Pros and Cons of Vacation Timeshares  

By Becky Williams

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If you are like nearly everyone, the time that you spend on vacation represents some of the most pleasant and days of the year. You may spend a good deal of time trying to decide what will be the most amazing type of vacation you can take. One option you may want to focus on is obtaining a vacation timeshare. There are a number of significant benefits associated with a vacation timeshare.

A timeshare may not be for everyone and there are some factors that may make this type of vacation property not the perfect choice for you. However, by weighing and balancing the pros and cons of timeshare ownership, you will be able to make an informed, educated decision as to whether this type of vacation property makes the most sense for you. You will be able to find a vacation timeshare that is perfect for you today and into the future as well.

Guaranteed, reliable vacation

A primary benefit associated with a timeshare is that you have a guaranteed, reliable location to spend your precious vacation days. You do not have to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find an ideal place to spend a vacation. You need only undertake that task one time when you select a vacation timeshare property the first time.

With a vacation timeshare, you know precisely what to expect. You will never again face a situation in which you are uncertain about what your vacation destination and lodgings really will be like. The reality is that this type of uncertainty, which is completely eliminated with a timeshare, has been a major reason why so many people have experienced vacation disasters.

An ideal location for you

Another key benefit of going the timeshare route when it comes to a vacation property is that you will have a destination and location that is ideally suited to you. There is a significant array of different vacation timeshare options in many, many locations across the United States and around the world.

On a related note, you can enjoy another benefit of getting a vacation timeshare. Many timeshare companies offer you the ability to swap your timeshare location for a particular year. In other words, you can trade your timeshare location with someone else at a different location. This provides you with both reliability and consistency as well as a degree of flexibility should you elect to try something different one year.

Entertaining family, friends, and colleagues

Although your main purpose in purchasing a timeshare is to be able to have a set vacation location for yourself and your immediate family, other people in your life can benefit from the timeshare experience as well.

For example, you may not have the need to use your timeshare for a particular period of time set aside to you. As a result, you can offer your timeshare to extended family members, to friends, and to work or other types of colleagues. Often, the owner of a timeshare will donate a stay to a charitable organization. The stay is auctioned off to raise money for the organization. In short, there really is a tremendous amount you can do with a timeshare, not only for yourself and your immediate family but for a broad spectrum of other people who may be important in your life as well.

Resort Amenities

A typical timeshare destination comes complete with an array of different resort-like amenities. These include everything from fitness centers to dining to spas. Ascertaining what is available in the way of onsite amenities is one of the pieces of homework that you will want to undertake before making a decision on specific timeshare location. The amenities of different timeshare venues vary by location. Thus, you will have the ability to select a timeshare property that has precisely the features you desire.

In addition to great amenities, the typical vacation timeshare is located at a spectacular location. Such a location can include everything from natural beauty to a vibrant, exciting city.

Potential negative aspects of Timeshares

In the interest of fairness, noting what sometimes can prove negative for some timeshare owners should be noted. One aspect of a timeshare that can prove challenging for some people is the fact that you do have a primary vacation destination. Some timeshare companies do have location swapping availabilities, but some do not. Thus, if you think you will want more variety in the future regarding your vacation destination, you can avoid his time of issue by making sure you connect with a timeshare company that permits swapping of locations.

Another aspect of timeshare that you will want to bear in mind is the maintenance fee. This is not so much a negative aspect of a timeshare but an expense that you need to keep in mind. The average maintenance fee for a timeshare property in this day and age is about $970 a year. In order to avoid so-called maintenance fee shock, just make sure you undertake basic due diligence before you purchase a specific timeshare.

One other note to bear in mind is that a timeshare really is not to be considered an investment property. Yet again, this is a piece of information that is not so much a negative as it is something you need to be fully aware of going into this type of arrangement. If you want an excellent vacation destination, a timeshare may be ideal for you. You can take advantage of a multitude of other options when it comes to investing.

In the final analysis, there do exist a myriad of important and significant benefits associated with a vacation timeshare. You need to take the time to identify precisely what you want in the way of this type of vacation property. By planning upfront, you will be able to identify the most ideal timeshare, a property that will prove to be something you and yours will enjoy for years to come.

Becky Williams is a travel writer for Westgate Resorts.  She lives in Farmington, Maine and spends the winters visiting her timeshares in Florida and South Carolina. She is known for baking delicious cooking, infectious smile, and positive energy.

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