How to age gracefully


How can you age gracefully? What exercise, diet, or wellness tips should people in their 50s follow?

To help those in their 50s age gracefully, we asked business professionals and marketing experts this question for their best wellness tips. From meditating every day to keeping up with good dental health, there are several great exercise, diet, and wellness tips that may help you age gracefully.

Here are 10 exercise, diet, and wellness tips for people in their 50s:

  • Give Yourself Permission to Take Care of Yourself
  • Mediate Everyday
  • Give Your Body What It Loves
  • Customize Your Routines
  • Focus on Mental Wellness
  • Minimal Processed Food
  • Get Some Fresh Air
  • Dental Health
  • Realistic Goals and Consistent Action
  • Low Impact Workouts

Give yourself permission to take care of yourself

Adopting healthy habits is key to a lifetime of health and wellness.  Finding ways to reduce stress such as meditation or even a walk and focus on a clean diet that energizes rather than slows you down. In addition to physical exercise, exercising your mind is key to aging gracefully. Reading often, learning new skills and information, social interaction, and even using meditation to clear your mind. Giving yourself permission to take care of you, is key! — Carol Bramson, Side by Side

Meditate every day

It may sound cliche, but meditation is the best way to age gracefully! I am a firm believer that if you want to look better on the outside, you must start on the inside. By meditating every day, you can cleanse your mind and rid yourself of the stress and negative thoughts that weigh you down. You will be surprised by how much of a difference mediation will truly have on your skin, posture, and overall glow: it is the best-kept beauty secret since ancient times. — Nikitha Lokareddy, Markitors

Give your body what it loves

Although I am not in my 50s, I have found that as I have matured, I have gotten to know myself and my body a lot better! For me, aging gracefully is all about simplicity and consistency. I know what foods my body loves, what workouts improve my physical and mental strength, and what products I can’t live without. All in all, my tip is to stick to what you know. — Vanessa Molica, The Lash Professional

Customize your routines

As someone who works in healthcare, I have a unique perspective on how you can age gracefully inside and out! Many people think that copying the workout and skincare routines of beautiful celebrities will do the trick, but the key is to customize your routines for your body. The only way to do that accurately is to consult professionals. Dermatologists, nutritionists, and trainers have the tools and knowledge to ensure that your age is nothing but a number! — Dan Reck, MATClinics

Focus on Mental Wellness

Whether that means tackling daily brain exercises or relaxing your mind on a recreational vacation, focusing on mental wellness is one critical area for people to focus on in their fifties. Keep the mind clear and fresh, because the mind leads the body. — Randall Smalley, Cruise America

Minimal Processed Food

Staying active and reducing stress are two key elements that contribute to aging well. When it comes to diet, there’s a large fixation on certain “superfoods” that are key to longevity. In reality, eating a variety of wholesome, minimally processed foods is key to keeping down inflammation in the body and aging well. Because the eyes can show acute signs of aging, opting for a safe and effective treatment like an eye lift is a great way to age with grace. — Michael Herion, Carrot Eye Center

Get some fresh air

As you get older, lots of people lose their sense of adventure and stop enjoying all the great outdoors have to offer. Regardless of whether you prefer a light hike, a horseback ride, or a day on the water fishing, get outside!

As the owner of a historic hotel in the Northern Georgia Mountains, these activities (in addition to trips to our hotel’s spa) really do the trick for me. — Gwen North, Lake Rabun Hotel

Dental Health

Dental health is so important as you age! Teeth, gums, and the rest of the oral cavity need extra care and attention if you want them to stay healthy in your later years. If time has not been gracious to your teeth and decay is already happening, there are always options. Partial dentures are a great option to keep your other teeth healthy and decrease the chance of unusual movement. Keeping your smile healthy will keep you looking and feeling young! — Henry Babichenko, DD,  Eurodenture

Realistic goals and consistent action

They say everything you do when you’re 20 you feel when you’re 50. We all have a little road wear, but that doesn’t have to stop you from doing what you love. When it comes to exercise, check your ego at the door and shift from a sprint to a marathon mindset. Progress comes from realistic goals and consistent action. No sport or competitive activity is off limits as long as you respect your current capabilities and make modifications where necessary. — Tim Toterhi, Plotline Leadership

Low-impact Workouts

For 30+ years, the media has pushed high impact exercise as the way to building a strong and sculpted body. I’ve found the opposite is true. You don’t need to run a marathon or dead-lift 500 lbs (these activities are hard on your body). Instead, the healthiest older people I know focused on low-intensity exercise throughout their lives. These activities can help improve blood circulation, regulate body weight, and more. If you continue your practice on a regular basis then you can continue them well into old age. — Michael Alexis, Teambuilding

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