As the accompanying photograph of me and coauthor Mike Drak shows, the book Victory Lap Retirement has finally come off the printing presses.
It will be a few weeks before it is available in bookstores but it can be ordered and delivered now directly through the web site VictoryLapRetirement.com.
The photo was taken Thursday at Mike’s Toronto home. As you can see from our casual poolside attire, we’re trying to live the lifestyle described in the book, and summarized by the subtitle Work While You Play, Play While You Work.
You can also see the yellow book cover is now in rotation on the front page of the Hub, along with the US and Canadian editions of Findependence Day and the summary Kindle ebooks titled A Novel Approach to Financial Independence.
You can order any of these books or Victory Lap Retirement by clicking on the book cover image: it will relocate to fulfillment pages, using in most cases PayPal or credit cards tied to it. (The book has been available on pre-order but can now directly be ordered: we will mail copies out as soon as orders are received.)
The official book release date is September 26 and the in-store date is October 10. It should be available in Chapters and other major book stores and independents, plus some mass retailers.
You can see a bunch of testimonials on the Victory Lap website, including from such well-known personal finance gurus as the Globe & Mail’s Rob Carrick, the Star’s Ellen Roseman, the Post’s Diane Francis, BNN’s Larry Berman, CTV’s Patricia Lovett-Reid, and MoneySense’s Julie Cazzin, as well as from fellow financial authors like Gordon Pape, Ernie Zelinksi and Daryl Diamond.
Other media members and bloggers interested in receiving a review copy can request one by emailing Mike at michael.drak@yahool.ca or myself at jonathan@findependencehub.com.
A Retirement book about NOT retiring
Ironically, and as Mike observed in a blog in May, Victory Lap Retirement is really a book about NOT retiring. As we explain in some speeches we have been delivering (we’re both members of Toastmasters), VLR (our short form for the book’s title) is really about post-corporate encore careers or what some call “Legacy Careers.” It may come about by going back to school and retraining for a brand new career, or creating a “portfolio career” with multiple streams of income, or launching a business.
And as Mike notes in the highlighted blog, VLR is quite complementary to the concept of Financial Independence, or “Findependence,” which of course is what the Financial Independence Hub is all about. The book Findependence Day is really a prequel to VLR, and we have a sequel planned as well, which Mike says will make the whole package a trilogy.
As Mike says in the blog, and in similar words in the preface to the actual book, “Financial Independence, or Findependence as Jonathan likes to call it, should be the cornerstone and prerequisite for Victory Lap Retirement … First comes Findependence, then comes Victory Lap: so logical, so simple, so sweet!”