Tag Archives: Financial Independence

How to use YouTube for Financial Independence

Image by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

By Andre Oentoro

Special to Financial Independence Hub

With more than 2.5 billion users worldwide, YouTube has become a platform where everyone creates and shares content and earns big bucks from it. 

As a financially independent person you can leverage the platform not only to share the knowledge you have but also to keep a steady stream of passive income. Well-crafted YouTube videos can be high-performing assets: they make your money work for you rather than the other way around.

However, using YouTube is so much more than creating a channel, grabbing your camera, and uploading videos to the platform. If you want to go the extra mile, it takes extra effort. We’ll break down some handy ways how you can get the most out of your YouTube channel. 

Focus on niche topics

Creating a niche channel can be an effective way to attract a dedicated and engaged audience. 

While it may seem counterintuitive to limit the scope of your content, focusing on a specific area of personal finance can help you establish yourself as an authority in that area. It can also help you stand out from other personal finance channels and make it easier for viewers to find your content.

For example, you could create a channel focused on investing in dividend stocks or building a real estate portfolio. Whether it’s animated explainer videos or talking-head style video, content that is tailored to a specific audience provides more in-depth analysis and insight that resonates with your viewers.

Share your failures

While it’s natural to want to showcase your successes, sharing your failures can be just as valuable to your audience. Personal finance can be a challenging topic, and sharing your mistakes and what you learned from them can help your viewers avoid making the same mistakes.

Sharing your failures can also help you build trust with your audience. Being honest and transparent about your experiences shows that you are a relatable and authentic creator. This can help you establish a loyal following and create a sense of community around your channel.

Collaborate with other creators

Collaborating with other creators in the personal finance space can be a great way to reach a wider audience and provide a fresh perspective for your viewers. 

By partnering with creators who have complementary areas of expertise or a similar target audience, you can create content that is more engaging and informative.

For example, you could collaborate with a creator who focuses on budgeting or debt reduction, while you focus on investing or building passive income streams. This can help you create a more well-rounded channel that appeals to a wider audience.

Use storytelling

While personal finance can be a dry topic, using storytelling can make your content more engaging and memorable. By sharing personal anecdotes or using case studies to illustrate your points, you can connect with your audience on an emotional level. Continue Reading…

Why my goal to live off dividends remains alive and well

Image myownadvisor/honestmath.com

By Mark Seed, myownadvisor

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Some time ago…yours truly wrote a controversial post about the intent to live off dividends and distributions from our portfolio.

Well, a great deal of time has passed on that post by my thinking and goals remain the same – as least in part for semi-retirement!

Read on to learn why my approach to live off dividends remains alive and well this year in this updated post.

Why my goal to live off dividends remains alive and well

First, let’s back up to the controversy and offer a list why some investors couldn’t care less about my approach and why dividends may not matter at all to some people:

  1. The trouble with any “live off the dividends” approach is that you’d need to save too much to generate your desired income. Fair. 
  2. Dividends are not magical – there is nothing special about them. Sure.  
  3. A dollar of dividends is = a one-dollar increase in the stock price. True, a dollar is a dollar. 
  4. Stock picking (with dividend stocks) is fraught with under performance of the index long-term. I’m not convinced about that. 
  5. You can never possibly know long-term how dividends may or may not be paid by any company. Fair. 

In many respects these investors are not wrong.

You do need a bunch of capital to generate income.

Dividends are part of total return. [See image at the top of this blog.]

Stock selection can open up opportunities for market under performance.

And the negativity doesn’t stop there …

Some financial advisors will argue your investing world starts to shrink if you demand 2% or 3% (or more) income from your portfolio, so dividend investing leads to poor diversification.

My response to this: I don’t just invest in dividend paying stocks. 

Further still, some advisors will argue picking dividend paying stocks may lead to negative outcomes and too many biases.

My response to this: while I believe markets are generally efficient, I also believe that buying and holding some dividend paying stocks (while there could be market under-performance at times) does not necessarily mean I cannot achieve my goals. In fact, that’s the entire point of this investing thing anyhow – investing in a manner that keeps you motivated, inspired and helps you meet your long-term goals.

Consider this simple sketch art from Carl Richards, who is far more famous than I will be, and author of the One-Page Financial Plan and more:

Keep Investing Super Simple - Goals and Happiness

Source: Behavior Gap.

From Carl’s recent newsletter in my inbox:

“Pretend you live in some magic fantasy world where all of your dreams (according to the investment industry) come true, and you actually beat an index every quarter for your whole life. Congratulations!

So here’s my question: You landed in Shangri La, according to the financial industry. You beat the index. But you didn’t meet your goals. Are you happy?

The answer is “No.”

Now let’s flip that scenario on its head. The worst thing in the world happens to you (again, according to the investment industry). You slightly underperform the index every quarter for your whole life. But because of careful financial planning, you meet every one of your financial goals. Let me repeat the question: Are you happy?

And the answer is obviously… “Yes.”

Stop worrying about beating indexes. Focus instead on meeting your goals.”


Finally, some advisors will argue that dividends and share buybacks and other forms of reinvesting capital back into the business can be equally shareholder friendly.

My response to this: Well of course that makes sense. Dividends are just one form of total returns.

But you know what?

The ability to live off dividends (and distributions from our ETFs) will be beneficial for these reasons:

1. I continue to believe there are simply too many unknowns about the financial future. So, living off dividends and distributions will help ensure our capital remains hard at work since it will remain intact.

2. If we are able to keep our capital intact we don’t need to worry as much about when to sell shares or ETF units when markets don’t cooperate. We can sell assets as we please over time.

3. Living off dividends is therefore just one way I’m trying to reduce sequence of returns risks. See below.

BlackRock - Sequence-of-returns-one-pager-va-us - December 2022 Page 2.pdf

Source: BlackRock.

As such, we’ll try to live off dividends and distributions in the early years of semi-retirement to avoid such risks.

4. I/we don’t necessarily believe in the 4% safe withdrawal rule. It’s impossible to predict next year, let alone 30 or more investing years.

5. I’m conservative as an investor. Seeing dividends roll into my account help me psychologically to stick to my investing plan.

6. Dividends is real money, tangible money I can spend if and when I choose without worrying about stock market prices or gyrations.

7. It is my hope dividends (and capital gains) can work together to help fight inflation. As consumer prices rise, as the cost of living rises, the companies that deliver our products and services will rise in price along with them.

8. I like dividend paying stocks for a bit of the “value-tilt” they offer. 

9. Canadian dividend paying stocks are tax-efficientWith my RRSP growing more with U.S. assets, I tend to keep Canadian dividend paying stocks in my TFSA and inside my non-registered account.

In a taxable account Canadian dividend paying stocks are eligible for a dividend tax credit from our government. This means taxation on dividends are favourable, it is a lower form of tax; lower than employment income and interest income. This will help me in the years to come.

Will I eventually spend the capital from my portfolio?

Of course I will.

But with a “live off dividends” mindset I can sell assets or incur capital gains largely on my own terms during retirement. I plan to do just that.

Why my goal to live off dividends remains alive and well summary

This site continues to share a journey that includes how passive dividend income can fulfill many of our retirement income needs – whether that might be covering our property taxes, paying our utility bills, delivering enough monthly income to cover our groceries, fund some international travel or all of these things combined.

Here was one of my recent updates below.

We’re now averaging over $3,300 per month from a few key accounts.

(Hint: likely more next month!)

We’re trending in a great direction thanks to this multi-year investing approach and I have no intentions of changing my/our overall approach.

I firmly believe our focus on the income that our portfolio generates, instead of the portfolio balance, is setting us up to deliver some decent semi-retirement income.

Our goal to live off dividends and distributions remains very much alive and well for the years ahead.

I look forward to your comments.

Mark Seed is a passionate DIY investor who lives in Ottawa.  He invests in Canadian and U.S. dividend paying stocks and low-cost Exchange Traded Funds on his quest to own a $1 million portfolio for an early retirement. You can follow Mark’s insights and perspectives on investing, and much more, by visiting My Own Advisor. This blog originally appeared on his site on March 27, 2023 and is republished on the Hub with his permission.

RetireEarlyLifestyle.com interview on Financial Independence & the “Findependent” lifestyle

By Billy and Akaisha Kaderli, RetireEarlyLifestyle.com

Special to Financial Independence Hub

We at Retire Early Lifestyle like to bring you individual FIRE stories and interviews of interesting people. There is no one single way to retire, and it is our hope that in reading these interviews with those who are on the path to Financial Independence it will inspire you to do the same!

Meet Jon [Jonathan] and Ruth Chevreau

Jonathan (Jon) and Ruth Chevreau

RetireEarlyLifestyle: Could you tell us a little about yourselves? Are you financially independent now?

Jon Chevreau: I’d describe Ruth and me as financially independent, yes, although it’s hard to claim we retired early like yourselves.

I just turned 70 and am still writing and editing, as well as running my own website on Financial Independence. Ruth is a year younger and retired from full-time work when she turned 65. My last full-time employment was at age 61, so by my definition when I became freelance/self-employed that was the start of our Findependence.

But we COULD have left the salaried routine earlier if we had wished to do so: we paid off our mortgage decades ago and our financial assets in combination with small employer pensions and the usual Government pensions are more than enough to fund a modest lifestyle.

REL: What type of work did you do, and what your life was like before FIRE?

JC: I’ve always been a journalist and editor, as well as an author and blogger.

Initially I worked in staff newspaper jobs covering technology in the early 80s ‘for the Globe & Mail (one of Canada’s two national newspapers), then almost two decades covering personal finance and investing for the National Post (Canada’s other national newspaper). I was also editor-in-chief for MoneySense Magazine for a few years after the Post and continue to write and edit for them in addition to running Financial Independence Hub, which I launched in 2014 when I left my full-time job at MoneySense.

REL: Because Billy has a background in finance and securities, he’s very familiar with US investments. Tell us about Canadian-backed assets.

JC: Canada is similar to Australia in its investment profile.

We’re dominated by energy and materials stocks and by six big banks. We have virtually no health care stocks and our consumer staple stocks are really just publicly traded grocery store chains like Loblaw;  our tech sector is small. Every once in a while Canada spawns a technology winner: Nortel, which went bust after China’s Huawei “borrowed” some of its technology; Research in Motion, whose Blackberry was a big-time success until the Apple iPhone ursurped it; and currently Shopify is our big tech winner.

Jon & Ruth sitting on a sand dune in Morocco

But mostly the Toronto Stock Exchange is dominated by banks like Royal Bank, BMO, Bank of Montreal, and TD Canada Trust (all with some US presence) and energy giants like Enbridge and TransCanada Pipelines. An American investor can get away with almost exclusive home country bias since the US is roughly half the global market cap and many of the big players are international anyway.

Canada is maybe 3% of the world’s total market cap, so we are forced to look to the US and global markets to be properly diversified. Once upon a time we were limited to just 20% foreign content in our pensions and retirement plans but that got scrapped so now we can overload on the S&P500 if we wish.

REL: Are discount brokers available to you in Canada like Fidelity, Charles Schwab and Vanguard?

JC: Oh yes, mainly through the big banks, so there’s TD Waterhouse, RBC Direct Investing (both of which we use) and the other banks have similar operations. There are also several independent online brokers like Questrade. Fidelity and Vanguard have Canadian divisions but mostly to sell their mutual funds and ETFs.

REL: Are capital gains taxed more favorably than income in Canada?

JC: Yes. Only half of capital gains are taxed, so that means about half as much tax as is usually paid on interest income or employment income. Also, unlike the US, the capital gains tax in Canada does not rise or fall depending how long you held before taking a profit. Dividends paid by Canadian companies get a lower tax rate than foreign dividends, which are taxed like interest and so best held in tax-sheltered retirement vehicles like the RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan, similar to America’s IRA).

Ruth hiking in Spain

REL: Could you explain Canada’s Old Age Pension, how that works, at what age one can begin receiving it, and how one qualifies for it?

JC: Canada’s equivalent to Social Security is actually three programs we dub CPP/OAS/GIS.

The main one is the Canada Pension Plan, to which all employees must contribute. Like Social Security you can take CPP early (even at age 60) but it pays much more if you wait till 70.

There is also Old Age Security or OAS, which people normally take at the traditional Retirement Age of 65. You can’t get it earlier than that but like CPP, can defer it to 70 and get paid more. It’s funded by the government’s general tax revenues but it’s means-tested, so if you have taxable income above $80,000 or so (the threshold rises a bit each year), you start to have OAS taxed away and you lose it all around $120,000. This is for each person, so retired couples normally try to keep their taxable income below $80,000 each, so $160,000 between them.

Finally, there is the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) to the OAS: which is means-tested and aims to top up income for seniors who have no real pensions or retirement savings. Personally, we don’t plan on receiving GIS: most middle-income seniors worry more about preserving OAS benefits: CPP is taxed but benefits are not clawed back.

REL: Could you tell us a little about how your portfolio is structured?

JC: I always used to wonder [in articles] why anyone would need more than a single global balanced mutual fund or these days a comparable Asset Allocation ETF from firms like Vanguard, BlackRock or BMO ETFs.

I believe in diversification by asset class, geography, investment style, and market cap. To some extent I keep in mind the All-Weather Portfolio championed by Ray Dalio, or before that, Harry Browne’s Permanent Portfolio. The latter was 25% in bonds for deflation, 25% stocks for prosperity, 25% gold for inflation and 25% in cash for really bad times. Dalio is a bit like that but would add commodities and maybe real estate. I don’t believe you can consistently predict markets and asset classes so I believe in being exposed to all of these over the long haul, with perhaps shorter-term tactical tweaks if trends become obvious (like interest rates bottoming a year ago.)

REL: How big a part of your retirement plan does the Canadian-based healthcare play? Would you consider permanently relocating to another country? If so, which countries have you considered?

JC: Canadians are a bit spoiled with universal health care. US Democrats would probably call it socialized medicine.

Jon in Malaga, Spain

It’s not entirely free as Ontario levies an annual Health Premium [i.e. tax] depending on income, but it’s lower than private insurance would be. We don’t worry about sticking with a single employer just to keep their health care insurance, although of course some will buy private Blue Cross and that kind of thing beyond what employers provide.

We travel a lot: Florida for a while, more recently Morocco, Mexico and other Spanish-speaking places including Spain itself. But I doubt we’d permanently leave Canada.

Just today we were walking around our home turf by the lake in Toronto. It’s called Long Branch, which was originally a Summer Resort when founded in 1884: affluent families in downtown Toronto would take the street car to their summer “cottage” in Long Branch. It’s now just another bedroom community but only a 15-minute GO train ride from downtown Toronto.

Canada overall is a blessed place: we’re protected by two oceans and it’s nice having a friendly neighbor and military power to the south. The rest of the world probably considers us boring, which suits us fine: we’ll keep us a best-kept secret! At one point we considered Mexico as a way to avoid Canada’s long winter and relatively high taxes but the high apparent levels of crime in recent years scared us off. My parents were British and French so we like to visit the UK and France, as well as Spain. But we are happy to keep Toronto a home base and to visit places for months at a time through AirBnB.

REL: In your retirement life, what will you do about access to health care? Are you open to Medical Tourism?

JC: Again, Canada’s health care system is almost free for citizens and reasonably accessible. In fact, it’s so attractive that it may prevent some of us from permanently pulling up stakes. I can see Dental Tourism as more likely, as only recently have the NDP started to badger the Trudeau Liberals to provide universal free dental care for young people and low-income seniors.

Sadly, neither category is us!

REL: Are you a traveler or more of a stay-at-home, community kind of guy? Are you and your wife on the same page regarding retirement and travel?

JC: I think we are. Ruth retired from her full-time job in the transportation industry three years ago but still does a bit of consulting and a lot of church work, volunteering, tutoring and the like.

Lake Ontario, a 30-second walk from Jon and Ruth’s home

As I said to you before this interview, I still put in a “gruelling 3-hour day” Monday to Thursdays, with Friday mornings if necessary. Like yourselves, I can run the web site from anywhere with good Internet access. Most recently we spent 4 weeks in Malaga, Spain and I kept things going from there. But in our next stage we will try to avoid more of the long Canadian winter and spend 2 or 3 months at a time abroad in January/February/March. Continue Reading…

How to stay motivated while Pursuing Financial Independence

Image courtesy of Terkel

From setting specific financial goals for success to having someone hold you accountable, here are 18 answers to the question, “What are your best tips for how to stay motivated and disciplined in the pursuit of financial independence?”  

  • Stay Disciplined and Goal-Oriented
  • Tie Your Goals to a Tangible Item
  • Stay Educated
  • Equate Money to Your Time
  • Celebrate Small Wins Along the Way
  • Develop an Action Plan
  • Create a Budget
  • Invest in Yourself
  • Develop a Strong “Why”
  • Have Fun With It
  • Set Specific Financial Goals for Success
  • Balance Spending Now and Saving for the Future
  • Start Tracking Your Progress
  • Focus On the Big Picture
  • Be Present
  • Build a Support System
  • Set Yourself Micro-Goals Along the Way
  • Find a Financial Accountability Buddy

Stay Disciplined and Goal-Oriented

Staying motivated and disciplined while pursuing financial independence requires commitment. One approach to remaining committed is to practice goal-setting, breaking down big goals into smaller goals that are based on achievable objectives. For example, if you want to save $1,000 in 3 months, break your bigger goal of saving money into a series of monthly phases, setting benchmarks each month as you inch closer to achieving your end goal. This helps with momentum and development while moving towards your desired result. Michael Alexis, CEO, swag.org

Tie Your Goals to a Tangible Item

One often overlooked way to accomplish this is to tie your goals to a tangible item, such as a savings jar or bank account. Visualize yourself with it when planning out what you need to do today and watch as your small contributions add up. 

Having this visual representation can be just the thing you need on days when you feel unmotivated and looking for an excuse not to save money. Taking ownership of your financial goals is the first step towards realizing those dreams – that’s what staying disciplined will help you achieve! Tasia Duske, CEO, Museum Hack

Stay Educated

Continually educating yourself about personal finance is crucial in staying motivated and disciplined as you pursue financial independence. Of course, this starts with knowing how to budget and set boundaries for yourself. 

As you strive toward financial independence, it’s important that you know where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back on spending. There are a variety of ways that you can budget your money, so explore those options and find a way that works for you. 

If you are one who likes to invest, stay up to date on current market trends so you don’t take any enormous risks that could cost you a lot of money. As you continue to stay informed and educated about personal finance, you will make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes, which will ultimately help you achieve your goals. Bill Lyons, CEO, Griffin Funding

Equate Money to your Time

Whether you make minimum wage or $100 an hour, we all trade time for money. Spending less money is one way to achieve greater financial independence. But when you’re struggling to cut expenses, one way to stay motivated is to understand how much time your money costs you. 

For example, if you’re toying with the idea of a $50 purchase, think of how much of your time it would take to make back that $50. How far would that put you behind? Would you be willing to spend that time getting that item?

Thinking about money in terms of minutes/hours of your life can help you exercise some restraint on impulse buys or unnecessary purchases. If you feel like it would be a waste of time, it’s probably a waste of money, too. Alli Hill, Founder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

Celebrate Small Wins along the way

Achieving financial independence can be a long and difficult journey, and it’s easy to become discouraged if you only look at the result. You can keep your motivation and momentum going by celebrating minor victories along the way.

Set attainable short-term goals, such as paying off a credit card or increasing your monthly savings by a certain amount. When you achieve these objectives, take the time to recognize your accomplishments and reward yourself‌. 

As a reward for sticking with it, give yourself a small treat or indulge in a favorite activity. This will help you in maintaining your motivation and discipline, as well as making the journey to financial independence more enjoyable. –Johannes Larsson, Founder and CEO, JohannesLarsson.com

Develop an Action Plan

It is important to develop a plan with realistic goals. Start by setting short-term goals that are achievable, such as saving a certain percentage of each paycheck or paying off the debt within a certain timeframe. 

Then, set longer-term goals for retirement savings or other goals related to financial independence. Having a plan will help keep you motivated and on track to achieving your financial goals. Martin Seeley, CEO, Mattress Next Day Continue Reading…

The benefits of Early Retirement


By Billy and Alaisha Kaderli, RetireEarlyLifestyle.com

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Retirement is something that many people look forward to in their later years, but what if you could leave your career earlier?

The idea of retiring before the typical age of 65 may seem like a pipe dream to some, but it is becoming more and more of a reality for many people whether by choice or through layoffs. There are numerous benefits to this decision, both financially and in terms of lifestyle.

Financial Advantages

One of the main reasons people strive for early retirement is the financial benefits it provides.

To prepare, it’s important to have a solid financial plan in place. This is a great way to learn the skills of creating a budget, tracking your spending, and paying down debt. We learn the value of maximizing retirement contributions and investing in non-IRA accounts. It’s the time to build up retirement savings before beginning to withdraw from them. You can do this on your own, as none of this requires a professional advisor.

Acquiring these tools makes us financially strong and builds our self-confidence which then carries itself forward into other areas of our lives.

Of course there is the need to factor in the potential for unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or family emergencies. Which is why we recommend a few years of cash held in a highly liquid account such as Fidelity® Government Cash Reserves, FDRXX, currently paying over 4%. Access to this cash can also help in market downturns so you are not forced to sell at lower prices in order to live your lifestyle.

Another financial advantage is the ability to minimize taxes.

By retiring early, you may be able to reduce your taxable income and utilize tax-efficient investment strategies. For one thing, you will no longer be paying payroll taxes. Withdrawing money from your retirement accounts in a strategic manner, such as using Rule 72T before you are eligible, can minimize your tax burden in the future and potentially save you a significant amount of money in taxes over time. We did this as a monetary bridge until our Social Security was available. Once we started to receive these payments, we let our IRAs build back up again.

Lifestyle Improvements

Leaving your job or career early also offers a number of lifestyle improvements. For one, you will have more free time to pursue your passions. You could travel more, take up new hobbies, and spend more time with loved ones. We used this opportunity to give end-of=life care to our parents when that time came, something we could not have done while maintaining a full work schedule.

Early retirement can also allow you to lead a healthier lifestyle, with more time to exercise, cook healthier meals, and prioritize your mental health. You could even volunteer and give of your expertise and talents, something you never had time for while working your 9-5.

If you choose to become financially independent outside of your paycheck, you have the ability to avoid burnout. Many people feel overwhelmed by the demands of their jobs, and early retirement can provide a much-needed break while opening up new vistas for you. You are able to take a step back, reflect on your priorities, and perhaps even discover new interests and pursuits.

We did!

Taking advantage of options that seem to just appear

In our case we chose to travel the world, which gave us new perspectives on how to live our own lives. There is no one singular way to do anything, and seeing how other cultures approached community, family, and even the cooking of their food and the learning of a new language, opened up our eyes as well. Continue Reading…