are lower.

Patience is key. By keeping a long-term perspective and regularly contributing to your index fund, you allow compound growth to work in your favor. Resist the urge to react to market drops by selling or trying to predict market highs, as this often results in missed gains. The power of index funds lies in their diversification and ability to grow with the broader market over time, making them a reliable choice for long-term wealth-building. — Rose Jimenez, Chief Finance Officer,

Diversify across Global Markets

My top recommendation for long-term index-fund investing is to diversify across global markets. While many investors focus solely on domestic indices, incorporating international exposure can significantly enhance your portfolio’s resilience and growth potential. Consider allocating a portion of your investments to index funds tracking developed and emerging markets worldwide. This approach helps spread risk across different economic cycles and currencies, potentially smoothing out returns over time.

On top of that, as the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, you’ll be better positioned to capture growth opportunities wherever they arise. Remember, diversification doesn’t guarantee profits or protect against losses, but it’s a powerful tool for managing risk. Regularly review and adjust your global allocation based on changing market conditions and your risk tolerance, always keeping your long-term objectives in sight. — Brandon Aversano, CEO, The Alloy Market Continue Reading…

Self care isn’t a bubble bath and a yoga class, it’s multiple streams of income

By Alain Guillot

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Self care is having multiple streams of income

I see it all over social media, people promoting self care while taking a bubble bath, or attending a yoga class. The problem is that most who need self care, can’t afford it. And those who can afford it, don’t need it.

You’ll see Elon musk, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or Mark Zuckerberg promoting the idea of going to the spa and getting a massage and a bubble bath. They don’t need it. They have multiple streams of income and don’t feel the stress of someone who’s struggling to pay the rent.

Traditionally, self-care has been associated with activities that promote mental, emotional, and physical well-being, such as taking a bubble bath or practicing yoga.

Do you know what’s the major cause of stress, anxiety and depression? Lack of money.

Most of the problems we have are money related: housing, car payments, retirement, etc. If we have several streams of income, most of our problems would dissolve.

A bubble bath is nice but several streams of income is nicer

Here is a list of how having several streams of income can be the most important form of self-care: Continue Reading…

A Password Dividend: Living your Dreams on $4,000 a month (US)

Image courtesy

By Billy and Akaisha Kaderli,

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Once someone learns that we retired at the age of 38 in 1991 and have been traveling the world ever since, they ask, “How could you afford such a lifestyle? It must cost a fortune for airfare, to live in guesthouses, hotels, apartments and eating out!”

When we tell them that this lifestyle hasn’t cost us anything — in fact, we made money — they’re floored. Remember, it’s a lifestyle, not a vacation.

When we left the conventional working world in January, 1991, the S&P 500 Index was 312.49. Today it is over 5300. That’s an average of roughly a 10% per year return including dividends. See the calculator below.

The S&P 500 Dividends Reinvested Price Calculator

Sure, we had expenses, but our net worth has outpaced both spending and inflation because we created a money machine.

The cost of not retiring

Whenever we’re considering a trip, we ask ourselves, “Can we afford it?” Our answer shocks some: “We can’t afford not to go.”

We’re no spring chickens at 72. We’ve experienced enough in life to know that we will be more disappointed if we don’t try new things than if we make mistakes at the ones we attempt. We’re only getting one shot at this life, and find that our travel list is getting longer, not shorter.

Over the years many of our friends have passed on: some who never got a chance to retire from their jobs, and they had plenty of money. For the last 3 decades we have been spending about $30,000 per year. We have mentioned a few times about loosening the purse strings and this is what we have done.

We have seen dozens of countries, stayed in resort hotels, purchased new computer equipment and digital toys, refreshed our wardrobes countless times, drank fine wine, had maids, gardeners, and ate at some of the most fashionable restaurants in the world. We have hiked, biked, and scuba’d, lived on tropical islands and in million dollar homes, lived with the Maya, met musicians and magicians and generally enlarged our perspective about the world.

After all this traveling, spending and inflation, our net worth is still higher than when we retired.

So how much did this lifestyle really cost us? Continue Reading…

Conducting a Full Financial Audit: A Guide for Small Businesses

Image courtesy Pexels; Pavel Danilyuk

By Crizel Carbellido

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Business finances are important for any company to pay attention to, but perhaps more so for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) given their limited capital and their need to make the most out of every single buck.

Errors or miscalculations in an SME’s financial records can potentially lead to disastrous consequences, such as an untimely shortage of funds, inefficient business decisions due to wrong financial forecasts, and — if worse comes to worst — a state of being in the red.

One of the best safeguards against troubles like these is a full financial audit. To that end, here is a quick guide on what financial audits entail, why they’re a must for your small business, and how to prepare for one.

Accounting vs. Auditing

To rookie entrepreneurs who are just getting a handle on their business finances, accounting and auditing may seem like the same thing: and the latter may even seem unnecessary. However, these processes actually serve different purposes.

While accounting is concerned with the regular record-keeping of a business’s financial transactions, auditing is a less frequent procedure meant to check if those records are indeed accurate and error-free. In addition, given that a financial auditor is typically an independent party, their services are invaluable for providing an unbiased look into a business’s finances and giving an entrepreneur a more objective appraisal of their company’s financial standing.

What are the Benefits of a Full Financial Audit?

To those who know the process better, getting a full financial audit yields multiple benefits for small businesses. One is that it helps spot any inconsistencies or errors made during the bookkeeping and accounting process. As mentioned above, identifying and correcting those mistakes are crucial for ensuring that an entrepreneur is basing their business decisions on accurate data.

Having an audited financial statement on hand can be helpful when dealing with various financial institutions, such as some business banking Philippines providers, just in case they happen to need exhaustive documentation about the business’s financial standing. If you’re exploring a banking solution like the Philippines’ Maya Business Deposit or financing through Maya Flexi Loan, it would be a good idea to complete a full financial audit of your SME first.

A financial audit can also be beneficial for cost-cutting measures, as the process will allow you to identify areas where you might be overspending and pinpoint expenses to be streamlined.

Lastly, having your business audited will make it easier for you to spot fraudulent activities from bad actors in your company. That means that you’ll also have better chances of neutralizing them quickly and, overall, improve the integrity of your financial processes.

In turn, this could elevate the reputation and credibility of your business: especially among potential investors, as they can be assured that you’re constantly on top of your finances.

Tips for Overseeing a Smooth Audit

Philippine businesses whose gross annual sales have reached or exceeded a sum of PHP 3 million are required by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to submit an audited financial statement (AFS) every year. If your small business happens to meet that threshold, then you’ll need to work with a third-party auditor to conduct a financial audit on your business for full compliance with the country’s laws.

To make sure that the auditing process goes smoothly, have all the pertinent records prepared beforehand. Include your ledgers, financial statements, tax-related documents, and other accounting records. You can lessen the burden of collating all these documents by ensuring that your day-to-day record-keeping is transparent and organized, so that there won’t be a need for a last-minute scramble to locate what’s necessary. Continue Reading…

How to navigate all the newish alternatives to Twitter/X

Image from The Verge

It’s been two years since Elon Musk acquired the former Twitter, now X. That led to a steady Xodus (sorry!) of hundreds of thousands or millions of formerly loyal users to new platforms like Mastodon and, the following summer, Facebook’s Threads.

Since last week’s shocking re-election of Donald Trump, another wave of X users has left for bluer pastures, this time for Bluesky, founded in part by former X co-creator Jack Dorsey, and some venture capitalists.

There is also a surge of Xpatriates moving to the decentralized Mastodon service. Mastodon creator Eugen Rochko posted Friday on Mastodon that it has benefited from the Xodus as well. Official “app downloads are up 47% on IOS and 17% on Android.” Sign-ups are up roughly 27% compared to the previous month, with 90,000 new accounts.

Thus far, though, Bluesky has drawn more media attention this week. Bluesky has been around since 2021 but had a slow start, beginning with an “invitation-only” approach to big names or those with massive followings. It is now wide open and free to all comers.

But the floodgates have really opened since last week’s election and Musk’s infiltration of the new Trump 2.0 administration. A million new users flocked to Bluesky in the last week alone, bringing the total user base to 15 million, according to Time.  I am one of them, joining on Remembrance Day.

Truth to tell, (certainly not Truth Social!) I had NOT planned to join Bluesky, as I am already on Mastodon, Threads and — oh yeah — Linked In and Facebook. Since I have not yet left X, I felt 5 or 6 social media platforms was probably two or three too many. Even so, some contacts at X the past week suggested I try Bluesky as well, saying the new rush of sign-ups was reminiscent of the good old days of early Twitter.

So, somewhat reluctantly, I signed up, using the same handle as on most of my other accounts: @JonChevreau. I guess part of my reasoning was that when it comes to handles it’s a bit of a land grab and I didn’t want someone else posing as me at Bluesky. That appears to have happened to Mad Money’s Jim Cramer.

Now I’d be the first to say it’s ridiculous to be active on half a dozen social media accounts. It would be nearly impossible for someone with a full-time job and long commute but as I am semi-retired and work from home, it is (barely) manageable. Like most journalists, I’m a bit of a news junkie, though my focus is primarily financial (hence this website) and secondarily, politics (on the theory that politics is always going to impact our personal Financial Independence).

Social media splitting into Red and Blue Silos

Many journalists on X have been agonizing about staying there as standards have slipped under Musk and the site is rife with misinformation, most of it right of centre. In fact at Mastodon, we generally refer to X as “the Hell site.” I see broadcaster Don Lemon just announced his departure from X and arrival on Bluesky.

The problem is of course that many of us have spent the better part of 10 or 15 years building a large network of followers on X. In my case, I restrict most of my X posts to financial content, if only to promote the latest blog from this site. To the extent site sponsors like to see their guest blogs on the site promoted as much as possible on various social media, it’s hard to make the break. It takes years to build up a following in the tens of thousands.

But between Musk buying X and now joining the incoming Trump administration, the die seems to have been inevitably cast. Social media has fragmented into political siloes. X is now a Trump propaganda machine that amplifies what Trump’s own Truth Social was doing. It’s in effect Pravda for the incoming Republican White House. Call it the Red Silo. That was likely the main reason Lemon finally departed.

What you might call the “Resistance” is Threads, Bluesky and to a lesser extent Mastodon, which together I think of as the “Blue Silo.” But in addition to departures from X, I’m also seeing lots of Threads users moving this week to Bluesky: some abandoning it altogether and others opting to become “dual citizens.” One frustration I have myself with Threads is the current limit of following no more than 7500 people. Because of the still-common practice of “reciprocal following,” that policy also curtails Follower growth to a similar number.

Let me go through my evolving personal strategy for navigating these sites. I’ll list these in the order in which I tend to use them first thing in the morning and periodically throughout the day and often evening.

1.) Mastodon

This is my first port of call, even though my Follower account there after two years is less than 10% of what it is on X. Mastodon seems to me to be a bit of a Blue (i.e. U.S. Democrat) silo, as are the next two sites I’ll list: Threads and Bluesky. Presumably many liberal Canadians are sympathetic to that political orientation although things could change soon.

Why do I give Mastodon priority? For several reasons. First, it’s NOT owned by a single billionaire who can upset the apple cart and change the rules on some arbitrary whim. As I explained in a similar post to today’s when I joined Mastodon two years ago — Life After Twitter — unlike the centralized Twitter platform (or indeed Threads or Bluesky), Mastodon is decentralized.

That’s the first thing you need to know about it when signing on. First you have to pick a server, which is run by volunteers around the world. I often get pushback from people checking out alternatives who are under the impression Mastodon is too technical.

It’s not really: all these platforms behave in a similar way, albeit with subtle differences. The main stumbling block with Mastodon is picking the “instance,” which is another word for server. I picked one of the few (or only?) Canadian ones: It’s also called Mastodon Canada and bills itself as being run by Canadians for Canadians. Note too that  Mastodon is spelt with the letter o in two places, NOT the letter “a”!

The other big reason I prefer Mastodon is that unlike the billionaire-owned centralized platforms, Mastodon does not use an “algorithm” to steer content in your direction. X, Threads and Bluesky all do this to some extent: either they explicitly ask you what kind of content you want or they gradually infer what you want from the content you appear to gravitate to. Down the road, the danger is they will monetize all this for advertisers or other purposes. When they’re free, remember that YOU are the product! Continue Reading…