Tag Archives: financial advisors

Why Investing is hard: We don’t practice enough

By Aman Raina, Sage Investors

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Continuing my review of Richard Thaler’s book, Misbehaving: The making of behaviorial economics, Thaler made a small comment that made me take pause:

“… Psychologists tell us that in order to learn from experience, two ingredients are necessary,  frequent practice and immediate feedback…”

Investing is intimidating and hard to us because we just don't practice or engage in it enough.

Investing is intimidating and hard to us because we just don’t practice or engage in it enough.

This short sentence stopped in me my tracks as it captures so neatly and concisely my motivations for becoming an investment coach.

A lot of people are intimidated by investing. There are many elements about investing that strike fear into the hearts of people. The fear of math andall those formulas, ratios, and calculations. The fear of losing all your savings. The fear and trepidation of clicking that button on your computer screen to buy or sell a stock.

How to overcome investing fears

I found the best way to overcome the fears of investing and just about any skill or competency is to educate ourself and to frequently engage in the activity and behaviour to gain experience and confidence.

When we decide to become a nurse or a computer programmer or a financial analyst, we go to school to educate ourselves and practice the skills necessary to be proficient in that occupation. To determine how successful we are in acquiring a skill we take tests and exams that provide us with meaningful and timely feedback. We then will apply those skillsets in a job where we will repetitively practice those skills we’ve developed which ultimately make us even more experienced.

These are the usual steps when it comes to becoming proficient in a skill. We will commit the time and resources to do what’s needed often enough to learn to get it right. However when it comes to choosing a home, a mortgage or an RRSP, or stock or bond, most people don’t get much practice or opportunities to learn. And when it comes to saving for retirement, barring reincarnation, we will engage in that process or journey exactly once.

People don’t invest often enough

People have a hard time with investing because they simply just don’t do it enough. We don’t commit the time to learn and practice the skill. If we’re not engaged in the process, we will not receive meaningful feedback (which is ironic because technology gives us real-time feedback on the progress of our portfolios) and we will be less likely to improve our development. When we do engage in a program with a financial advisor, often our interaction takes place at the start and maybe if we’re lucky once a year, which to me is not enough when we are talking about something so important as your personal finances. That meaningful feedback loop that can keep us engaged is few and far between.

With the proliferation of passive investment strategies and automated portfolio management services, I fear that more people in the future will be even less engaged in the process of investing and as a result will not develop the financial literacy and self-awareness of cognitive biases that can cloud our decision making.  Passive investing is a powerful and effective strategy but it can be more powerful and fulfilling when we are more engaged in the process.

A lack of practice leads to a lack of commitment that provides very little feedback. As a result there is a greater probability that we will not develop the skillset, literacy, or self-awareness to make successful investment decisions.

Investment coaches are different from financial advisors

This strikes at the heart of what I do as an investment coach and what makes investment coaching so fundamentally different than a traditional financial advisor. My job is to get people I work with to engage in the process of investing and I do it through hands on training, constant engagement, and finally providing my client with meaningful and timely feedback through coaching conversations.

When someone works with me, they are making a time and financial commitment to develop their skillset for making investment decisions and my role is to enthusiastically engage them through coaching conversations about a real-time investment issue and formal education and practice. By taking this approach to nurture these financial behaviours I have found that this can have a more profound effect in the development of a person’s financial literacy.

So for me that small little sentence tucked away in Mr. Thaler’s book crystallized my raison d’etre. Who would have thought?

AmanRainaAman Raina, MBA is an Investment Coach and founder of Sage Investors, an independent practice specializing in investment coaching and portfolio analysis services. This blog was originally published on his web site and is reproduced  here with permission. 




Grexit and Findependence

Group of People Discussion about Greek Debt Crisis

By Jonathan Chevreau,

Financial Independence Hub

Thus far, the Hub has not commented directly on the ongoing crisis in Greece. Since we’re in something of a pause mode until the Referendum on Sunday, it seems as good a time as any to venture into this issue.

I am as transfixed as anyone by the images of Greek pensioners lining up almost daily for their 60-euro ATM infusions. Those who follow my Twitter feed — which also runs to the right of the Hub’s home page — will know that probably every second tweet or retweet concerns Greece in some way.

The world’s major newspapers and broadcast media seem to me to be doing a more than adequate job in reporting on this crisis. For instance, in Thursday’s Financial Post, Gluskin Sheff’s David Rosenberg wrote a useful piece about Why he still isn’t worried about Grexit. And the cover story in this week’s just-published The Economist nicely lays out the possible near future in Europe’s Future Lies in Greece’s Hands.

There’s little point in adding to the discussion if I can’t provide some unique perspectives. I’m no expert on Greece so I cannot: I’ve never even visited the country, although last fall we were right next door in neighbouring Turkey.

I can say that I’ve not made any changes in our family’s investments in response to this ongoing drama. I briefly owned a tiny position in a Greece ETF in 2014, thinking the worst was over but jettisoned it for tax-loss selling purposes late in 2014 and it will be a long time before I’m tempted to re-enter that position. If ever.

Cash is the furthest thing from Trash right now

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What’s on the Menu? Engineering a better outcome for investors

Depositphotos_50578301_xsBy Robb Engen, Boomer & Echo

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

When I worked in the hospitality industry our hotel group placed a large emphasis on the profitability of its restaurants and catering departments. Considerable effort was made to drive overall food costs down while at the same time creating a sales culture that pushed the highest margin items in order to boost revenue.

One of the most effective ways to do this was through a process called menu engineering. Before hitting it big by turning around struggling nightclubs in the reality show Bar Rescue, Jon Taffer was a highly sought-after speaker and consultant in the hospitality industry. At the top of Taffer’s legendary revenue growth plan for restaurants and bars is the concept of menu engineering. Here’s how it works:

Restaurant owners divide their menu items into four main categories:

  • Stars – Stars are extremely popular and have a high contribution margin. Ideally Stars should be your flagship or signature menu items.
  • Plow horses – Plow horses are high in popularity but low in contribution margin. Plow horse menu items sell well, but don’t significantly increase profit.
  • Puzzles – Puzzles are generally low in popularity and high in contribution margin. Puzzle dishes are difficult to sell but have a high profit margin.
  • Dogs – Dogs are low in popularity and low in contribution margin. They are difficult to sell and produce little profit when they do sell.

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5 things your advisors should be doing to protect you from identity theft

Rick Hyde pic Mar 2015
Rick Hyde

By Rick Hyde

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Most articles about identity theft will offer practical insights and steps that you can take to protect your self. But what about all the other people that handle your personal data – the financial advisors, accountants, lawyers and health professionals, to mention a few – what are they doing to protect YOUR privacy?

Identity theft and fraud is growing

As the use of digital systems for storing personal financial and health data has grown, so has the problem of fraudulent access to that information.

Identity theft and fraud has been growing steadily in the past 10-20 years, according to reports in the US and Canada. So far in 2015, the US-based Identity Theft Resource Center reports almost 300 incidents involving data on over 100 million individuals.

You are your account numbers

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