“Decluttering the pesky nest egg ranks high among investors. Now is a great time to snap into action.”
Investment clutter can easily develop from a variety of sources. The number of accounts opened, types of risks incurred, type of advice sought and style of adviser hired are just a few starting points that contribute. Some of the clutter often falls to the back of the closet, never to see the light of day again.
So I ask: “Is your investment closet cluttered with plenty of stuff?”
The stuff was likely purchased over several years and from multiple providers. The passage of time transformed it into a muddle that typically no longer serves its intended purposes. Perhaps, the investment closet has not been purged for longer than anyone cares to remember. If it feels like a mishmash, it probably is.
I keep tabs on portfolio requests seeking fresh opinions. The majority of cases hold 15 to 35 investments, primarily mutual funds and assortments of individual stocks. Keeping track of such selections is not easy for most investors. Overlap often makes its way into portfolios. The good news is that the best time to declutter the jumble is when stock prices are at or near their highs. Like now.
Spot the clutter
Accordingly, I highlight critical signs that recognize “cluttered investing”.If you spot any of these in your investment closet, you have some work to do: Continue Reading…