Monthly Archives: April 2015

Are mutual fund DSCs holding you back?

Robb Engen, Boomer & Echo

By Robb Engen, Boomer & Echo

Special to the Financial Independence Hub
Many investors eventually come to the realization that the mutual funds sold by their bank or investment firm come with unjustifiably high fees. Making the switch to low cost index funds or ETFs sounds like the easiest, most logical choice; however, there is typically one final hurdle for investors to overcome.

Deferred sales charges – or DSCs – are a clever little trick designed by the mutual fund industry to compensate advisors and keep investors locked-in to their investments for a minimum length of time.

According to MoneySense’s Preet Banerjee, mutual funds originated in Canada in 1932 but didn’t take off until the invention of deferred sales charges in 1987:

A deferred sales charge schedule might look like this:

  • 1st year penalty – 5.5%
  • 2nd and 3rd year penalty – 5.0%
  • 4th and 5th year penalty – 4.0%
  • 6th year penalty – 3.0%
  • 7th year penalty – 2.0%
  • After 7 years – 0.0%

Let’s say an investor has $50,000 tied-up in high MER mutual funds at Investors Group. The average MER for her funds is 2.76% and she wants to switch to a portfolio of TD e-Series funds, which cost just 0.42%. But she’s only held her investments for four years and so she’d have to pay a $2,000 penalty (deferred sales charge) to sell the funds and make the move to TD.

Related: My two-fund solution

Now, most fund companies allow investors to redeem up to 10% of their units fee-free each year, meaning that this investor could withdraw $5,000 without penalty, reducing her total deferred sales charge to $1,800.

Some investors might feel compelled to stay put until the DSC schedule has lapsed or the fees have been reduced further, but at what point should the investor say, “screw it”, and just make the switch to the lower cost funds?

First, you’ll want to do some quick math to see the difference in dollar terms between the funds you’re leaving and the funds you’re moving to. In this case, the Investors Group funds cost the investor $1,380 annually, while the TD e-Series funds would cost just $210 per year – an annual savings of $1,180. It would take less than two years for the investor to come out ahead after making the switch, even though she ended up paying the $1,800 penalty.

Besides the mathematical solution, there are a number of behavioural reasons to make the switch sooner rather than later. I reached out to Canadian personal finance experts Rob Carrick, Preet Banerjee, and Dan Bortolotti to find out their thoughts on when (and why) it makes sense to pay the deferred sales charges on mutual funds.

Mr. Carrick, The Globe and Mail’s personal finance columnist, said he’d lean toward ripping the band-aid right off.

“A lot of this comes down to the total dollar cost of the deferred sales charges and what percentage of total assets they represent. The MER-related cost savings as shown (in the above example) are substantial and could probably offset the DSC in a few years at most.”

The decision also depends on what the investor is switching to. Moving from Investors Group to a do-it-yourself portfolio of stocks or ETFs can mean significant cost savings and a stronger argument for eating the DSCs right away.

“By contrast, if she’s moving to a fee-only advisor then the breakeven period is longer because the cost savings is lower,” said Canadian Couch Potato blogger Dan Bortolotti.

Banerjee says paying the fees and going forward for behavioural reasons makes a lot of sense because the investor can move ahead with one plan and start developing better habits right away. She’d also avoid second-guessing herself while she waits for the DSC fees to expire.

Related: How to transfer your RRSP from one bank to another

Gradually transitioning out of a DSC schedule sounds appealing, but Bortolotti says that some investors just won’t follow through, since it would require them to keep a close eye on things over a couple of years and send the instructions at the right time.

“I’ve seen investors fail to do this, in part because it’s just so discouraging to drag around those crappy funds for so long.”

Finally, Bortolotti suggests that investors evaluate just how bad their advisor relationship is. He says some DSC advisors are harmless, but others are aggressive in promoting loans and other destructive practices.

“If the client and advisor have a bad relationship I would be more inclined to just pay the fee and get out. If the advisor is willing to help you transition gradually, then that can make more sense.”

Readers: What is your experience with deferred sales charges? Did you make a clean break, transition out over time, or are they still holding you hostage?

In addition to running the Boomer & Echo website, Robb Engen is a fee-only financial planner. This article originally appeared on his site on April 9th and is republished on the Hub with his permission.

Foreign Withholding Taxes — the price of global diversification

Depositphotos_6444034_xsHere’s my latest MoneySense blog, which focuses on one of the ETF sessions I participated in last week’s ETF & Mutual Funds conference in Chicago, hosted by BMO Global Asset Management. You can find earlier Hub blogs from the conference through these three links:

Secular bull market still very much alive: BMO’s Brian Belski

A murder mystery: who will kill the global economy? 

Why are all these Canadian financial experts converging on Chicago?

For convenience, we’ve included the new blog below. Note too that you can find the original PWL white paper on Foreign Withholding Taxes here. We hope to run a slightly condensed version here at the Hub in the near future.  Continue Reading…

Why It’s Important To Talk With Your Kids About Money

BriefingBy Gary Rabbior,

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Do you talk with your kids about money matters? Are you preparing them to handle the financial decisions and responsibilities they will face in their lives? Do you get a sense that your kids are getting the financial knowledge, or developing the financial skills, in school that they will need in life? Or do you know much at all about what your kids know about money – and how they make financial decisions>

If you are like many parents today, the answers to those questions may not be very encouraging. In this day and age, with money matters so dominant in so many peoples’ lives, it almost seems surprising to have to advocate for talking with our kids about money to help them prepare for their financial futures. But that is what we  — The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) and BMO Financial Group — are doing with the Talk With Our Kids About Money Day program, which happens today (Wed., April 15th).  We are encouraging and helping parents and teachers to talk with our kids about money.

Early days for school-based Fin Lit Continue Reading…

Winning the Tax Game during Your Decumulation Years

Tax Game Screenshot (800x496)We’re happy to present another Decumulation blog from the forward-thinking Doug Dahmer, which you can find below.

This instalment focuses on a very interesting web-based game that demonstrates how important tax planning is, particularly during your Decumulation years.

No doubt you’ll be shocked but not surprised to discover that the single biggest expense in Retirement will be income tax. Fortunately, there is more opportunity to take advantage of proper tax planning once you have begun to draw down on your nest egg. After you read Doug’s blog below, click on the links provided to view a 3-minute video on how to play the Retirement Tax Game. Then you’ll want to play the game yourself to see how well prepared you are for this daunting task. Note that you may be asked to download Microsoft Silverlight in order to play the game. — Jonathan Chevreau 

By Doug Dahmer,

Emeritus Retirement Income Specialists

Special to the Financial Independence Hub 

Many of our clients and friends still believe there’s  inherent fairness in government programs.

When I point out disparities in medical services, government contracts, municipal board decisions, welfare payments and the greatest of them all —  taxation —  I, sadly, waken them to the painful reality that lots of government programs just aren’t fair.

Too often in our first world, enlightened, democratic society it is still “What you know,” “Who you know” and “When you know.”

While I can’t help with many of the program disparities I can help in one and it’s the most important to you anyway: Taxation.

The greatest expense in retirement Continue Reading…

Life Annuities: What to Watch Out For When You Buy

Chantal Marr

By Chantal Marr,

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

An annuity is a type of investment sold through insurance companies. You can think of a life annuity as a life insurance policy in reverse — you pay the insurance company a large lump sum of cash and in return the insurance company pays you monthly premiums for life.

This can act as a form of retirement income after you leave the work force. Although life annuities can be a great option, here is some advice on the things you should look out for when it comes to life annuities.

Know the Difference between Immediate and Deferred Annuities

You should understand and watch out for the language in an annuity agreement. There is language that will signal if the policy is an immediate or deferred annuity. As its name implies, an immediate annuity means that you will obtain your fixed payments right away. There will be no delay in receiving your money. A deferred annuity is different. Continue Reading…