Tag Archives: reverse mortgage

Enable, don’t label … but whatever you do don’t call them ‘seniors’!

By Yvonne Ziomecki, HomeEquity Bank

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

When you are a marketer you tend to look at advertising through a different lens than everyone else – sometimes you are critical, sometimes curious, and sometimes you just admire the genius.  But it’s hard to assess your own advertising through the same lens, especially when you are in your mid forties and the product you market is for people who are retired.  That’s when you call for help!

Last summer our company HomeEquity Bank, provider of CHIP Reverse Mortgages, launched new advertising campaign through a series of humorous ads developed and based on research insights, addressing the fact that older Canadians see themselves as active and able and completely in control of financial decisions related to their home.

Specifically: staying in the home they love.  Our research showed that 93%+ of older Canadians want to age in place.  We also learned that 80% of older Canadians don’t want to be called ‘Seniors’ and most prefer no labels to describe them or their peer group.

In order to better understand if our ads were hitting the mark we engaged the neuroscience research firm Brainsights to study the unconscious brain activity of 300 Canadian Boomers. Research participants were presented with approximately 1 hour of advertisements including our ads, other ads, movie trailers, promotional videos, etc.  Brainsights analyzed participants’ responses to all the content they saw. The findings revealed not only that many marketers were engaging in unconscious age bias, but also that Boomers were pushing back against offensive labels and aging stereotypes.

Research revealed 4 insights to help marketing resonate with Boomers:

•  Say goodbye to old age stereotypes. Today’s Boomers see themselves as being cheeky, mischievous, adventurous and capable. Old age stereotypes depicting 55+ Canadians as frail and fumbling will miss the mark. Continue Reading…

“Unretirement” and why it’s not selfish to be selfish

“Unretired” novelist and blogger Joyce Wayne

By Yvonne Ziomecki, HomEquity Bank

Over the last few years, we have seen a growing trend among older Canadians: what we call “unretirement.”

This is where some Canadians take action on long-held dreams once they settle into their retirement and start to consider activities and interests for added personal fulfilment. They’re increasingly seizing the opportunities that retirement presents, fulfilling personal passion projects, which, up until now, they never had the opportunity to prioritize.

One particular obstacle seems to hold Canadians back from achieving their retirement dreams: the guilt of feeling selfish if they actually do something just for themselves!

The obstacle to a fulfilling unretirement: selflessness

We recently surveyed 1,361 Canadian homeowners, aged 55 and over. We asked, “If you received a $100,000 cash gift, what would you most want to do with the money?”

Using the money to pay off debts or giving the money to family members or donating to charity were very popular choices. More popular than putting the money towards their own retirement or funding a lifelong dream.

It seems that Canadians are extremely generous souls, putting others’ needs ahead of their own. But is their selflessness preventing them from having a fulfilling and purposeful retirement?

Mark van Graft, Vice President at Mackie Research Capital Corporation, believes it is.

“I enjoy motivating my clients to realize that it’s not selfish to be selfish”

For decades, Mark has been helping Canadians to make informed financial decisions in their own best interests.

“I enjoy motivating my clients to realize that it’s not selfish to be selfish,” he says. “They should spend some of their investments on their own enrichment versus sitting on savings or worrying about everyone else.”

Mark likes to help his clients embrace their personal goals and aspirations in their retirement. “Coaching clients who have unrealized dreams is one of the favourite parts of my job,” he says.

“I show clients how to use a reverse mortgage, not as a last resort or dire straits resource. A reverse mortgage can unlock funds to go beyond aging at home. It’s more like enabling a desire to ‘unretire,’ to bring a passion project to life, to fund a legacy project or finance a long-held dream to travel or innovate.”

Write a new chapter and unretire

Joyce Wayne is a retired college writing instructor and an unretired novelist and blogger. “I have always loved writing,” she says. Continue Reading…