Tag Archives: Financial Independence

Retirement Is not Rocket Science

By Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Getting your house in order for retirement or financial independence is not that difficult. Many investment professionals, journalists, and commentators seem to complicate the issue to the point that even we can’t understand it. Safe withdrawal rates, stocks, bonds, balanced funds, commodities, options, laddered portfolios, annuities, offshore accounts, hedge funds … are you kidding? No wonder some people are confused and scared!

What’s a person to do?

First, you need to recognize your needs. Let’s be realistic here. How much are you spending now? Not how much do you make a year, but how much are you paying out? With today’s computer tools, this is a very easy task to compute. Or you can do what we did: Create a chart on a piece of paper and add to it daily.

Date Cumulative spending Day# Cost/p/day Times 365
1/1/2018 $24.00 1 $24.00 $8760
1/2/2018 $99.00 2 $49.50 $18,068
1/3/2018 $144.00 3 $48.00 $17,520
1/4/2018 $244.00 4 $61.00 $22,265
1/5/2018 $314.00 5 $62.80 $22,922

(These figures are for illustrative purposes only.)

The longer you keep track of current consumption, the more confident you’ll become of your future spending habits.

Once you know your expenditures per year, take a look at where that money is going. If it’s to pay credit card bills or other consumer debt, you need to pay that off first. It’s fine to use credit cards as long as you completely pay off your balance monthly. And stay out of debt. I know this is not easy, but it’s your future, and the money you were paying in interest can now be invested.

With your debts paid off, you can commit to financial independence. Analysts say a guideline of 25 times your annual capital outlay should be enough to sustain your current lifestyle. With the data you’ve collected in your chart, you can easily calculate a target amount. It’s really that simple.

How do you get there?

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Pension decisions: 6 six keys to a great retirement

By Ermos Erotocritou, CFP, CPCA

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

You’ve undoubtedly thought a lot about the shape of your retirement but whether your plans include traveling, volunteering, starting a new career, or a myriad of other retirement dreams, the most important thing is having sufficient finances to ensure all of them become reality. If you are a member of an employer-provided pension plan, now is the time to make some important decisions that will have a strong impact on the amount and length of your pension.

Decide when your pension payments will begin

If you have a defined benefit pension (DB) plan, your annual benefit may be reduced if you retire before reaching a certain age or before completing a minimum service requirement. However, your plan may have a bridging benefit to offset an early retirement pension reduction that is paid from the date of early retirement up to age 65 when it will stop.

Decide whether or not your pension benefit transfers to your spouse when you die

You can usually: Elect to receive a life-only pension that ends when you die. It will deliver a higher monthly benefit to you than a joint and last survivorship pension but will not provide a continuing benefit for your spouse after you die. The plan member’s spouse will need to sign a waiver to take this option.

Select the joint and last survivorship option. While your monthly benefit will be lower, the “joint and last survivor” option is usually better unless your spouse has his or her own pension, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, non-registered assets and/or adequate insurance coverage. Factor in the expected life expectancy for you and your spouse.

Choosing the survivor benefit

Not all plans allow you to do this: check the details of your plan. In most jurisdictions, the “standard” survivor benefit is 60% of the pension that was being paid to you prior to death; however, some plans will include other options such as 66 2/3%, 75% and 100% survivor benefits. If your goal is to leave an estate to your beneficiaries, commuting your pension could make sense.

Do you have the option of receiving your pension benefit for a guaranteed minimum number of payments? Continue Reading…

Generation X feeling the Retirement squeeze

Generation X, and to a lesser extent the Millennials, are already starting to feel the retirement squeeze, according to a Franklin Templeton-sponsored survey released Thursday.

Details are in my column in Friday’s Financial Post, which you can retrieve by clicking on the highlighted headline here: Generation X is ‘stretched beyond their financial limits’ and struggling to save for Retirement. 

The challenges should be familiar to members of any generation (four are mentioned in the survey): it’s never easy saving money when you’re starting out in life with low wages and high expenses. But Franklin Templeton cautions against the  rationalization embraced by younger investors that they simply can  choose to keep on working if they haven’t accumulated enough assets to generate adequate income in retirement.

That may not always be an option, since ill health or corporate downsizing (to mention just two) may prevent this. You can find full details about the fifth annual edition of Franklin Templeton Investments Canada’s 2018 Retirement Income Strategies and Expectations (RISE) survey here.

Stressed GenX resigned to retiring later than hoped

More than half of Gen Xers (aged 37 to 52) are resigned to retiring later than they would want (56% in Canada, 59% in the US). While the online survey included Canadians and Americans across four generations, “this year we felt in particular that Gen X and the stress of preparing for Retirement was the predominant thing coming out of the research,” said Matthew Williams, a Franklin Templeton senior vice president, in an interview.

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A priceless Early Retirement

Billy and Akaisha on Naples, Florida beach

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Some say it’s impossible.

Others simply dismiss the notion outright even if they are curious. How do we live on less than $30,000 per year while traveling through Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Central America and other exotic locations? We don’t give up luxury, nor do we deprive ourselves.

So what is our secret?

Our approach is very simple: We have chosen not to dedicate our time and money to support a complicated infrastructure.

For almost three decades we have wandered the globe living in countless countries. We have purchased new computers and digital gadgets, refreshed our wardrobes many times over, received extensive medical care, and we have biked, hiked, scuba’d, taxi’d, bused, sailed and flown endless miles.

How is this possible?

Downsize the house, car, and Uncle Sam

Our housing expenses include our annual lifestyle fees, maintenance, repairs, and utilities for our home in the States, as well as hotel rooms or apartments we may rent while on the road. To ameliorate this cost, sometimes we house sit. We have been car free for years now, but our transportation costs include airline tickets, visas, passport renewals, taxis, Uber, boats, trains, and tuk-tuks.

If you look at your own expenses, you will see that housing and transportation take a good chunk of your income. Becoming mindful of what goes in to support these two areas of your life will be eye-opening. Take a close and honest evaluation of this state of affairs for yourself. Understand precisely where your money goes and why.

Another area that takes fiscal attention is taxes. Income taxes are something you can control by restructuring your portfolio. Interest from corporate bonds and short-term capital gains are taxed at income rates that are higher than qualified dividends and long-term capital gains [in the U.S.]. This restructuring is something to think about and can save you a significant amount of money yearly.

In most cases, housing, transportation, taxes and food/entertainment are the top areas of cash outlay in a person’s economic life. Modifying any or all of them — which is exactly what we did — will have a significant impact on your annual expenses.

Lunching in Guanajuato, Mexico

High living, low costs

All that being said, we have a great deal of fun living on less than $30,000 per year. Spending wisely, we get the most bang for our buck. For instance, living in a resort location in the States, we have access to a swimming pool, tennis courts, and a workout room without having to lay out cash for their purchase or maintenance. We eat high-quality meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables because we shop at farmer’s markets and watch for the rotating grocery sales to purchase when prices are attractive.

When we visit foreign countries, we live like the locals, eating fresh foods from the open markets, and we rent apartments, house sit or rent hotel rooms by the month. In this way we have maid service, gardeners, Wifi, and no utility expenses.

Walking instead of driving whenever possible, we also choose low-cost entertainment options such as tennis, hiking, biking, swimming, going to museums and art shows, and enjoying local festivals and celebrations. Volunteering for projects wherever we live, this provides us with new learning experiences and a sense of fulfillment. We share time with friends either cooking for them ourselves or going out to lunch instead of opting for higher-priced dinners. And when it’s time to hit the road, we take full advantage of current airline deals and travel packages.

Reaping the benefits of simplicity we place more emphasis on creating a life of meaning rather than a life of “‘stuff.”

Sunset at Naples Beach

What about you?

So you think you can’t make it on $30,000 yearly? How about $60,000 or $100,000 or more? All this means is that your net worth will need to be high enough to maintain these levels of spending.

No matter where you are in this continuum, you can profit from doing any of the following:

Simplify your personal infrastructure

Know where your money is going, and decide whether it’s worth it to you. Do you want to keep up the pace of your current spending? Make your funding priorities reflect your values.

Plan your retirement tax strategy now

Know there is a balance in the exchange of time and money

Do you want more money, or do you want more time? Your choice here will affect your future. Be clear about what you want.

Remember, the best things in life are free

Friendships and connection to society are based more on your attention and time, rather than on your money. Watching the sun set with a loved one — sharing life experiences together — creates memories that will far outlast anything you can purchase.

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website RetireEarlyLifestyle.com,they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstoreor on Amazon.com.


Top 10 Rules for successful Retirement Income Planning

By Doug Dahmer

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

As a Retirement Income Specialist, I have spent the past 10 years helping those transitioning from their savings years to their spending years to discover the secrets of how to optimize their future income streams, while minimizing the amount of taxes they pay. These years of experience have provided me with a great number of valuable lessons. I have reduced this learning to a list of top 10 success rules for retirement income planning.

In a world where (unless you work for a government agency – police, nurses, teachers, government employees etc.) the guarantees of a corporately sponsored retirement income stream have virtually gone the way of the dodo bird. Corporate defined benefit pension plans have been replaced with defined contribution plans and group RRSPs.

Upon retirement, the vast majority of baby boomers are now faced with the daunting challenge of determining how to convert a large lump sum of accumulated retirement savings into a recurring income stream that lasts as long as they do. These risks and responsibilities were previously carried out by disciplined and talented pension plan managers. They have now been quietly delegated to the individual – and this has occurred without providing the adequate tools to perform the tasks.

It is my hope that the following 10 rules are helpful to those who have been left to their own devices to cobble together a safe, secure retirement income.

1.) Take ownership in your future success

A plan is not a plan until, the people who have to live with the choices contained in the plan, have played an active role in crafting these choices. The level of commitment one has toward following the prescribed progression of choices contained in the plan is directly proportional to the confidence you have that these choices will lead to successful achievement of the life outcomes most important to you. By taking ownership in your own plan helps keep you focused on the aspects of your life you have control over — choices — while identifying the need to put protective mechanisms place to mitigate the potential damage of events that are beyond your control.

2.) Your Retirement Income Formula is not a static product

Retirement Income Planning is not a “One and Done” event. It is also not an exact science. Every pilot before leaving the ground files a detailed flight plan knowing full well that no flight has ever gone according to plan. The pilot must constantly monitor where they not only relative to their desired destination but also relative to their original flight plan. Retirement Income Planning, like flying, contains no roads to follow or signs to provide directions. Wondering too far off course can lead to mid-air collisions or running out of fuel. Confidence in your Retirement Income Formula comes from testing it, stressing it and constantly re-adjusting it, as life unfolds. Only by engaging in a planning process that evolves with your life, will you achieve success and security. As daunting as this may sound, like filing a flight plan, when you have access to the right tools this task can be made significantly easier.

3.) Link your life plan to your financial plan

The key to financial success in the second half of life is to directly connect your desired life plan to your investment plan. If your money managers do not have an intimate understanding of your year-by-year cash flow demands or the specific portfolios you plan to source these funds from, you are not getting the level of protection – or service – that you deserve.

4.) Create forward knowledge of how much you need and when

Better financial decisions will always be made when you have advance knowledge of the what, the when, and the how much of your desired lifestyle. People who blindly chase the unknown savings target of “more” are the people who make the most financial errors.

5.) Don’t trust your future to outdated ‘rules of thumb’

Conventional wisdom that served past generations well, is no longer applicable. Baby Boomers are in the process of redefining retirement. Governments are having to respond to the financial implications of a rapidly aging society. Within this state of flux, tremendous new opportunities exist for those who find them. Devastating risks await those who fail to recognize the new reality. Probably the largest mistake baby boomers are currently making is the date they choose to start their Canada Pension Plan. A poor start date choice can frequently cost the average couple well over $100,000 over the balance of their lives.

6.) Embrace variables, not averages Continue Reading…