Tag Archives: Financial Independence

Why Sean Cooper quit his full-time job after 8 years

What a thoughtful goodbye email. Gosh, it’s hard to keep a secret! I guess everyone knows about my mortgage burning story, even my colleagues at work!


By Sean Cooper

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have already heard the big news. After 8 years, I’m quitting my full-time job at the pension consulting firm. I gave my employer plenty of notice. I handed in my resignation 2 months ahead of time. June 1st will be my last day in the office. To celebrate this big career milestone, I’ve booked a weeklong trip to New York City and Boston.

I always planned to quit my full-time job. I just didn’t think it would happen so soon. I’m at a crossroads in my life. I’m 33 years old and not getting any younger. It’s time to make some tough “adult” decisions. I can either take the easy road and keep working for a company where I’m comfortable, or take the hard road and become a full-time entrepreneur. I chose the latter.

Keeping a promise to myself

A promise I made to myself after I burned my mortgage in September 2015 is that I’d slow down and get a better work-life balance. Unfortunately, that just wasn’t happening.

I’m someone who’s super ambitious. So, 6 weeks after burning my mortgage papers, I started writing a book. With the success of my book and speaking career, I’m finding myself busier than ever. I’m probably working harder now than when I was paying down my mortgage (no joke).

I’m still putting in the 80+ hour workweeks, waking up at 6:30AM and working until midnight or 1AM most days – and for what? I’m mortgage-free. I don’t have to work this many hours, but the problem is I love what I do. I enjoy my side hustle as a personal finance journalistmoney coach and speaker more than my full-time job. I couldn’t keep working at this insane pace forever. I was tired all the time. Something had to give.

So with mixed emotions, in early April I made the difficult decision of choosing my budding career as a personal finance expert over my full-time career. It wasn’t an easy choice, but I was ready to make the jump.

Taking a risk

This was probably the most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make. It wasn’t easy to walk away from a steady, full-time job with benefits and a defined benefit pension plan. It was especially difficult for someone as risk adverse as me (I did after all pay off my mortgage in record timing in 3 years).

When I shared the big news with those closest to me – friends, family and coworkers – I didn’t know what to expect. Thankfully everyone has been supportive of my decision. Saying goodbye to my coworkers will be especially tough. My coworkers are like family to me. They were there when I burned my mortgage and launched my book.

It’s going to take me a while to get up and running. Luckily I have time and money. My house is paid off. I also (still) rent out the main floor of my house. The rental income alone can support me. I also have savings to last me for the years to come.

From a personal standpoint, it helps that things are less complicated. I’m single (I’m half joking when I say I’m still looking for a frugal girlfriend). I don’t have a spouse or children to look after. (Although this is a double-edged sword since I don’t have a spouse’s income to rely on either.) I’d probably hesitate to do the same thing if my circumstances were different and I was married with children.

You’ll never get rich working for someone else

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FP: How tax-efficient ETFs can help dividend and fixed-income investors

My latest Financial Post column (on page FP8 of Friday’s paper) looks at how certain tax-efficient ETFs can provide investors with a measure of tax relief in their non-registered portfolios. You can find the full column online by clicking on the highlighted headline here: Friends with Benefits: How ETFS can help keep the taxman at bay.

By definition, investing in taxable (non-registered) accounts is inherently tax inefficient. Outside registered plans, fixed income is the most harshly taxed asset while deferred capital gains is most favorably taxed.

In between are dividends. As anyone who receives T-5 or T-3 slips at tax time knows, dividends create a yearly tax liability, although as Markham-based fee-for-service financial planner Ed Rempel observes, those with annual taxable income under $47,000 will pay little or not tax on Canadian dividends.

Foreign dividends are highly taxed like Canadian interest, but qualifying Canadian dividends generate the dividend tax credit. This eases the pain but retirees are often irked by the dividend “gross-up” rules, which can bump them into higher tax brackets and result in clawback of government benefits like Old Age Security. Continue Reading…

How to develop a Financial Independence mindset if your parents were reckless spenders

By Alex Lawson

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Our parents are our first teachers. We learn our values, our habits, life skills, relationship skills, and many other things from our parents, long before we venture out on our own.

One of the things that people pick up on is financial habits, good or bad. If your parents were reckless spenders, chances are you’re already headed down the same path. The good news is that it’s possible to change your mindset and learn to manage your finances so that you don’t make the same mistakes they did.

Separate yourself from them

The first thing you need to do is realize that you are your own person capable of making your own choices. Don’t tell yourself you’re irresponsible with money just because that’s how you grew up. Make the decision to be different and start telling yourself the opposite. Reinforce the idea that you can be financially responsible and independent regardless of how you grew up, and you’ll be able to start making better choices.

Decide on your goals

Many people that had financially irresponsible parents have never been taught to think about the future. Planning for retirement should begin as soon as you leave college. Do you think you’ll want to retire with enough money to live comfortably as you have been, or are you planning on securing complete financial independence by the time you’re 30? The process for saving and investing will be completely different based on your goals. Begin saving aggressively when you’re young so that your money will have more time to grow.

Make saving a priority

If your parents were reckless spenders, they probably didn’t teach you anything about saving. One of the biggest keys to financial independence is learning how to save properly, so that you can be prepared for both unexpected problems and for your future. Build savings into your budget before you even look at what type of housing you can afford. A good rule is to start saving 10% of every paycheck and live off what is left over until you reach the goal of three times your monthly income. Then, when your car breaks down or if you lose your job, you will have an emergency fund to rely on without having to go into debt. Continue Reading…

7 steps to Financial Independence

By Laura Martins

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Financial Independence (aka “Findependence”) is something that many of us are working towards, but which very few actually achieve. Having a high-paying job alone does not guarantee financial independence. While making more money does make Findependence easier to achieve, the important thing to focus on is what you do with your money, rather than how much you earn.

It’s also important to understand that financial independence will take time and planning. With the right goals and steps in place, Findependence can be achieved, but it’s important to be persistent and patient.

In most cases, financial independence doesn’t mean you won’t work ever again, but it brings freedom so you can enjoy your life and work on the things that matter to you. Here are seven key steps to develop financial independence.

1.) Get to know your money

Before you can begin to work on your financial independence, it’s imperative that you know exactly what your money is doing. You must know how much is coming in, and how much and where you are spending it.

Develop a habit of checking your bank account. Ignoring it is one of the fastest ways to lose track and lose money. It might seem obvious, but developing financial independence means spending less than you earn.

Spend a few weeks or months tracking your finances and create a budget. It’s important that it’s realistic so you can stick to it.

2.) Remove non-essentials

Once you understand your finances, it’s time to find the areas where you can save more. This is one of the hardest parts on the journey to financial independence, but also one of the most important steps.

Look at your spending and assess what you don’t need. In other words, you should try to minimize your non-essential expenses. That might mean cancelling your gym membership, reducing the amount of streaming services you pay for or making more meals at home. While these things might seem small, they will all add up, and after a few months it might make a noticeable difference to your bank account.

3.) Increase your income

Now that you understand your finances and have your spending under control, it’s time to start saving more. Continue Reading…

Shopping for a Mortgage: 4 factors to consider apart from the Rate

By Sean Cooper

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Shopping for a mortgage in the near future? The mortgage rate matters, but it shouldn’t be the only factor you consider. There are so many factors to consider, yet homeowners often get fixated on this one factor.

When you’re shopping for bread at the supermarket, you most likely don’t just shop for the bread at the lowest price. You consider other factors, such as calories, sugar and nutritional value. So why do so many people do the same thing with their mortgage?

Mortgage rates should be one in a long list of factors. Your likelihood of breaking your mortgage is a lot higher than you think. Even if you get the lowest mortgage rate, if it comes with a hefty mortgage penalty, it’s probably not worth it. Let’s look at four factors to consider besides just the rate.

1. ) Penalties

It’s not a coincidence that mortgage penalties are number one. Mortgage penalties are such an important factor (perhaps more important than your mortgage rate), yet they’re one of the most overlooked factors. Here’s a stat that may change your mind: 6 out of 10 Canadians with a fixed rate mortgage break their mortgage at an average of 38 months in. Why do they break it? For many reasons:  job loss, illness, job relocation and divorce, to name a few.

If you have a variable rate mortgage, the penalties are pretty straightforward: 3 months of mortgage interest. However, if you have a fixed rate mortgage, that’s where things get a little more tricky; and costly. You’ll pay the greater of 3 months of interest or the interest rate differential (IRD). The IRD looks at the mortgage rate your lender is charging today on a similar term mortgage. If mortgage rates are a lot lower today, then that’s when you can be hit with a hefty IRD penalty by your lender.

To avoid a hefty IRD, ask your lender whether the IRD is being calculated using the posted or discounted rate. If it’s using the posted rate, be careful. If you break your mortgage and have a big balance owing, your mortgage penalty could amount to thousands or tens of thousands.

2.)  Portability

To avoid a hefty mortgage, it helps if your mortgage is portable. When your mortgage is portable, you can take it with you. For example, let’s say you’re living in Ontario and you get a job offer in B.C. If you sell your home in Ontario and buy a home in B.C, you can “port” or take your mortgage with you and avoid the hefty mortgage penalty. If the property that you’re buying in B.C. is more expensive, lenders often let you “blend-and-extend” your mortgage, which means you take your current mortgage and blend it with a new mortgage for the additional amount of financing you need.

A word of caution: all portable mortgages aren’t created equal. There are specific conditions that must be met in order for a mortgage to be ported. Sometimes the time window is tight, so ask your mortgage broker for all the details. Likewise, if you think there’s a possibility that you could transfer outside your province, avoid portable mortgages with credit unions. Credit union mortgages can never be ported outside the province you took them out, leaving you stuck paying the hefty mortgage penalty.

3.) Prepayment Privileges

Is your goal to be mortgage-free? Continue Reading…