Tag Archives: saving

My RRSP playbook for 2017: Ready for prime time

Welcome to 2017.

The annual 2-month RRSP “season of madness” has arrived. I made my list, checked it twice so ready-set-go.

Understanding the RRSP regime makes it easier to stickhandle your planning marathon.
This workhorse has delivered on retirements since its intro in 1957, now a 60-year old boomer.

The RRSP has transformed over the years. For example, RRSP room carry forward was introduced in 1991. RRSPs really fit two groups of investors like a glove: those without employer pension plans and the self-employed.

Some investors still shun RRSP deposits. I see three solid reasons to pursue RRSP accumulations:

  • Long-term, tax-deferred investment growth.
  • Future withdrawals ideally at lower tax rates.
  • Contributions provide immediate tax savings.

Stay focused on how the RRSP dovetails into your total game plan. The power of tax-deferred compounding really delivers.

Your RRSP mission is three-fold:

  • Keep it simple.
  • Treat it as a building block.
  • The journey lasts a long time.

My updated RRSP playbook summarizes these seven vital planning areas:
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The two crucial success factors that often elude investors

There are two crucial success factors that often elude investors:  the ability to save consistently and the discipline to stick with a saving and investment plan over time.

Successful investing is a long-term proposition.  In the short run, financial markets are very unpredictable, gyrating to a complex and increasingly-interconnected information flow that changes by the second.  Sentiment and trendiness rule the short run, as markets oscillate around a more predictable long-term relationship between risk and reward.  As the great investor Benjamin Graham once said:

“In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.”

Furthermore, we believe most investors are confused about what it is that is difficult and what it is that is straightforward about investing.  Let’s start by looking at some essential yet straightforward steps for creating a sensible portfolio that should put you put you in a good position to achieve long-term investment success:

1.) Decide whether you’re going to do it yourself or use an advisor.  While it may seem obvious: you want to ensure that if you do choose to work with an advisor that he or she will act in your best interest.  In Canada, the vast majority of advisors are not required by law to work in your best interest – that doesn’t mean they won’t, but be aware – Robb Engen addressed this issue in a recent piece on Jonathan Chevreau’s Findependence Hub – Commission-based advice & suitability: a dangerous combination

2.) Decide how much risk to take.  Risk is most effectively assumed by exposing your portfolio to broad asset classes with different risk characteristics.  For example, stocks are riskier than bonds but that risk is usually rewarded with higher returns over the long run.   Your portfolio should be allocated to different asset classes so that it’s appropriate for your risk profile.  And we don’t just mean you take a questionnaire and allocate according to your score: your allocation really has to reflect your specific financial situation, taking into account both near and longer term goals.

3.) Pick what type of securities or funds in which to invest.  A sensible portfolio should be diversified effectively across geographies, industries and other dimensions of risk.

4.) Pick investment products that keep costs low. Compound interest is a modern miracle: costs work in the same way but against you, and the other side of that miracle is a curse.  For example, mutual fund fees in Canada are among the highest in the world, which can take a huge dent out of your nest egg over the long run.

5.) Trade only when necessary. Trading should be kept to a minimum and is really only necessary when a portfolio strays too far from its target allocation, you have new savings to invest / you need to withdraw funds, or your situation has changed by a magnitude that requires a new allocation.

So go create a low-cost diversified portfolio that suits your risk profile and trade when necessary to rebalance back to target:  it’s actually very straight forward.  There are wonderful products on the market for both do-it-yourselfers and those who want to work with advisors.  The merits of such an approach are evidenced in volumes of peer-reviewed academic literature, in the publicly available records of investment fund performance and anecdotally from scores of investors.

It all starts with saving

Unfortunately it’s easier said than done.

While the investing side as described above may, on the surface, seem fairly formulaic and mechanical, it doesn’t properly address two extremely important elements that are essential to long-term investing success.

The first may seem obvious but is not easy: saving. Without money to invest in the first place it’s hard to benefit from a long-term investment plan!  But saving is really hard.  It forces you to ask yourself some tough questions:

  • What do I need versus what do I want?
  • Can I live within my means?
  • Can I ignore what other people think is important and focus only on what is important for me and my family?
  • Am I comfortable with delaying gratification in order to save?
  • How much do I need to save to accomplish what I desire in life?  What do I desire in life?
  • What is worth sacrificing today so I can benefit later in life?

The second is not so obvious and is really difficult: discipline. Successful investing means that at times you’ll be fighting some very difficult impulses and emotions.  Again, you need to answer some difficult questions:

  • Am I prepared to buy an investment that has decreased in value dramatically?
  • Am I prepared to sell an investment that is skyrocketing, that everyone is talking about at cocktail parties and “getting rich” from?
  • Can I ignore the pundits and market commentators?
  • Can I stick with the plan even though my emotions tell me to do the exact opposite?

Now you might be saying sure, I won’t let my emotions get the better of me.  Believe us when we say it’s much more difficult in the heat of the moment to stick with the discipline that’s required.  Most investors, both amateur and professional, fall victim to psychological pitfalls and stray from their discipline precisely at the moment they need it most, usually around market peaks and troughs.

By all means, engage in an investment process to deliver long-term success. Do your research and take your time to set it up correctly but don’t forget about the really hard part: saving enough to allow you to benefit from investing and maintaining the discipline to reap the rewards over the long run.  If you feel you can’t avoid the psychological pitfalls alone, get some help!

Graham Bodel is the founder and director of a new fee-only financial planning and portfolio management firm based in Vancouver, BC., Chalten Fee-Only Advisors Ltd. This blog is republished with permission: the original ran on December 14th, here.



5 surprisingly smart Financial Habits of Millennials

5-millenialsBy Maricor Bunal

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Millennials often get a bad rap for a lot of things. They are usually perceived as narcissistic, entitled, lazy, spoiled, and (perhaps the greatest stereotype of all) irresponsible with money. But having grown up in a sluggish economy, millennials may not be as bad with money as most people think. In fact, when it comes to personal finance, millennials are actually making some smart money moves that their older counterparts would do well to emulate.

Here are five surprisingly smart financial habits commonly used by Gen Y-ers that older generations should consider picking up.

1.) Use technology to manage finances

Millennials are a generation that grew up with technology, so it’s only natural that they would tap its power to help them with their personal finance. These days, Gen Y-ers rely on various mobile apps and tools to easily track and manage their money. Some of the most popular budgeting and finance apps today include Mint, GoodBudget, and PocketGuard. These apps are used to record and track purchases, monitor spending patterns, and even make automated, hassle-free payments.

2.) Choose experiences over material possessions

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Employee Savings Plans: why say no to free money from your employer?

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Josh Miszk
The September long weekend is upon us and, for many, it’s the last chance to spend some quality family time before the transition back to school and work.

The post-Labour Day shift into a more productive mindset offers a good time to review your Employee Savings Plan (ESP), a benefit that can be a great way to save money but can also add some risks.

An ESP is a program set up by an employer that allows employees to contribute a portion of their income into an investment the employer has provided.  In some cases, the employer may also match all or a portion of the contribution made by the employee.

Benefits: free money!

By participating in your ESP you’re basically getting free money.  Whether an employer matches part or all of your contributions, you will be hard pressed to find any other investment out there that provides immediate returns.  Say, for example, that your employer will match 50% of your contributions, up to 6% of your salary (a typical scenario).  All growth and other earnings aside, your investment immediately grows by 50% and your 6% turns to 9%.

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The critical role of planning for Cash Flow

Ennio Longo

By  Ennio Longo

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Are you like so many Canadians? You have a good paying job, are in a two-income household, own a home and yet you run out money before you run out of month?

The majority of Canadians are spending more than they make.   If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.  We are trying to put some money aside for the future as we have been told we should, but we also want to enjoy today; take that trip, get a new car, renovate the kitchen. We cannot just live for tomorrow.  WE WANT TO ENJOY TODAY.

The reason we have this shared experience is that we never went to school to learn how to “handle” our finances or how to manage our CASH FLOW. With so many different companies from financial institutions to consumer goods vying for our money, managing our cash flow on a monthly basis can be very difficult for many people; myself included.

Certified Cash Flow Specialist

With a four-year business degree and a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter), one would think that I would have received a formal education in cash flow planning as well, but I didn’t; at least not until I received an actual formal education in cash flow planning and became a CCS (Certified Cash Flow Specialist). Continue Reading…