What happens to your TFSA upon death?


Human mortality seems to be the Hub’s theme today. This morning we posted Lorne Marr’s 20 tips on getting life insurance without having to take a medical exam first.

Subsequent to that, my latest MoneySense Retired Money blog looks at the topic of estate planning as it related to Tax-free Savings Accounts (TFSAs). To access the full blog, click on the highlighted text here: Why your TFSA needs a Successor Holder.

We had mentioned in an earlier blog that TFSAs were excellent vehicles for estate planning and minimizing tax of families as a whole. See How TFSAs can aid your Victory Lap.

We also said that it’s by far preferable for couples to name each other Successor Holders on their respective TFSAs. Otherwise, things get pretty complex, which is what the MoneySense blog goes into in some depth.

TFSA succession planning often not well understood 

Sandy Cardy

The blog is based largely on input from Mackenzie Investments and a brochure it published entitled What happens to your TFSA at the time of death?, which you can access in full by clicking on the link. It also quotes regular Hub contributor Sandy Cardy, who was the head of tax and estate planning at Mackenzie when that brochure was published. In that role, she was responsible for educating the financial advisors who sell mutual funds on estate planning, including its role in TFSAs. As she notes in the MoneySense blog, this topic of TFSAs at death is not well understood even by some financial professionals.

These days, following her own brush with cancer in 2012 (she’s fine now) Cardy blogs as much on health as she does on Wealth. See for example, a recent Hub blog titled The Mind-Body Connection: How Stress Affects Your Health. Her website can be found here, and you can find her estate planning “novel” by clicking on this  highlighted title: The Cottage The Spider Brooch and The Second Wife

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