Tag Archives: Financial Independence

The 4% Rule conflates Asset Accumulation with Income Stream

De-accumulation blogger Edward Kierklo

By Edward Kierklo

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Nothing has worked more effectively for the financial industry to justify asset accumulation or AUM (Assets Under Management) than the theoretical underpinnings of the 4% “rule” or “guideline.”

There are innumerable articles on how individuals will require one million dollars or more for retirement based on this dubious principle.

Certainly it is crucial to save but to focus on any particular threshold misses the point that what counts in retirement is a regular, dependable stream of income for a lifetime.

Motley Fool does not debunk the 4% rule explicitly but offers lots of caveats in this piece.

Take this recent article on Marketwatch saying that one million is not enough.

Balancing lifestyle and longevity

There are two factors in retirement to balance: lifestyle and longevity. Any 4% or otherwise rule is irrelevant if longevity is uncertain. Most people want to maintain a certain quality of life in retirement as well as living healthy.

Here is a hypothetical question: would you take Social Security if it were offered as a lump sum or continue to collect it monthly for the rest of your life (with the bonus of inflation adjusted payouts)? Continue Reading…

Is an RRSP right for you? Not necessarily

By Michael Wickware, CMO, Planswell

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

We’re all accustomed to seasonal advertising. Real estate listings in the spring, back to school sales in late summer, holiday sales in the fall, and at the start of every new year, financial industry ads urging you to contribute to your RRSP.

The traditional RRSP season is driven by two main factors:

1.) The rules say you have the first 60 days of each new year to make a contribution that can be applied to your previous years’ tax return.

2.) RRSPs are lucrative for banks and financial advisors, because you’re likely going to keep paying them fees every year from now until retirement.

You might ask, “Isn’t it also driven by the fact that RRSPs are a great way for Canadians to save money?” The billboards, posters, banners and sales pitches certainly seem to suggest as much. I may be a marketing guy, but I work at a financial planning company, so I know it’s not quite that simple.

Unless these advertisers actually know about your personal financial situation, how can they be so sure that an RRSP is the right answer for you? Does absolutely everybody need to contribute to an RRSP, or is there some nuance these Mad Men might be missing?

In my search for answers, I had one major advantage. Planswell has built more than 100,000 financial plans for Canadians. Every plan is based on analyzing dozens of data points about things like goals, income, assets, debts, investments, insurance and more. In other words, I know more than any bank or ad agency about what individual people actually need to get ahead financially.

I asked our engineering team to dig into the data, and what we found definitely challenges the conventional wisdom:

An RRSP was wrong choice 52% of the time!

I didn’t think an RRSP was the best choice every time, but the gap between what the marketing campaigns are saying and what people actually need is a lot wider than I expected. It turns out the annual RRSP ad blitz, backed by all the biggest financial institutions in Canada, has been giving bad advice to half the country.

We decided to dig deeper, and found several reasons why an RRSP may not be the best choice for you. Here are three of the top reasons:

1.) It won’t always maximize your tax savings

An RRSP is not meant to avoid tax completely: just to put it off until you retire. The idea is to reduce your taxable income while you’re working and in a relatively high tax bracket, then pay the tax when you’re retired and in a lower tax bracket. But if you’re already in a low tax bracket, this strategy doesn’t work. And, if you’re early in your career and expect to be in a higher tax bracket in the future, you might be better off letting your RRSP contribution room accumulate until you can use it for a bigger benefit.

2.) You have shorter-term priorities

An RRSP is a long-term retirement investment. You don’t want to be paying fees and taxes and losing contribution room by taking money out early. That means you should make sure that your short-term needs are covered first. For example, if you don’t already have an emergency fund set aside or if you’re planning to buy a home or make a major purchase within the next few years, you may not want to lock your savings away in an RRSP now.

3.) You could miss out on bigger opportunities

Let’s assume an RRSP makes sense from a tax point of view and that you have your short-term needs covered. You’re good to go, right? Not necessarily. Continue Reading…

5 reasons why your business should hire accountants

By Neil Coleman

(Sponsored Content)

Exceptional financial management is necessary for any company, whether large or small. As a business owner, you have your hands full with the operations and marketing strategies that should be implemented for the growth of your company. Fortunately, you can delegate finance and bookkeeping tasks to an accountant.

You have two options of hiring accountants for your enterprise. One way is to outsource it to a team of trustworthy certified public accountants (CPAs) like the experts from http://www.daviekaplan.com/. Another method is to hire in-house employees who can contribute their skills and previous experiences to monitoring this particular department.

Regardless of how you go about in recruiting accounting staff, here are the reasons why you should invest in them:

 1.) They help you maximize profit early on

Accountants are beneficial during the early stages of your company as they can advise you on what business model will be most useful for your venture and help you set attainable goals. They can also help calculate the pricing structure of your products and services to maximize profits. Moreover, accountants know the ins and outs of the banking system so they can set up your account successfully and determine if you need to open a merchant account.

2.) They organize your financial reports

Your  income statement or profit-and-loss account is a crucial financial document that showcases your business’ revenues and expenses during a specified time. By having an accountant onboard from day one, you can have the reports organized so that you can track your progress without difficulty.

Aside from the statement containing your profits and losses, these are two other essential financial reports that every business must have:

  • Balance Sheet: This gives you a glimpse of your company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity. Assets are the valuable things owned by your business that are already in cash or can be converted to currency. Liabilities, also known as debts, are the amounts of money you owe others, whereas shareholders’ equity is the amount that you would end up with if you sold all your assets and paid off all the debts.
  • Cash-Flow Statement: This document details the company’s inflows and outflows of cash. It informs you if your company generates income or loses money during a period. Operating, investing, and financing activities can be found in this file.

These financial reports are vital for the compilation of annual reports. This document summarizes the performance of your business during the year and projections for the next twelve months. It includes audited financial statements that inform you and your investors about how well your company is doing.

3.) They save you from penalties

Your accountants can focus on the deadlines of government-mandated processes, such as taxes and social security contributions. The IRS can be exceptionally nitpicky about filing deadlines and audits. Penalties for delayed payments and filing can be such a burden. Save yourself from the stress of remembering all those deadlines by hiring a dedicated team of accounting staff.

4.) They lend a hand in making smart financial decisions

As a business owner, you have multiple roles to take on each day. Your employees would ask for solutions on company-related matters, such as who to hire among the candidates and what marketing strategies to implement this week. Continue Reading…

Are all Pension incomes created equal?

Image Shutterstock

By Ian Moyer

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Pension incomes are not created equal. They come in all shapes and sizes. They are as varied as the people who have accumulated them and who seek to use them. 

In this seemingly infinite variety, in this mathematical complexity, there is a common thread as far as advisors are concerned: delivering clients the most after-tax income possible. 

CPP, OAS, Defined Benefit Pension, Dividend Income, Interest Income, RRIFs, Part Time Employment Income, Corporate Dividends, TFSAs: These are just a few of the various sources of income individuals may have access to when they exit the workforce.  Upon retirement, decisions about what, when, and how much income to draw upon, move to the forefront.

Tax is key to coordinating multiple income streams

Coordination here is key as each of these sources of income is subject to different tax rates, different tax deferrals and different estate taxes. Tax is key, in other words.

Recent or prospective retirees need more than a competent advisor at this stage. Understanding the tax rates, tax deferral rates and the implications regarding OAS and Income Splitting is one thing. But accounting for these sources of income and the complicated ways in which they interact requires an algorithm.

The specialized software, Cascades, cascadesfs.com, performs these calculations, giving users informed withdrawal strategies. Designed by financial advisors in partnership with software developers, Cascades uses actual tax rates, not average tax rates, projecting for the duration of retirement, including longevity risk.

Because numbers require context to be meaningful, let us consider prospective retirees Bill and Anne Smith.

Case Study: a Couple in their late 60s

Retirement Plan: Bill and Ann are 68 and 67 currently. They have been retired for a few years but still have RRSPs and a LIRA and want to know if they should start using them for income or defer payments until age 71. 

Income Sources: Both have CPP and OAS. Anne has a defined benefit pension from having worked as a teacher. 

Investments: Bill has a healthy RRSP and Anne has a modest RRSP and a LIRA. They have maxed out their TFSAs and each have about $100,000 additionally in individual non-registered accounts. 

Total: 12 different income sources and investment accounts to manage for retirement income

Cascades provides direction in the following way. Users — whether they be Anne and Bill themselves, or their advisors — fill in a detailed online questionnaire, submit their responses and in under ten seconds they have a report. This report (an excerpt is shown at the top of this blog) automatically gives three potential strategies and shows which one works best. For Anne and Bill, drawing down and re-investing their registered accounts first is expected to save them over $75,000 in their estate compared to a complete deferral of their registered money. 

As far as Bob and Linda Sanderson are concerned, on the other hand, a Cascades report advises them to do just the opposite and ultimately predicts a savings of $125,000. Here’s how:

Quite different withdrawal recommendations for this younger couple

Bob and Linda are both 55 and currently working. They plan to retire in 10 years. They have a rental property they maintain that they plan to sell in 15 years and want to know how to plan for the long-term. 


Income Sources: Both will receive CPP and OAS. Bob will receive a small defined benefit pension. Both will earn rental income until sale of the property. Both will receive corporate dividends until age 80 from a holding company. 

Investments: Both have large RRSPs, nearly capped TFSAs, and a small amount of non-registered savings. Additionally, Linda has a small LIRA. 

Total: 18 different income sources and investment accounts to manage for retirement income.

Cascades proposes three withdrawal strategies and highlights the best plan. Using all of their non-registered savings before rolling over registered investments will save Bob and Linda over $125,000 in their estate compared to an early drawdown of their registered money. Cascades software is designed to help users do their due diligence on the matter of retirement planning. The results are specifically tailored to the retirement in question and they are reliable, informed and rigorously defined as they are by Canada’s vast and varied tax laws.


Ian Moyer is the founder of Ian C. Moyer Insurance Agency Inc. and Cascades Financial Solutions Inc.

Vanguard announces the passing of founder John C. Bogle

The investment industry is saddened to learn of the passing of Vanguard founder John C. Bogle today. A true giant of the industry, Bogle was virtually the creator of index mutual funds and ETFs, and passive investing in general. Below is the press release issued today by Vanguard, which we reprint in full. I have added a few subheads and made only very minor edits.  

VALLEY FORGE, PA (January 16, 2019) — Vanguard announces the passing of John Clifton Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group, who died today in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. He was 89.

Mr. Bogle had legendary status in the American investment community, largely because of two towering achievements: He introduced the first index mutual fund for investors and, in the face of skeptics, stood behind the concept until it gained widespread acceptance; and he drove down costs across the mutual fund industry by ceaselessly campaigning in the interests of investors. Vanguard, the company he founded to embody his philosophy, is now one of the largest investment management firms in the world.

“Jack Bogle made an impact on not only the entire investment industry, but more importantly, on the lives of countless individuals saving for their futures or their children’s futures,” said Vanguard CEO Tim Buckley. “He was a tremendously intelligent, driven, and talented visionary whose ideas completely changed the way we invest. We are honored to continue his legacy of giving every investor ‘a fair shake.’”

Mr. Bogle, a resident of Bryn Mawr, PA, began his career in 1951 after graduating magna cum laude in economics from Princeton University. His senior thesis on mutual funds had caught the eye of fellow Princeton alumnus Walter L. Morgan, who had founded Wellington Fund, the nation’s oldest balanced fund, in 1929 and was one of the deans of the mutual fund industry. Mr. Morgan hired the ambitious 22-year-old for his Philadelphia-based investment management firm, Wellington Management Company.

Mr. Bogle worked in several departments before becoming assistant to the president in 1955, the first in a series of executive positions he would hold at Wellington: 1962, administrative vice president; 1965, executive vice president; and 1967, president. Mr. Bogle became the driving force behind Wellington’s growth into a mutual fund family after he persuaded Mr. Morgan, in the late 1950s, to start an equity fund that would complement Wellington Fund. Windsor Fund, a value-oriented equity fund, debuted in 1958.

In 1967, Mr. Bogle led the merger of Wellington Management Company with the Boston investment firm Thorndike, Doran, Paine & Lewis (TDPL). Seven years later, a management dispute with the principals of TDPL led Mr. Bogle to form Vanguard in September 1974 to handle the administrative functions of Wellington’s funds, while TDPL/Wellington Management would retain the investment management and distribution duties. The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies commenced operations on May 1, 1975.

The “Vanguard experiment”

To describe his new venture, Mr. Bogle coined the term “The Vanguard Experiment.” It was an experiment in which mutual funds would operate at cost and independently, with their own directors, officers, and staff—a radical change from the traditional mutual fund corporate structure, whereby an external management company ran a fund’s affairs on a for-profit basis.

“Our challenge at the time,” Mr. Bogle recalled a decade later, “was to build, out of the ashes of major corporate conflict, a new and better way of running a mutual fund complex. The Vanguard Experiment was designed to prove that mutual funds could operate independently, and do so in a manner that would directly benefit their shareholders.”

First index mutual fund in 1976

In 1976, Vanguard introduced the first index mutual fund — First Index Investment Trust — for individual investors. Ridiculed by others in the industry as “un-American” and “a sure path to mediocrity,” the fund collected a mere $11 million during its initial underwriting. Now known as Vanguard 500 Index Fund, it has grown to be one of the industry’s largest, with more than $441 billion in assets (the sister fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, has $221.5 billion in assets). Today, index funds account for more than 70% of Vanguard’s $4.9 trillion in assets under management; they are offered by many other fund companies as well and they make up most exchange-traded funds (ETFs). For his pioneering of the index concept for individual investors, Mr. Bogle was often called the “father of indexing.”

1977: Direct to investors

Mr. Bogle and Vanguard again broke from industry tradition in 1977, when Vanguard ceased to market its funds through brokers and instead offered them directly to investors. The company eliminated sales charges and became a pure no-load mutual fund complex—a move that would save shareholders hundreds of millions of dollars in sales commissions. This was a theme for Mr. Bogle and his successors: Vanguard is known today for maintaining investment costs among the lowest in the industry.

A champion of the individual investor, Mr. Bogle is widely credited with helping to bring increased disclosure about mutual fund costs and performance to the public. His commitment to safeguarding investors’ interests often prompted him to speak out against practices that were common among his peers in other mutual fund organizations. “We are more than a mere industry,” he insisted in a 1987 speech before the National Investment Company Services Association. “We must hold ourselves to higher standards, standards of trust and fiduciary duty. Change we must—in our communications, our pricing structure, our product, and our promotional techniques.”

Mr. Bogle spoke frequently before industry professionals and the public. He liked to write his own speeches. He also responded personally to many of the letters written to him by Vanguard shareholders, and he wrote many reports, sometimes as long as 25 pages, to Vanguard employees — whom he called “crew members” in light of Vanguard’s nautical theme. (Mr. Bogle named the company after Admiral Horatio Nelson’s flagship at the Battle of the Nile in 1798; he thought the name “Vanguard” resonated with the themes of leadership and progress.)

In January 1996, Mr. Bogle passed the reins of Vanguard to his hand-picked successor, John J. Brennan, who joined the company in 1982 as Mr. Bogle’s assistant. The following month, Mr. Bogle underwent heart transplant surgery. A few months later, he was back in the office, writing and speaking about issues of importance to mutual fund investors. Continue Reading…