Longevity & Aging

No doubt about it: at some point we’re neither semi-retired, findependent or fully retired. We’re out there in a retirement community or retirement home, and maybe for a few years near the end of this incarnation, some time to reflect on it all in a nursing home. Our Longevity & Aging category features our own unique blog posts, as well as blog feeds from Mark Venning’s ChangeRangers.com and other experts.

Is every day a Saturday in Retirement?

Is every day a Saturday in retirement? That’s what behavioural scientists Dan Ariely and Aline Holzwarth claimed in a recent study about retirement income. The premise being that when you’re no longer working 40 hours a week (or more) all of a sudden you have 40 hours a week available to spend money. Every day is like Saturday. Not to mention, many of the things your employer used to pay for, such as coffee, a smart-phone, or gym membership, now falls on you.

The study’s conclusion? Retirees should expect to spend as much as 130 per cent of their preretirement income after they retire. Yikes!

That flies in the face of typical retirement planning advice, which pegs the income replacement rate at around 70 per cent of your preretirement income. A lot of expenses should disappear when you reach retirement age. Hopefully your kids have left home, and your mortgage is paid off. You’ll no longer have payroll deductions for income taxes, CPP, and EI. Say goodbye to the long, soul-crushing commute, along with the expensive business attire.

Because of these reasons (and others) some retirement experts, like Fred Vettese, even champion a much lower retirement income target of 50 per cent of your income.

On the flip side, in this article about money myths, financial advisor Kurt Rosentreter seems to concur with the Ariely / Holzwarth study:

All the old retirement planning textbooks said you could expect to live off less than your working income (e.g. 70 per cent). The reality of what we are seeing in the trenches doing this work everyday is that there are three phases: Age 60 to 70 where we are seeing as high as 110 per cent of pre-retirement spending; age 75 to age 85, where costs can drop to 80 per cent after the first spouse death; and costs in the final phase of age 85 onward that can be lower or higher depending on health care.

This study resonated with me because one of my biggest fears about retirement is that I’ll overspend and completely blow my carefully planned budget.

Overspending is one of the biggest Retirement fears

Why is that a fear?

We do spend more money on the weekend. That’s when we do our shopping, our leisure activities, and when we go out for dinner. Weekends can be expensive!

Continue Reading…

Could you become car-free?

Billy and Akaisha on a Jak-a-Ran in Thailand

By Akaisha Kaderli, RetireEarlyLifestyle.com

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

It wasn’t a decision we took lightly.

In fact, Billy and I discussed the idea of becoming car-free for several years. There were good reasons to do it: no more maintenance and repair costs; no more fees for insurance, license plate renewal, or registration; no more fuel expense; and no more worry about storing the vehicle here in the States when we are traveling overseas for months or years at a time.

But there were also some obvious downsides. We wouldn’t have the freedom to come and go at a whim. And because we live in the American Southwest, where temperatures reach triple digits in the summer, we wondered how we’d manage to get around during the sun season.

Silly idea or feasible plan?

Most people we know couldn’t fathom the idea of giving up their vehicle and saw this new lifestyle choice as a hardship. Americans love their automobiles, and owning one is packaged as part of the American Dream. A look at the automobile and truck commercials today describe how we will be sexier, more popular, physically stronger, and obviously smarter if we purchase their brand of car.

As we’ve described on our Retire Early Lifestyle website, Billy and I live in an active adult community where we are within walking distance to stores, restaurants, and several different entertainment options. Most of what we need is near to us, and we appreciate the slower pace of life with all the rewards it brings. Many of our neighbors use a small scooter, golf cart, or bicycle to get around within a reasonable range. When we need to go somewhere farther, we trade services or pay cash to a neighbor or friend for their time. This is much cheaper than a taxi, more sociable, and we aren’t bogged down with worries about maintaining a vehicle. Both sides appreciate the trade, and our lives are enriched.

After almost two decades of world travel, we realized that the only place where we need to drive is in the States. Elsewhere, we take public transportation or hire a private driver. For the amount of time we live in the States, and for the amount of money that owning our own transport required, we finalized our decision to sell our vehicle.

The year was 2009.

What about you? 

Retirement takes many expressions and even if you could never see yourself as becoming completely free of car ownership, maybe you have toyed with the idea of keeping only one vehicle instead of two.

The following sites may help you with this transition: Continue Reading…

Have you considered Shared Housing during Retirement?


By Steve Barker

(Sponsored Content)

Anyone who is approaching the age of retirement or planning for their eventual retirement is likely to give a lot of thought to just how much they’ll need to enjoy their golden years. While affordable life insurance policies are something else to add to the retirement list, so, too, is whether it would be a good idea to look into living with other people in shared housing: not only to reduce living expenses, but for a host of other reasons as well. Ready to learn more?

High cost of living combined with diminished resources

No matter where you live, chances are good that the cost of living has gone up in the past couple of years, a trend that is likely to continue. While you can control how much you save for retirement, you cannot control how expensive everything from food to medication will be when you’re ready to retire. Additionally, there may not be government or federal financial resources available when you reach the age of retirement, cutting off another source of income. Living with roommates can help immensely in cutting down the cost of living without the need for you to go to great financial and personal lengths to make your living situation work.

You have a built-In social circle

Many seniors grow lonely as they age because they aren’t able to get up and about as much as they used to when they were younger. When you live with people you get along with, being social is as easy as walking down the hall. Elderly individuals who have mobility issues don’t have to worry about making special transportation arrangements to spend time with other people, and being social can be mentally and emotionally beneficial for everyone, no matter their age or health.

Share common house chores

Keeping an entire house clean can be quite a task even for married seniors. Rather than hiring house cleaning services, which can drain your retirement funds, you may find it’s better to divide the chores between the people you live with. Besides saving money, chores allow you to move around and keep somewhat active, which senior citizens need to remain healthy. Continue Reading…

The downsizing dilemma: 39% of homeowners skeptical it will save money

By Joyce Wayne

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

For older Canadians considering selling a home to retire to a smaller living space or a more affordable community, downsizing might sound like a financial bargain, but in a recent Ipsos survey commissioned by HomeEquity Bank, 39 per cent of current homeowners are skeptical that downsizing will actually save them money.

More than a decade ago, I faced the downsizing dilemma and I now wish I’d been as skeptical as these savvy consumers. I put a considerable down payment on a condo in downtown Toronto, purchasing it from builder’s plans. At the time, I wished to retire from my long-time position as a college professor to launch a new career as a writer.  Selling my home, cashing in on the equity I’d accumulated, while moving to smaller digs, made sense to me.

Yet as 27 per cent of downsizers shared with the Ipsos survey, the costs were more than expected. Expenses from downsizing can add up quickly.

Originally I was attracted by the lure of improving my cash flow to support a new career, but downsizing didn’t net out that way after factoring in all the closing costs and moving expenses along with the disruption to my lifestyle.

Moving away felt like starting all over again: this time in my sixties. The weight of condo living took its toll.

After living in my condo for two years, facing unexpected changes to the original building plan, loud nocturnal noise from other condo dwellers, endless fire drills and my terrace furniture burning up with cigarette butts dropped on my balcony from above, I put the unit on the market.  Once again I was faced with real estate and closing costs. When I purchased a home in my former neighbourhood, I was forced to negotiate a mortgage.

According to an earlier Ipsos survey commissioned by HomeEquity Bank in July 2018, half (51 per cent) of those aged 75+ say it’s important to stay in their current home because they want to keep close to family, friends or their community, while four in ten (40 per cent) say emotional attachment and memories are what’s behind the importance of staying put in their current home during retirement.

What I’d do differently if considering downsizing: Continue Reading…

Aging business owners need to tackle estate planning

By Andre Guillemette

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Did you know that more than 50% of medium sized enterprises in Canada are controlled by an owner between the age of 50 and 64? Additionally, about 75% of Canadian business owners plan to exit their business before 2022. However, according to the Canadian Federation of Business, only half of Canadian business owners have a proper succession plan in place. If you are a business owner, you need to think about the future of your company, no matter your age.

When a family’s assets and income are linked to a business, if the business owner passes away, both estate and succession planning will ensure that the family is taken care of and the company remains viable. If a person passes away without a will, provincial wills and estate law will determine how their assets are dispersed. Without any kind of estate planning in place, their heirs could be hit with a hefty tax bill, and unexpected fees and administrative costs.

There are many steps to effective estate planning and whether they all apply to you will depend on your personal circumstances. Some of them include:

  • ensuring your will is up-to-date
  • appointing an appropriate executor
  • establishing an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA)
  • providing an income for your spouse and family in the event of your unexpected disability or death
  • developing a plan for equitable and tax-efficient distribution of your assets
  • creating an emergency business plan
  • writing shareholder/partnership buy-sell agreements if applicable
  • planning for succession

To accommodate the above, there are several financial strategies at your disposal to help you meet your goals. As a business owner you should investigate:

1.) Looking at insurance as a way to shelter assets for the next generation.

Permanent cash value life insurance policies, such as participating whole life and universal life, are attractive to corporations for the potential tax-free death benefit and the tax-preferred cash accumulation benefits they offer. These insurance policies provide the corporation with valuable life insurance protection on a key person or shareholder. Another benefit is they allow for tax efficient growth and access to policy values tax-free immediately or in the future. By using life insurance, the estate value available for future generations can be significantly increased by the tax-free death benefit. Continue Reading…