
Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies: Still not an asset class to which investors need to pay attention

The Michael James on Money blog was skeptical about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies as long ago as 2018, as this post demonstrates. He hasn’t changed his opinion since then.

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By Michael J. Wiener

Special to Financial Independence Hub

As noted above, Jon Chevreau asked if it was okay to republish this post that I wrote way back in 2018. As little has changed since then, here it is, without further changes or commentary.


The technology used to create Bitcoin comes from the field I used to work in professionally. I’ve followed Bitcoin from its obscure beginnings to its recent bubble-like rise. After fielding so many questions about cryptocurrencies, it’s about time I organized my thoughts about Bitcoin as an investment and as a currency.

To understand Bitcoin, you don’t have to understand the technology behind it. The big problem anyone can see with digital money is that after you spend it you still have a copy of it, so you can spend it again. Much of the effort in creating digital money centers on preventing this double-spending. Bitcoin does this with some clever cryptography and computer protocols called blockchain.

Another feature of Bitcoin is that more money gets created over time. Those who do enough calculation with their computers get more Bitcoins. This is called mining, and is intended to roughly mimic mining for gold.

Bitcoin as an investment

Before Bitcoin’s meteoric rise, the few people who’d heard of Bitcoin understood that it is a currency, and is intended to be used like money. Now most people have heard of Bitcoin, and they tend to think of it as an investment. Some in the financial world suggest that cryptocurrencies should be considered an asset class. This is nuts.

It makes no more sense to invest in Bitcoins than it does to invest in Somali shillings, Indian rupees, or British pounds. The typical person should think of these things as currencies, not investments. The fact that the Bitcoin exchange rate is so volatile should make us stay away, not dive in.

Bitcoin as a currency

The digital and cryptographic nature of Bitcoin sets it apart from more familiar currencies like dollars. But this doesn’t really capture the important difference. After all, most transfers of dollars are digital and use cryptography.

Bitcoin isn’t backed by any particular government. No such backing is necessary. The U.S. government backs U.S. dollars, and it can impose rules about how dollars are used. If a bank doesn’t play by the rules, the U.S. government could cut that bank out of the dollar system. There is no easy way for the U.S. government or any government to regulate Bitcoin.

One thing governments do with their currencies is demand that electronic transfers not be anonymous. A certain amount of anonymous transfer is possible with physical cash, but this is limited. For the most part, if governments want to trace large money flows, they can do so. Continue Reading…

A Canadian Perspective on Health Care Overseas: Q&A with

Jim and Kathy McLeod in Mexico/

By Akaisha Kaderli,

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Billy and I are Americans. For most of our adult lives we have been self-employed, paying for our own health insurance out-of-pocket.

We retired at age 38, and while initially we paid for a US-based Health Insurance policy, we eventually “went naked” of any health insurance coverage. Wandering the globe, we took advantage of Medical Tourism in foreign countries and again, paid out-of-pocket for services.

This approach served us very well.

However, we understand that choosing the manner in which one wants to pay-for-and-receive-health-services is a personal matter.

In our experience, it seemed that Canadians generally were reticent to stay away from Canada longer than 6 months because they would lose their access to their home country’s health care system.

We did not know the full story of why many Canadians preferred not to become permanent residents of another country due to this healthcare issue. So, we asked Canadian Jim McLeod if he would answer a few questions for us to clarify! And then, to give that information to you.

Below is our interview with Jim McLeod. He and his wife are permanent residents of Mexico, and now receive all their healthcare from this country.

It is our hope with this interview, that there would be options explained to other Canadians who might not want to maintain 2 homes, be snowbirds in Mexico, or could vision living in Mexico with its better weather and pricing.

Take a look!

Jim and Kathy in Mexico

Retire Early Lifestyle: In the beginning, did you choose to do a part-time stint in Mexico before fully jumping in? You know, like to test the waters?

Jim McLeod: Yes. Because of the following stipulations for our Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) and the possibility of getting a maximum of 180 days on a Mexican Tourist Card, we decided to do the “snowbird” thing initially: 6 months in Ontario during the warmer months, and 6 months in Mexico during the colder months.

“You cannot be out of Ontario for more than 212 days (a little over 6 months) in *any* 12 month period (ex. Jan – Dec, Feb – Jan, Mar – Feb, etc.)”

During this time, we used World Nomads for trip insurance to cover us while in Mexico. For us, this wasn’t too bad. However, according to other couples we’ve spoken with, after a certain age, depending on your health, this can become quite expensive.

Retire Early Lifestyle: When you retired early and left your home country of Canada, was leaving the guaranteed health care system that your country provides a large hurdle to your plans? How did you factor that cost in?

Jim McLeod: After doing the “snowbird” thing twice, we had enough data from tracking all our spending, as per Billy and Akaisha’s The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement, that we knew we would save approximately $10,000cdn a year by moving full time to Mexico. And we knew we would lose our OHIP coverage. As such, we budget $2000cdn a year for out-of-pocket medical expenses. But we also knew that, at that time, we qualified for the Mexican Seguro Popular insurance coverage. Note: Seguro Popular has since been replaced with a new health Care system, el Instituto Nacional de Salud para el Bienestar (INSABI), which has the following requirements:

• Be a person located inside Mexico

• Not be part of the social security system (IMSS or ISSSTE)

• Present one of the following: Mexican Voter ID card, CURP or birth certificate

As an expat, in order to obtain a CURP,  you must be a Temporal or Permanente resident of Mexico.

Retire Early Lifestyle: Initially, did you go home to Canada to get certain health care items taken care of and then go back to Mexico to live?

Jim McLeod: No, we have not gone back to Ontario for any health care. Having said that, there is one medication that Kathy needs, that she is allergic to here in Mexico, so she gets a prescription filled in Ontario whenever we return and we pay for it out-of-pocket. Continue Reading…

The Art and Math of RRIF withdrawals


By Mark Seed, myownadvisor

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Unlike some financial experts, I’ve long since touted the merits of making RRSP withdrawals before waiting until the age of 71 for RRSP>RRIF conversion to take effect, when minimum RRIF withdrawal rates kick in.

I’m hardly 70. Not even close (since I just left my 40s)!

Rather, I’ve learned these benefits from others:

While personal finance and investing is always personal, I believe, being forced into managing your portfolio in any way is usually the wrong decision. Successful folks have told me so.

Here are two key experiences from others to share related to RRSP/RRIF withdrawals:

  • Unless retirees have very high taxable income already; lots of assets (in the millions) whereby they already stomach paying higher taxes most retirees or semi-retirees should at least consider some RRSP withdrawals in their retirement years to help “smooth out taxation.”
  • Beyond RRSP/RRIF income, should any retiree have a workplace pension and/or who may have other significant income streams in retirement (like non-registered investments that generate healthy dividends) they may find themselves in a higher tax bracket as they age into their 70s and 80s, via forced RRIF withdrawals, potentially losing out on government Old Age Security (OAS) benefits.

One of the inspirations for this week’s theme was from this MoneySense article:

I thought the punchline was spot on for this 80-something (Amy), who has a wealth/tax problem to navigate now:

“In summary, Amy, there is no magic bullet to help with your large RRIF account. You will pay a high rate of tax during your life or upon your death on those withdrawals.”

While any retiree’s cashflow objectives will differ, unless you’re in the extreme minority, most successful early and traditional retirees with whom I chat and engage seem to plan WAY ahead on such matters whereby they consistently choose to make some RRSP withdrawals well ahead of when there are forced to.

In making financial decisions before they are forced to, I’ve observed four key benefits: Continue Reading…

Why Debt-to-Market-Cap matters more than Debt-to-Equity

Understanding the Importance of the Debt-to-Market-Cap Ratio in Stock Analysis

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When evaluating stocks, it’s crucial to assess their resilience during economic downturns and their potential for future prosperity. While the commonly used debt/equity ratio offers insights into a company’s financial leverage, it fails to capture certain nuances. In this article, we explore the significance of the debt-to-market-cap ratio in stock analysis and why it surpasses the debt/equity ratio.

By understanding the intricacies of this approach, investors can make more informed decisions and increase their chances of identifying companies poised for long-term success.

I was recently asked why I use debt-to-market-cap in my analyses, which is different from the debt/equity ratio seen in most other reports. My answer is two-fold. In analyzing a stock, you need to form an idea of how much it would get hurt in a recession. To put it another way, how likely it is to survive a business slump and go on to prosper when good times return? To do that, you need to look at a number of factors. These include the interest rate on its debt, how sensitive it is to the economic cycle, its pluses and minuses in relation to competitors, its vulnerability to adverse legal and regulatory decisions, its credit history and current credit rating … and so on.

Analyzing Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Many successful investors start by looking at the debt/equity ratio. This ratio comes in several variations, but the basic idea is that you measure a company’s financial leverage by comparing its debt with its shareholders’ equity. You assume an attractive company can earn a higher return on its total capital than the interest rate it pays on the debt portion of its capital. If so, the excess goes to shareholders’ equity, raising the total return to shareholders.

But leverage works both ways. If the total return falls short of the interest costs, the difference comes out of shareholders’ equity. When a company loses money, it still has to pay the interest and one day settle the debt. Generally, it does so by dipping into shareholders’ equity. In extreme cases, losses wipe out shareholders’ equity, and the stock becomes worthless. Then bondholders and lenders take over the assets to try to get back their investment. A high ratio of debt to equity increases the risk that the company (that is, the shareholders’ equity in the company) won’t survive a business slump.

However, this ratio can mislead because it compares a hard number with a soft one. Debt is usually a hard number. Bonds and other loans generally come with fixed interest rates, fixed terms of repayment and so on. Equity numbers are softer or ‘‘fuzzier.’’ They mostly reflect asset values as they appear on the balance sheet (minus debt, of course). But the balance-sheet figures may be misleading. They may be too high, if the company’s assets have shrunk in value since the company acquired them (that is, lost more value than the company’s accounting shows). In that case, the company may need to correct its balance sheet figures by cutting them or “taking a writedown.”

Or the equity value may be too low if the company’s assets have gained value since the company acquired them. This can happen with real estate, patents and other assets (which we refer to as “hidden assets”).Much of a company’s real value may rest in its “goodwill” — its brands, or the reputation and relationship it has built with customers over the years. This value would only appear on the balance sheet if it was bought rather than built up by the company’s operations.

Analyzing Debt-to-Market-Cap

Efficient market theory also leads us to favour debt-to-market-cap over debt-to-equity. This theory says that it’s impossible to beat the market, because the market is efficient and eventually reflects all information, good or bad. This idea had a lot to do with the creation of index funds. Market cap — the value of all shares the company has outstanding — benefits from the “wisdom of crowds.” Continue Reading…

How Side Hustles can speed Financial Independence for Family Planning

Image by Andrea Piacquadio on

Seeking financial independence, we gathered insights from entrepreneurs and small business owners on their side hustles and how these ventures have shaped their financial journeys.

From joining affiliate programs for extra income to diversifying income with e-books, discover the diverse strategies these twelve professionals have employed to bolster their family’s finances.


  • Join Affiliate Programs for Extra Income
  • Balance Side Gigs with Full-Time Work
  • Invest in Real Estate for Early Retirement
  • Create Digital Financial Courses
  • Focus on One Project at a Time
  • Turn Your Passion into a Full-Time Job
  • Develop Skills Through Polling Side Hustle
  • Boost Income with Short-Term Rentals
  • Leverage Social Media, Newsletters, and Podcasts
  • Supplement Income with Title Searches
  • Diversify Income with E-Books 

Join Affiliate Programs for Extra Income

I was enrolled in an affiliate marketing program for an AI-based question-generation platform, PrepAI. Since I blog about tools for educating children, I found their product resonated with my goals. I chose to apply for their program and earned some handsome payouts. I tracked my commissions through their dashboard and was confident about it. 

These commissions were my savior; they funded the course I was taking and helped save some bucks for my family. If financial independence is what you are craving, join an affiliate program like I did and help your family. –Tejeswini N, Digital Marketing Intern, DataToBiz

Balance Side Gigs with Full-Time Work

When I first graduated, I struggled to find a full-time job. With a BA in visual arts, my options seemed limited to being a struggling artist, working as regular staff at local art galleries, or trying to get into art auctions, which didn’t align with my passion. Fortunately, I had been dancing since the end of high school, and I had developed my skills enough to pick up side gigs, including teaching dance, choreographing, and working as a professional backup dancer for different shows. 

By applying for any dance-related opportunities that came my way, I started earning around HKD 30,000 per month, which was triple what I would have earned as a regular office worker. During this time, my father was bedridden, and without this side hustle, I wouldn’t have been able to support myself or later save up enough money to also take care of my widowed mother. 

However, relying solely on side hustles wouldn’t have helped me achieve financial stability. I found a balance by having a mixture of both a full-time job that paid less but offered a better future career path, and investing in side gigs that provided extra income and served as backup plans if I ever found myself without a 9-to-5 job. 

This approach did take a toll on my work-life balance, but after seven years, my full-time job paved the way for me to gain enough experience and secure a much better salary. With that, I had the option to let go of my side gigs and eventually leverage my diverse experiences to start my own business, where I now work for myself. Joyce Tsang, Content Marketer and Founder, Joyce Tsang Content Marketing

Invest in Real Estate for Early Retirement

I’m a pharmacist by profession, but I started investing in real estate as a side hustle in 2016. Specifically, I invest in student housing, which means I buy properties in college towns and convert as many rooms as possible into bedrooms to maximize my income. 

Using this strategy, I’ve been reinvesting my returns and buying an additional rental property every year. And now, I’ve been able to retire in my early thirties thanks to real estate. It’s given me complete financial independence, and that’s why I started a real estate coaching business to help others do the same. Ryan Chaw, Founder and Real Estate Investor, Newbie Real Estate Investing

Create Digital Financial Courses

I delved into creating digital financial courses, leveraging my expertise. This side gig significantly bolstered our family’s income, accelerating our path to financial freedom. Crafting courses allowed for flexible hours and reached a broad audience, bringing in a steady stream of passive income. 

This venture not only diversified our earnings but also empowered others to enhance their financial literacy. The impact was profound, creating both financial stability and a sense of fulfillment in aiding others on their financial journeys. Danielle Roberts, Co Founder, Boomer Benefits

Focus on One Project at a Time

Over the past couple of years, I have tried over 10 different side hustles and online business models. The biggest takeaway? Avoid that shiny-object syndrome and don’t spread yourself too thin. I was juggling so much that I hardly had any time left for my family or a social life. It felt like I was constantly running on a treadmill—always working, but not really getting anywhere.

The real kicker was, despite all the hustle, I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. It was a fast track to burnout, and at the end of the day, I didn’t have much to show for it. At some point, I had to put a stop to it and put most of my side projects on hold to stay sane.

Now, I focus on one thing at a time. And let me tell you, it’s amazing how much you can achieve when you pour 100% of your attention and energy into a single project. In the last several months, this approach has made more difference in my family’s financial success than everything I did in the previous three years. —Juliet Dreamhunter, Founder, Juliety. 

Turn your Passion into a Full-Time Job

After graduating from college, I started working as a fitness writer and made people aware of yoga through my writing. Blogging was something that I really loved from the beginning, and it turned into my side hustle. 

As for my journey, Yogi Times is proof of how my interest turned into a full-time job and made me an entrepreneur. If it weren’t for that blogging, I wouldn’t have realized how much this field makes me happy. Through Yogi Times, I get to teach others about yoga, publish my own work, and create a positive community for fitness enthusiasts. No matter what age they are, this community is for everyone. Jean Christophe Gabler, Founder, Yogi Times

Develop Skills through Polling Side Hustle

My first steps toward financial independence began with a career as a pollster, conducting online, telephone, and in-person surveys. Besides financial support, this side hustle has been instrumental in developing my professional path, which has oscillated around HR, public relations, communication, and content creation.  Continue Reading…