All posts by Pat McKeough

Currency investing may seem appealing but you’ll lose in the long run

It’s A Rare Investor Who Makes Enough Profit From Long-Term Currency Investing Activities To Compensate For The Risk Involved

As a general rule, we advise against long-term currency investing speculation for many of the same reasons we advise against options trading and bond trading. It’s a rare investor who makes enough profit from these activities to compensate for the risk involved.

Our view is that if you like a currency’s outlook, you should buy stocks that will profit from a rise in that currency. Our longstanding advice is to invest mainly in well-established companies. Avoid exposure to currency trading, penny stocks, new issues, options, futures or any high-risk investments. That way, while you may experience modest losses when markets drop, you should show overall positive results over time.

Keep hedged ETFs as a long-term currency investing strategy out of your portfolio

If you want to buy U.S. stocks and hedge against currency movements, you could buy a hedged ETF.

Hedged ETFs, like, say, the iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (symbol XUS on Toronto) are funds sold in Canada that hold U.S. stocks. However, they are hedged against any movement of the U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar. That means that the ETF’s Canadian-dollar value rises and falls solely with the movements of the stocks in the portfolio.

For example, if a stock rises 10% on, say, New York, but also rises a further 5% for Canadian investors due to an increase in the U.S. dollar, a holder of a hedged ETF would only see a 10% rise in the value of that holding in their hedged ETF. At the same time, the reverse is also true: If a stock rises 10% on New York, but falls 5% for Canadian investors due to a decrease in the U.S. dollar, a holder of a hedged ETF would still only see a 10% rise in the value of that holding as part of their hedged ETF.

Note, though, that hedged funds include extra fees to pay for the hedging contracts needed to factor out currency movements. Of course, those costs can rise or fall regardless of currency swings.

Hedging against changes in the U.S. dollar only works in your favour when the value of the U.S. dollar drops in relation to the Canadian currency. If the U.S. dollar rises while your investment is hedged, it reduces any gain you’d otherwise enjoy, or expands a loss. Continue Reading…

These two Canadian equity ETFs hold most of Canada’s best stocks

Today, we look at two Canadian ETFs that hold many of the Canadian stocks we recommend for 2019. iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF and iShares Canada Select Dividend Index ETF mirror, respectively, sub-indexes holding the 60 most-heavily trades stocks and 30 of the highest-yielding dividend stocks on the Toronto exchange. Each of the Canadian ETFs represents a low-fee way of holding many of the country’s best stocks

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are set up to mirror the performance of a stock market index or subindex. They hold a more or less fixed selection of securities that represent the holdings that go into calculating the index or sub-index.

ETFs, including Canadian ETFs, trade on stock exchanges, just like stocks. That’s different from mutual funds, which you can only buy at the end of the day at a price that reflects the fund’s value at the close of trading.

Prices of Canadian ETFs are quoted in newspaper stock tables and online. You pay brokerage commissions to buy and sell them, but their low management fees give them a cost advantage over most mutual funds.

As well, shares are only added or removed when the underlying index changes. As a result of this low turnover, you won’t incur the regular capital gains taxes generated by the yearly distributions most conventional mutual funds pay out to unit holders.

Note that the best Canadian ETFs generally practice “passive” fund management, in contrast to the “active” management that conventional mutual funds provide at much higher costs. Traditionally, Canadian ETFs stick with this passive management: they follow the lead of the sponsor of the index (for example, Standard & Poors). Sponsors of stock indexes do from time to time change the stocks that make up the index, but generally only when the market weighting of stocks change. They don’t attempt to pick and choose which stocks they think have the best prospects.

This traditional, passive style also keeps turnover very low, and that in turn keeps trading costs for your ETF investment down.

In contrast, there are a lot of Canadian ETFs that have been created to tap into popular, but risky, themes and fads. So, you need to be very selective with your ETF holdings.

Theme investing has a natural appeal. It simplifies things. Investors like it because they feel it can put their investment returns into overdrive. Some also feel it adds fringe benefits to their investing, by letting them support social or environmental objectives. Brokers also like it because it gives them a rationale to recommend a variety of stocks.

When you focus on theme investing, however, it’s easy to overlook the fundamentals.

Below we update our advice on two Canadian ETFs — both of which we like — and both of which follow the traditional, passive style we recommend.

HARES S&P/TSX 60 INDEX ETF $24.99 (Toronto symbol XIU; buy or sell through brokers; is a good low-fee way to buy the top companies listed on the TSX. Specifically, the funds holdings represent the S&P/TSX 60 Index. It focuses on the 60 largest, most heavily traded stocks on the exchange.

The ETF began trading on September 28, 1999. Its MER is just 0.18%; it yields 2.9%.

The S&P/TSX 60 Index mostly consists of high-quality companies. However, it must ensure that all sectors are represented, so it holds a few companies we would not include.

The fund’s top holdings are Royal Bank, 8.3%; TD Bank,
7.8%; Enbridge, 5.3%; Bank of Nova Scotia, 4.9%; CN Rail, 4.9%; Suncor Energy, 3.6%; Bank of Montreal, 3.5%; TC Energy (formerly TransCanada Corp.), 3.3%; Brookfield Asset Management, 3.1%; and BCE, 3.0%.

iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF is a buy.

ISHARES CANADIAN SELECT DIVIDEND INDEX ETF $24.97 (Toronto symbol XDV; buy or sell through brokers; holds 30 of the highest-yield Canadian stocks. The ETF also considers dividend growth and payout ratios to make its selections. The weight of any one stock holding is limited to 10% of the fund’s assets. Its MER is 0.55%, and the ETF, which began trading on September 28, 1999, yields a high 4.5%.

Most market indexes are set up so that the stocks in the index are those with the highest market capitalization and are also the most widely traded. However, the iShares Canadian Select Dividend Index ETF focuses on the 30 stocks that it sees as having the highest dividend yields; it also considers their prospects for dividend growth and sustainability. That means this ETF is more actively managed than, say, the iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF. As a result, its MER is higher.

The fund’s top holdings are CIBC, 8.0%; Royal Bank, 6.5%; Bank of Montreal, 6.0%; Bank of Nova Scotia, 5.4%; BCE, 5.1%; TC Energy, 5.1%; TD Bank, 4.8%; Laurentian Bank, 4.6%; Emera, 4.2%, National Bank, 4.1%; and IGM Financial, 3.9%.

iShares Canadian Select Dividend is a buy.

For a recent article on two foreign ETFs that can benefit Canadians, read Two international ETFs offer timely diversification for Canadian investors.

Do you think ETFs are a better investment than mutual funds?

Pat McKeough has been one of Canada’s most respected investment advisors for over three decades. He is the founder and senior editor of TSI Network and the founder of Successful Investor Wealth Management. He is also the author of several acclaimed investment books. This article was published on July 15, 2019 and is republished on the Hub with permission. This article was originally published in 2016 and is regularly updated.

Is buying a house a good investment? Usually, but here’s a case where it wasn’t

Is buying a house a good investment? Recently we spoke to the son of one of our Successful Investor Wealth Management clients who has to make a decision about housing, but needs to look at it from a financial point of view.

He and his wife bought a small starter home on a tiny lot in an old part of downtown Toronto. They both work in the north end of the city, so they had a long commute. But they liked the neighbourhood, and a number of friends lived nearby.

New considerations came up after their first child’s birth.

As it happens, a family member owns an investment house in the north end of the city, in an area that’s renowned for having some of Toronto’s top public schools. It’s twice the size of their current home, half as old, worth three times as much, and is in livable condition. It has a driveway that can park three or four cars, plus a garage. In winter, it has room for an enormous backyard skating rink. In summer, it can accommodate barbeque get-togethers with 50 or more guests. The location makes the house an easier commute for both of them.

The family member/owner is willing to accept a yearly rent equal to 1.2% of the value of the home, which is less than his interest cost. He’s even agreeable to making modest improvements at his own expense, since he can write off the cost against his rental income. The house plays a key role in his estate plan, since it’s part of a long-term land-assembly project. He is willing to let them live there for as long as they want, or until he dies, with little if any change in the rent. He just wants a trouble-free tenant.

Is buying a house a good investment? Here’s a specific case where it wasn’t

They asked our advice on buying a house before, and they asked again when this sell-or-hold question came along.

Back in 2015, we told them the same thing we’ve repeatedly told other clients and Inner Circle members. Since the 2008/2009 recession, central banks in Canada, the U.S. and other countries have set off on a unique economic experiment. They have artificially pushed interest rates down to historically low levels, for two reasons: to keep the economy out of recession, and to make it possible to pay the interest costs on extraordinarily high and rising government debt.

Now, with this sell-or-hold decision to make, the situation has changed. House prices and interest rates have both gone up substantially. This means far more potential Toronto-area house buyers have been priced out of the market. In addition, the artificial interest-rate paradise is coming to an end. Interest rates have gone up and our view is that they will keep rising.

Our advice for this particular young family was to accept the sweet deal on the rental house, and sell the starter. They can save the money they’d otherwise pay on property taxes toward a down payment on their dream home. Their incomes are likely to rise, since they are in the prime of their careers, so they’ll have that much more to add to the dream-home fund. When they are ready to buy, here are some tips:

Is buying a house a good investment? 6 key real estate investing tips for Successful Investors

Tax pluses. Homeowners get a tax-free, rent-free benefit of having a place to live. Profits on sales of principal residences are also tax-free. Continue Reading…

Is now a good time to buy stocks? Look beyond headlines to learn answer

Examine The Theories That Forecasters Rely On To Predict Market Swings — And Learn Their Flaws

The universe is constructed in such a way that nothing is certain. You can always come up with perfectly rational reasons why something won’t work. But people find ways to overcome obstacles, and some businesses succeed despite risks.

Is now a good time to buy stocks? Below are a couple of factors to consider. 

Is now a good time to buy stocks? Understand pendulum theory and you will understand the past

You could sum up the investment version of the pendulum theory like this: stock prices alternate between periods of overvaluation and undervaluation; the degree and duration of each period of overvaluation is related to the degree and duration of the subsequent period of undervaluation, and vice versa.

In other words, pendulum theory says that when stocks head downward after a period of overvaluation, they won’t stop at fair value. Instead, they’ll keep dropping until they hit lows that are in some sense as out-of-whack as previous highs, or close to it.

Pendulum theory is a handy way to label the past, and it gives you a sense of how stock prices behave. But it’s useless at predicting the future or timing the market. That’s why pendulum theory generally plays a small part in successful investing. If you qualify as a “successful investor,” you probably recognize that the market never gets so high that it can’t go higher, nor so low that it can’t drop some more. This is a key part of understanding the stock market.

Is now a good time to buy stocks? Consider this valuable concept to gain another perspective

Here’s one of the most valuable things you should recognize as an investor: “A rising market climbs a wall of worry.” In other words, you need to recognize that a stock market’s rise automatically generates negative comments. The higher and/or longer the market rises, the more negative comments it generates. These are the bricks in that wall of worry.

The inevitable building of this wall grows out of human nature. Many people are instinctively cautious or conservative. When they see a stock or the stock market go on a rise, they look for reasons why the rise may falter or reverse. That’s especially true of stock market commentators. When a stock or the market rises beyond their expectations, they dig deep for hidden flaws.

This spurs them to come up with comments that at times seem deliberately slanted to promote a negative view. You might call them “misleading indicators.” Here’s an example:

“The market had the biggest drop in a day (or week, or month),” or “the longest string of falling days, since … [a date chosen to maximize shock value].” When these kinds of comparisons began appearing in the news this year, after a long dry spell, some investors took it as ominous news. They assumed it meant the market was at risk of greater declines. It means nothing of the kind.

Sometimes, of course, the market puts on big one-day declines near the start of a long-term price decline. It has also done so near the end of such declines and at various points in the middle. The same goes for big one-week and one-month declines and for long strings of down days.

Every year, the market will hit a series of “new highs for the year,” or a series of “new lows for the year.” In many years, it will hit some of each.

When you adopt “A rising market climbs a wall of worry” as a mindset, it will help you maintain your perspective. You’ll start to recognize that milestones like these are trivia, passed off as meaningful statistics. The investment news is full of them. You may find they make interesting reading or listening, but they also burn up valuable time. You’ll earn a far greater return on that time if you devote it to learning and comparing facts about the companies you invest in.

Stop worrying too much about the big picture

If you constantly worry about the “big picture,” including trying to pick market tops, you may at times manage to sell at just the right moment to sidestep a serious downturn. But you may only do that after sitting through a series of downturns. The downturn you avoid may turn out to be the last in a series—the “final leg downward,” as short-term traders like to refer to it. Continue Reading…

How Real Return Bonds compare with regular Bonds, protecting against unexpected rises in Inflation

Real Return Bonds (RRBs) pay you a rate of return that’s adjusted for inflation, but that’s not always as promising as it seems.

When a real-return bond is issued, the level of the consumer price index (CPI) on that date is applied to the bond. After that, both the principal and interest payments are typically adjusted every six months, upwards or downwards from that base level, to compensate for a rise or fall in the CPI.

In general, Government of Canada real-return bonds pay interest semi-annually, on June 1 and December 1.

How a real-return bond works: A theoretical example

The Bank of Canada issues $400 million of 30-year bonds maturing on December 1, 2049. The bonds have a coupon, or interest rate, of 2%.

If after six months from the date of issue, the new CPI level is, say, 1% above the level of the CPI on the issue date, then each $1,000 of bond principal is adjusted to $1,010 of bond principal ($1,000 x 1.01). The semi-annual interest payment is then $10.10 ($1,010 x 2% / 2).

If after 12 months, the level is 2% higher, then the bond principal is adjusted to $1,020 ($1,000 x 1.02), and the interest payment rises to $10.20 ($1,020 x 2% / 2).

Three important considerations to recognize with real-return bonds

1.) The price you pay for real-return bonds reflects the anticipated rate of inflation. In other words, if investors feel that inflation will rise 2% over the long term, the price of the bond will reflect that future inflation increase and its effect on the bond’s principal and interest payments. So, when you buy a real-return bond, you are only protecting yourself against unanticipated rises in inflation.

2.) When the inflation rate falls over a six-month period, the principal and interest payments of a real-return bond fall. In times of deflation, the inflation rate turns negative. In a prolonged period of deflation, the principal of a real-return bond could fall below the purchase price. Interest payments would fall, as well.

3.) As with regular bonds, holders of real-return bonds must pay tax on interest payments at the same rate as ordinary income. That income gets taxed at the investor’s marginal rate. In addition, holders of real-return bonds must also report the amount by which the inflation-adjusted principal rises each year, as interest income, even though you won’t receive that amount until the bond matures. That amount is added to the bond’s adjusted cost base.

If the CPI level falls, that reduces the inflation-adjusted principal. You deduct the amount of that reduction from your taxable interest income that year, and also subtract it from the adjusted cost base.

Real-return bonds in comparison to regular bonds

In simple terms, a bond is a form of lending whereby you lend money to a corporation or government. In return, a bond pays a fixed rate of interest during its life. Eventually, a bond matures, and holders get the bond’s face value—but nothing more. Receiving the fixed interest and face value at maturity is the best that can happen. Note, though, that in some cases, corporate bonds can go into default. As well, inflation can devastate the purchasing power of bonds and other fixed-return investments. Continue Reading…