Tag Archives: robo-advisers

Robo advisers will expand beyond investing to insurance & lending

Invisor CEO Pramod Udiaver

By Pramod Udiaver

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

While the online advice industry is still relatively new to Canadian investors, the breadth of online financial services has been evolving quickly. This is good news for investors who are looking for more goal-based investing options and services that consolidate their various financial needs.

Goal-based investing considers a client’s goals and the steps needed to achieve them. This practice helps investors see their financial goals as easy-to-navigate paths, with clear beginnings and ends. It ensures investors fund their accounts based on desired results, rather than how much they think they might need. And it takes the uncertainty out of investing by showing exactly how and when each goal will be achieved.

While investing and insurance goals are not generally planned under the same service, insurance is an important part of any financial plan and the goal-setting process. Progress towards our goals can be thwarted by events like disability, serious illness, or the death of a loved one.

Role of insurance

We see that in many cases, even if one of these events were to occur, clients say they would still want to stay on a path to achieve their goals. Proper insurance can help them stay on track by replacing a portion of their income while they are disabled, allowing them to maintain a desired standard of living and keep saving. Life insurance can ensure that goals set for one’s family, like sending kids to good schools, allowing the surviving spouse to retire comfortably, or the desire to leave a legacy in the form of a charitable donation, can still be achieved.

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What is goals-based investing?

Business People Employee Retirement Presentation Seminar ConceptBy James Gauthier, CIO, Justwealth

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Most individuals are aware of the importance of investing – not everybody does it, but they know that it can be beneficial for their future.

For those who are able and engaged in investing, a good percentage will invest their savings through their financial institution, a financial advisor or some will do it on their own. Financial planning helps investors figure out questions such as “How much do I need to save?,” “How much can I spend?” or “What rate of return do I need to make?”

Before you attempt to answer these questions, you should be asking yourself the question “What is the objective of my investment?” The responses to this question can vary greatly, but might fall into one of the following categories:

• Saving for the short term (such as a down payment for a home in a few years)

• Saving for the long term (such as a retirement nest egg)

• Generating income (either as a primary or secondary source)

•Preserving your capital (looking to keep up with inflation or just very risk averse)

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Robo-Advisers disrupting wealth management industry but Service could determine how much

Male hands on the keyboard in front of computer screen with financial data and chartsAs my article in the print edition of Monday’s Financial Post goes into in some depth, the recently released DALBAR study on North American robo-advisers highlights several challenges the pioneering industry faces with new customers, or in poaching them from the established wealth management industry.

See the headline Service ‘gaps’ in robo advice: Dalbar study (page FP1). You can find the online version here under the headline ‘Robos are getting a pass’: Study points to gaps in automated investment advice.

Many older and wealthier clients may get “poached” from the traditional wealth management industry, whether retail mutual funds, banks, investment counsellors, full-service brokerage or other segments. Of course, in some cases, robo-advisers are landing “new” money from young people who may never have invested before. Millennials are a big focus of some robo-advisers (such as Toronto-based Wealthsimple).

Last Tuesday, the Hub ran a blog outlining the major points issued in the Dalbar press release, and we also published reaction from three Canadian robos: JustWealth, NestWealth.com, Wealthbar and the aforementioned Wealthsimple. See Becoming a Robo-Advisor Client may be challenging, Dalbar finds.

The 126-page study — which not all robo-advisers have seen — contains plenty of information that couldn’t be summarized in the FP piece. It begins by noting that these services are “one of the fastest growing segments in the wealth management space” and that they have “managed to capture significant share of wallet from the established wealth management providers in … a short period of time.” The report mentions that Wealthsimple has grown to $500 million in assets from a standing start in 2014.

The report has a relatively small sample size: 45 mystery shoppers  (15 US, 30 in Canada) were asked to sign up to various Robos. Almost half of them were in their 30s. To assess risk, Dalbar directed these mystery shoppers “to ask for high returns in a short time period to test risk response mechanisms.”

Below, I present some more highlights that have not yet been covered:

Robo firms covered in the Dalbar report

First, the report looked at five American robo-advisers and ten Canadian ones (interesting that there weren’t more US ones!)

The US firms were Betterment, Charles Schwab, Future Advisor, TradeKing Advisors and Vanguard. (interesting that the oft-cited Wealthfront is not in: Dalbar told me it was based on what clients chose.)

The Canadian firms were (in the order Dalbar listed them): BMO SmartFolio, Invisor, JustWealth, Modern Advisor, NestWealth, Questrade Portfolio IQ, RoboAdvisor Plus, Smart Money Capital, Wealthbar and Wealthsimple.

Why clients chose particular services

Asked why clients chose a particular service, 100% of Betterment clients cited convenience while 100% of Vanguard clients cited reputation. WealthSimple clients cited equally (25% each) advertising, convenience, executive team and reputation. Interestingly, 75% of BMO clients cited its bank affiliation, and 25% its reputation. Invisor was a 3-way split between advertisements, executive team and product selection. JustWealth was an even 4-way split between advertisements, reputation, convenience and — this is interesting — being the “first to return my initial contact.” The latter point also accounted for 25% for NestWealth, Wealthbar and Modern Advisor. For NestWealth, the other three reasons, all an equal 25%, were convenience, platform offered and reputation. For Questrade  Portfolio IQ it was 67% convenience and 33% reputation.

Reasons for Choosing vary with Client income levels

The report broke clients down into three clients with annual incomes that I’ll call low, medium and high: $60,000 to $75,000, $75,000 to $100,000 and $100,000 to $150,000 or more.

For the low-income clients, Convenience was most often cited, 30% of the time, followed by Platform Offered (26%) and Reputation (17%) and Pricing (9%).

For the middle-income clients, Reputation was most important, at 38%, followed by First to Return Initial Contact at 19%, executive team at 13%, and equal 6% allotments for Advertisements, Bank Affiliation, Convenience, Platform offered and Pricing.

For high-income clients, Reputation was most important in 33% of cases, followed by even 17% allotments to advertisements, bank affiliation, convenience and executive team. Remember these are small sample sizes, but none of the high-income clients even cited pricing, platform offered , product selection, or First to Return Initial Contact.

Motivations for trying a Robo-Adviser

Curiosity seemed to be a major driver for wanting to check out a robo service in the first place, Dalbar found, followed by lower fees and convenience. Not surprisingly, lower costs dominated for the high-income group, 83% citing it, followed by 17% time saving. For the middle-income group, 44% just cited the desire to try new technology; this was also cited by 30% of the low-income group. The two lower-income groups were also influenced by the fact robo-services let you start investing with relatively small amounts of money.

Cross-border differences in account opening times 

Time to open an account varied from five to more than 30 minutes in Canada. Canadian users needed up to six times more time to open than their US counterparts. 75% of US robo users needed just 10 or 15 minutes to open an account, while 70% of Canadian robo users needed 15 to 60 minutes.  Most Canadian users felt it took “too long” to open an account and US robos were perceived as being much easier to work with than their Canadian counterparts.

Dalbar singled out NestWealth as being most consistent, with most clients able to complete a risk assessment questionnaire in 15 to 30 minutes. US robo firms were faster but mostly because the questionnaires were shorter.

Aman Raina’s robo-experience

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Becoming a new Robo-Advisor client may be challenging, Dalbar finds

Robot hand, ordering on a laptop keyboard, an exchange trade. Robot trading system is a computer trading program that automatically submits trades to an exchange without any human interventions. Depth of field with focus on finger.DALBAR has released results for its study of the user experience of North American users of robo-adviser services, dubbed the Robo-advisor Onboarding Experience study.

It found that opening a new account is a critical first point of contact between a service provider and a client.

In this press release, it found that some Canadian robo-advisors are “clearly falling short of peer performance as well as of Canadian investors’ expectations for service in the wealth management space.”

Service gaps identified  

Funding the account was the biggest challenge facing Canadian robo-advisors.
Several firms encountered serious technical and logistical challenges using live chat effectively.

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Sorry Boomers, as FinTech rises, Millennials now main focus of financial industry

Millennials word on a product or package box to illustrate marketing and advertising to the youth in Generation Y

As I recount on page FP3 of today’s Financial Post, the baby boomers are fast becoming supplanted by the Millennial generation when it comes to attracting the attention of the financial services industry and in particular the rise of the fintech industry.

For online version, see Sorry boomers, the focus is shifting: Millennials are fast becoming new apple of financial industry’s eye.

Certainly, much of the action around so-called “Fin-Tech” is oriented to the Millennial market, with many of the firms also founded or cofounded by Millennials. The big three fintech categories are online lending, robo-advisers and payment technology.

Note the New York Times had an interesting piece this week on fintech and blockchain: Envisioning Bitcoin’s Technology at the Heart of Global Finance. Also note my Hub review of Don Tapscott’s groundbreaking book on blockchain, with a link to a video: Book Review: Blockchain Revolution.


YOLO: the new Millennial motto?

Also in the FP package today is a review of a book written by a Millennial that addresses Millennials: You Only Live Once, otherwise known as the popular millennial slogan YOLO.

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