By Barbara J. Kirby, Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA)
Special to the Financial Independence Hub
Everyone measures quality of life differently but the underlying concern for many older people is how long their money will last? Aging and health conditions may dictate the type of accommodations and amount of support you need now or down the road. However, quality of life does not need to be measured by where you live but more by the effort you put into caring for yourself and planning for the right supports to be around you, including type and frequency of that support.
Whatever our situation we also need to draw on our inner strength to find comfort and solace if our lifestyle is not as expected. Basically, we need to toughen up. What is it that holds us back from having a good quality of life as we age then? Some of it is denial, and refusing to deal withour chronic aches and pains, loss of mobility, loss of hearing and loss of eyesightas well as simple activities such as cooking for ourselves and cleaning.
We either need to have the ability to pay to relieve the stress of these issues, or have other family or community resources and our quality of life can improve dramatically. I have seen the biggest turnaround in the quality of life for people who participate in fitness and social programs. Those who receive in-home physiotherapy get and use hearing aids that work well, have cataract surgery, knee replacements and hip replacements all with a good rehabilitation programs and continued physiotherapy after they come home.
These are all without exception of course to each individual unique circumstances but the simple rule of thumb is plan to pay for these support services. Rehab twice a week may cost anywhere from $50 to $150 per visit and a companion twice a week may cost anywhere from $25.00 to $40.00 per hour and usually expects to work for a minimum of 3 hours; some companies are saying 4 hours now. Having a family member who is a good advocate for you, who makes an effort to understand and ask questions re: medical issues, and who knows how to access resources when needed is a bonus. You can’t always expect a family member to fit into this role.
In addition, hiring a companion to give your family member a break is important: someone who is equal to you as a peer to have engaging conversations with and has the ability to drive. The common questions asked are, where will I live? What is available? How much will it cost? These are not simple questions to answer because there are many variables. Here are just a few questions to consider.
• What is your income level?
• Do you have retirement savings or access to other capital?
• What community do you want to live in?
• What are your health conditions?
• What are your expectations in relation to your future health needs as you age?
• How soon do you want to move and do you have family or anyone to support you In Canada and the Province of B.C.?
Our social system provides us with most of our medical expenses and offers subsidized housing and care if we are lower income. Accessing independent or assisted housing can be confusing. There are many access points to the different types of housing including, subsidized, private, co-op housing, co-housing, market rental housing, and low-income housing. Some of the entry points may be through the health authorities, or BC Housing, or directly through the homes and other various housing societies.
There is not one central point where you have access to all. You can go on line to Seniors Services Society, or call BC211or call a local seniors centre for information or ask for help from a professional housing specialist. Beware of the ones who don’t charge but are paid a referral fee by some of the private assisted living homes.
Here are rough numbers but they will give you an idea of where you fit in.
The health authority will do a financial assessment to let you know if you qualify. Residential Long Term Care(LTC) Subsidized Residential LTC,is meant for people on lower income. Most people going into LTC today are requiring acute levels of care, meaning a higher level of medical, social and physical support. The rents are capped at 80% of income to ensure the client has at least the minimum of $325 per month spending money. The rate ranges from a minimum of $1,162 per month to maximum of $3,377 per month. This subsidized amount includes support for bathing, dressing, meals, and most medications and housekeeping, including laundry. You will pay extra for physio, haircuts, podiatry, out trips, some entertainment and if you want a specific type of personal care item that isn’t supplied by the home.The minimum monthly rate is adjusted each year based on changes to the Old Age Security/Guaranteed Income Supplement (OAS/GIS) rate as of July 1 of the previous year. The maximum client rate is adjusted each year based on changes to the Consumer Price Index over the previous year.
Barb Kirby, trained as a Certified Professional Consultant on Aging, (CPCA) is a Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, Navigator, Speaker and Author. Barb has a combined experience of 25 years working with the elderly which she overlapped with the last 15 years of her career as an investment advisor. She completed her CPCA and started her own business, SeniorsAdvocate CA, to fill in the gaps and barriers she saw while caring for her own parents. She trained with the American Assoc. of Dementia Practitioners, has a Certificate in Values-Based Leadership from Royal Roads University, certificates in Advocacy and Advocacy for Seniors Residential Care and is a seniors housing specialist in Vancouver. She has her coach training with Essential Impact licensed with the International Coaching Federation.