Debt & Frugality

As Didi says in the novel (Findependence Day), “There’s no point climbing the Tower of Wealth when you’re still mired in the basement of debt.” If you owe credit-card debt still charging an usurous 20% per annum, forget about building wealth: focus on eliminating that debt. And once done, focus on paying off your mortgage. As Theo says in the novel, “The foundation of financial independence is a paid-for house.”

Retired Money: Do Inflation-linked Bonds make sense in an era of rising interest rates?

My latest MoneySense Retired Money column, which has just been published, can be found by clicking on the highlighted headline here: Do inflation-linked bonds make sense in an era of rising interest rates?

The topic is one that until mid 2021 received relatively scant attention: Inflation-linked Bonds and/or ETFs that own them. In Canada, these are called Real Return Bonds (RRBs) while their equivalent in the United States are called Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). There are ETFs trading both in Canada and the US that let users own baskets of these securities.

Of course, inflation didn’t seem to be a huge issue for investors until around the summer of 2021 and then the fall, when suddenly the headlines were full of ominous new levels of inflation not seen in years or decades.

These days, traditional non-inflation bonds, or “nominal” bonds famously pay very little in interest, and net returns net of high inflation can easily end up being negative. The idea with RRBs or TIPS is that If inflation ticks above certain levels, such bonds or ETFs holding them  tack on extra interest payments roughly commensurate with the rise in the official inflation rate.

Inflation plus Rising Interest Rates

But the column addresses the question of what if the longer-term bonds held in these funds inflict capital losses when interest rates spike at the same time? That’s the problem with some Canadian RRB ETFs that hold too much in long- or mid-term bonds, and most of them do. 2021 was not a good year for funds like the iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB) or the BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR), which lost almost 5% in the first nine months of 2021, but ended the year slightly positive.

This is less of a problem if you hold RRBs directly: Real Return Bonds issued by Ottawa have long maturities, ranging from five years out to 30 and even 40 years out. I use to own some of these directly, listed as Government of Canada Real Return Bonds, maturing in December 2021 .When I tried to find a new series at RBC Direct Investing, none seemed to be available online. I discovered you can buy newer issues by calling the discount brokerage’s bond desk. The column describes one maturing in 2026 [which I ultimately purchased, although it is now slightly under water] and a second in 2031.

US TIPS ETFs hedged to Canadian dollar

But if you want to diversify through funds, minimize interest rate risk and get exposure to both RRBs and TIPs, there’s a lot more choice with US-traded TIPS ETFs like the Vanguard Short-term TIPS ETF [VTIP], which hold mostly short-term bond maturing in under five years. Continue Reading…

How to correct a Business Deficit

Image via Pexels

By Jim McKinley

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

You want your business to succeed and generate a profit; however, an unexpected expense or change in the economic climate can lead to a deficit.

In fact, an estimated 70% of small businesses have outstanding debt, and businesses in Toronto, Canada, are no exception. While it may cause you to worry about your business’s future, you can proactively take steps to get your business out of debt.

Small Business Grants

Search for grants for small businesses, which provide money you won’t need to repay. The process of finding the right grant, especially one that you qualify for, may seem tedious, but you can find them.

Before beginning the grant application process, you should have created a business plan. Make sure it includes a detailed description of your business with clear objectives. You can use this plan to show you’re serious about your business. Besides applying for grants, you can use your plan to intrigue prospective investors.

As you’re searching for grants, look for ones specific to your business type. Some examples of grants for Canadians include the Amber Grant and Cartier Women’s Initiative Award.

After finding grants that you qualify for, you’ll need to complete an application that highlights the business’s best attributes and usually include your comprehensive business plan.

Small Business Loans

If you’re merely going through a hard time at the moment, consider a small business loan. In most cases, lenders only extend these loans to companies that have been in business for at least two years.

You’ll also need to have a decent credit score to qualify. Additionally, the lender will want to see your personal and business income taxes as well as income and balance statements. The lender may also ask to see your business plan.

Carefully analyze your Budget

Know your company’s finances. Review where your major spending is and determine if you could reduce or eliminate any of it. Continue Reading…

Canadians more optimistic about money than their love lives this Valentines


Despite Valentines Day being right around the corner, Canadians appear to be more optimistic about their financial futures than their love lives, according to a survey released Wednesday. Here is the press release.

TD’s second annual Love and Money survey gauged the financial behaviours of more than 1,700 Canadians who were married, in a relationship, or divorced in 2021.

It found that 60% of respondents claimed it’s harder to find true love than financial success, up from 51% in 2020’s report.

  • For those in committed relationships, 51% said they’re experiencing barriers to meeting their financial goals and are delaying milestones like planning a wedding.
  • 74%  of divorced Canadians feel their financial status is the same or better than when married: 54% said it is easier to manage their finances post-divorce.

The survey also explored millennials’ unique approach to love and money, including their intolerance for financial ‘red flags’ that would cause them to leave their partner:

  • They never offered to pay for anything (86%)
  • They were secretive about their finances (81%)
  • They didn’t seek professional financial advice (77%)

 As for life post-divorce, 52% said they learned a new financial skill like tracking their spending (28%), making bill payments (24%) and saving for retirement (23%). 57% said they are spending less after divorce while 45% consider themselves financially better off. 54% said it’s easier to manage their finances post-divorce.

TD says the survey also reveals the downside of not talking about finances in relationships. Divorced couples were less likely to have regularly discussed money during their marriage, with only 29% of divorced respondents saying they talked about money weekly with their former partner, compared to 50% of married couples who say they have the talk weekly.

Millennials, Love and Money

Millennials are more likely than other demographic cohorts to keep their money separate from their partners, with 49% of respondents saying they have no common accounts or shared credit cards. Millennials are also less tolerant of ‘red flag’ financial behaviours: they say they would leave their partner if they never offered to pay for anything (86%); if they were secretive about their finances (81%); or if they didn’t seek professional financial advice (77%).

Financial challenges of committed couples

The survey also shines a light on the financial challenges of committed couples. It found 28%  are keeping a financial secret from their partner, up from 8% from the 2020 report. Of those keeping a secret, 64% don’t plan to ever tell their partner. The survey also shows that a secret purchase is the most kept (42%), followed by a secret bank account (29%). Continue Reading…


By Bob Lai, Tawcan

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

When I created this blog over seven years ago, the sole purpose was to chronicle our journey for financial independence and joyful life. I wanted to share my knowledge with like-minded people. I could have just focused on writing articles about money and personal finance.

But I didn’t.

Right from the start, I put a strong emphasis on the joyful life aspect, because I realized that having all the money in the world does not automatically make one happy. Happiness needs to come from within and finding this internal happiness is a daily practice. I realized, that writing about money gets old quickly; I wanted to write about more than just the money.

Being the sole income earner of the family (for now), early retirement was never really a goal I had in mind. My focus has always been on financial independence. I want to reach financial independence so Mrs. T and I can have more options in life and have the freedom to work because we want to, rather than working because we have to.

Perhaps the reason that early retirement isn’t on my radar is because I enjoy what I do at work. Having been with the same company for 15 years, over a third of my life, I feel fortunate that I am still working at the same company where I started my engineering career.

To me, early retirement has always been just one of the nice things that we would have in life one day. It does not mean I must retire early in my 30s or 40s to make myself happy. Or that I must hit a specific FI number or hit a specific FI date.

Perhaps I am unique compared to most people, as I grew up in a family where multiple family members either retired in their early 40s or became financially independent but continued to work. Money has never been a taboo subject in my family, which has had a very positive impact on my life.

Another unique thing about our family is that we technically are financially independent, but we choose to prolong our financial independence journey. We wanted more flexibility, so we set the goal to create a dividend portfolio that had enough dividend income to cover our annual expenses. We set a goal of becoming “financially independent” by 2025 or earlier, but we aren’t too worried about whether we hit the goal by 2025 or not.

One of the distinctive benefits of having a dad who retired early and a stay-at-home mom is that my parents were always there when I needed them. Unlike many of my school friends, both my dad and mom could attend many of my school functions, like sports games, band concerts, and field trips.

Now I am a dad of two young kids, I am even more appreciative of what my parents could do for me and my brother when we were growing up. Always available and present at my kids’ important life and school events is something I want to achieve. I am practicing it right now as best as I can with a full-time job.

Growing up, we went on extended road trips because both my parents were free during school summer break. When I was in high school, every summer we would go on road trips that usually lasted over a month.

One year, we flew to Toronto and drove around Eastern Canada and the Eastern United States. Another year we drove from Vancouver to Alaska and back. Another time we drove from Vancouver to New Orleans and back. Then once to Prince Edward Island to drive around the Maritimes and Maine. Throughout high school, we also drove to Banff and Alberta multiple times.

My extensive travels growing up is the exact reason why I want travelling to be part of my family’s life in the future. I want Baby T1.0 and Baby T2.0 to learn invaluable lessons that can only be learned from travelling and seeing the world with their own eyes. There are so many things that you simply cannot learn from reading books or sitting in a classroom. You must see them and experience them yourself.

We have been very fortunate to have travelled quite a bit with both kids already. We went to Denmark multiple times, we visited Japan and Taiwan, and various parts of Canada and the US.

We plan to travel around the world for a year and live abroad for an extended period of time in the near future. We can live off dividends via geo-arbitrage already but building up our portfolio will provide even more possibilities.

FIRE the end

Although I am involved in the FIRE community, shamefully I didn’t know the acronym until a few years after I started this blog. For a while, I was confused whenever people used this acronym.

For a while, FIRE was the only acronym, then folks started coming up with different acronyms to categorize FIRE. There’s lean FIRE, fat FIRE, barista FIRE, and the list goes on.

FIRE has been getting more and more mainstream coverage lately. Almost every other day I would come across articles on so-on retired at age 38, or someone who retired at age 27 to travel around the world, or someone who retired after saving extremely aggressively for 5 years, or someone who retired by saving up one million dollars in less 5 years.

To me, FIRE is flawed in these articles.

They don’t provide the general public with what FIRE really means.

Almost all of these articles only focus on the early retirement aspect and provide a false image of relaxed and luxurious life in retirement – travelling around the world, leaving the 9-5 rat race, saying FU to the employers, and sipping piña colada on the beach. Early retirement is all fun and games. There are no drawbacks and no negatives to early retirement.

But it is a lie, because no matter where you go, you will always bring yourself. So if you are not in a happy place while pursuing FIRE, you sure won’t be happy once you reach it.

Many of these articles also fail to acknowledge that many of these early retirees are not really “retired” in the traditional sense. In fact, many of these early retirees are still earning money through side hustles or even part-time jobs.

These articles are click baits. They are there to get the average Joes and Janes to click on them, read, and feel more miserable about their lives.

Because most of them cannot fathom the idea of financial independence or early retirement. A small minority even gets so fed up with the idea of early retirement, they become trolls and leave very negative comments on these articles.

The fundamental problem with FIRE

The root of the problem is that too many people hate their jobs.

They despise what they do at work, they don’t like their bosses, they don’t like their co-workers. Through media, these people have been told that owning expensive things will make them happy. Purchasing things will solve all of their problems.

So, they mindlessly spend money on things they don’t need, only to find out that they need to somehow make more money to sustain their expensive-never-ending-purchasing-spree. They work simply because they need the money to pay for the new things that would supposedly make them happier in life.

Therefore, they continue to clock in and clock out every day despite hating their jobs. Due to how they feel about their jobs, they are constantly looking forward to the weekend or their next vacation, because that’s when they can be completely free from their jobs. And so, the Monday blues sets in whenever they are back to work from weekends or their vacations.

To them, FIRE is an escape. The happy ending. The escape route. The finish line.

They tell themselves that they will only be happy once they are retired. Before they get there, they will never be happy. They constantly remind themselves how miserable their life is and how wonderful their life will be once they are free from their 9-5 job. So, they constantly look forward to that retirement day so they can give their employers the middle finger and tell their coworkers to get lost.

This video is a perfect example of this endless vicious cycle of going nowhere and believing that buying things will lead to happiness.

Connecting life problems to not having money, financial independence, or retire early is simply incorrect and fallacious.

Reaching financial independence and retire early does not automatically mean that you have crossed the finish line and that automatically makes you happy. If you are in a bad relationship with your partner or spouse, do you really think everything will be rosy when you have more money? Most divorces are caused by money issues!

If there are marital problems, FIRE certainly won’t solve them. Over the last few years, we have seen some prominent figures in the FIRE community ending their marriages… Continue Reading…

Crowdfunded Commercial Real Estate Investing: A primer on commercial real estate investing

Image by Shutterstock

By Veronica Davis

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

A Brief Disclaimer on Becoming an Investor:

The “investing world” can seem like a challenging mountain to climb if you are just getting started. The “investing world” itself isn’t a practical term for what should instead be thought of as an interdependent system of markets tied to the valuation of assets.

The tremendous scope of this investing world can push people away from sinking their teeth in and learning about how this exciting and lucrative system works. I could never hope to explain something as complicated and broad as the “investment world” in a single post, so instead, I will focus on a very specific investment market – that of commercial real estate investing – and how you can start your journey as an investor.

Most people cannot afford to be Full-Time Investors

Unless, of course, that is their full-time job. Without the help of crowdfunding real estate investment platforms, real estate private equity firms, or real estate investment trusts (REITs), most retail investors would lack the capital, resources, and time to manage real estate properties effectively.

However, retail investors can pool their capital in a number of ways to add commercial real estate into their portfolios and benefit from the growth of the commercial real estate market.

So, let’s have a look at some of the options:

Crowdfunding Commercial Real Estate Platforms

In the early 2010s, the rise of investing platforms such as Robinhood and Fundrise opened investment markets to millions of new and eager retail investors. With these new investment apps, the average person could now invest in markets previously only available to people who had private brokerage accounts or professional investors who could meet the often high investment minimums.

So, what are some of the investment platforms available to retail investors?


Founded in 2012, Fundrise was one of the first crowdfunded investment platforms. It is currently unavailable in Canada but is open to US residents (don’t worry, there are plenty of options for Canadians, too – see below). Users of Fundrise do not need to be accredited investors to open up an account, but Fundrise does offer accounts exclusive to accredited investors.

Fundrise has several investment tiers, and the least expensive tier starts at 10 dollars, meaning practically anyone can start investing. Investor capital is spread out among many REITs or real estate investment trusts. REITs are a type of mutual fund that takes the investment capital they receive and manages various high-value real estate properties.

Fundrise investors receive a percentage of the profits made by the REITs. Depending on the type of investment account, users saw an average ROI of between 7.31% and 16.11% over five years.

What are some comparable crowdfunding real estate platforms available in Canada?


NexusCrowd was founded in 2015 and was Canada’s first online investment platform that allowed accredited investors to team up with institutional investors to invest in real estate.

A benefit of NexusCrowd is that it heavily vets its investment opportunities. It only invests in projects that are at least 50% funded by other investors. If the investment project fails to meet its fundraising goal, NexusCrowd reimburses investors. Continue Reading…