All posts by Financial Independence Hub interview on Financial Independence & the “Findependent” lifestyle

By Billy and Akaisha Kaderli,

Special to Financial Independence Hub

We at Retire Early Lifestyle like to bring you individual FIRE stories and interviews of interesting people. There is no one single way to retire, and it is our hope that in reading these interviews with those who are on the path to Financial Independence it will inspire you to do the same!

Meet Jon [Jonathan] and Ruth Chevreau

Jonathan (Jon) and Ruth Chevreau

RetireEarlyLifestyle: Could you tell us a little about yourselves? Are you financially independent now?

Jon Chevreau: I’d describe Ruth and me as financially independent, yes, although it’s hard to claim we retired early like yourselves.

I just turned 70 and am still writing and editing, as well as running my own website on Financial Independence. Ruth is a year younger and retired from full-time work when she turned 65. My last full-time employment was at age 61, so by my definition when I became freelance/self-employed that was the start of our Findependence.

But we COULD have left the salaried routine earlier if we had wished to do so: we paid off our mortgage decades ago and our financial assets in combination with small employer pensions and the usual Government pensions are more than enough to fund a modest lifestyle.

REL: What type of work did you do, and what your life was like before FIRE?

JC: I’ve always been a journalist and editor, as well as an author and blogger.

Initially I worked in staff newspaper jobs covering technology in the early 80s ‘for the Globe & Mail (one of Canada’s two national newspapers), then almost two decades covering personal finance and investing for the National Post (Canada’s other national newspaper). I was also editor-in-chief for MoneySense Magazine for a few years after the Post and continue to write and edit for them in addition to running Financial Independence Hub, which I launched in 2014 when I left my full-time job at MoneySense.

REL: Because Billy has a background in finance and securities, he’s very familiar with US investments. Tell us about Canadian-backed assets.

JC: Canada is similar to Australia in its investment profile.

We’re dominated by energy and materials stocks and by six big banks. We have virtually no health care stocks and our consumer staple stocks are really just publicly traded grocery store chains like Loblaw;  our tech sector is small. Every once in a while Canada spawns a technology winner: Nortel, which went bust after China’s Huawei “borrowed” some of its technology; Research in Motion, whose Blackberry was a big-time success until the Apple iPhone ursurped it; and currently Shopify is our big tech winner.

Jon & Ruth sitting on a sand dune in Morocco

But mostly the Toronto Stock Exchange is dominated by banks like Royal Bank, BMO, Bank of Montreal, and TD Canada Trust (all with some US presence) and energy giants like Enbridge and TransCanada Pipelines. An American investor can get away with almost exclusive home country bias since the US is roughly half the global market cap and many of the big players are international anyway.

Canada is maybe 3% of the world’s total market cap, so we are forced to look to the US and global markets to be properly diversified. Once upon a time we were limited to just 20% foreign content in our pensions and retirement plans but that got scrapped so now we can overload on the S&P500 if we wish.

REL: Are discount brokers available to you in Canada like Fidelity, Charles Schwab and Vanguard?

JC: Oh yes, mainly through the big banks, so there’s TD Waterhouse, RBC Direct Investing (both of which we use) and the other banks have similar operations. There are also several independent online brokers like Questrade. Fidelity and Vanguard have Canadian divisions but mostly to sell their mutual funds and ETFs.

REL: Are capital gains taxed more favorably than income in Canada?

JC: Yes. Only half of capital gains are taxed, so that means about half as much tax as is usually paid on interest income or employment income. Also, unlike the US, the capital gains tax in Canada does not rise or fall depending how long you held before taking a profit. Dividends paid by Canadian companies get a lower tax rate than foreign dividends, which are taxed like interest and so best held in tax-sheltered retirement vehicles like the RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan, similar to America’s IRA).

Ruth hiking in Spain

REL: Could you explain Canada’s Old Age Pension, how that works, at what age one can begin receiving it, and how one qualifies for it?

JC: Canada’s equivalent to Social Security is actually three programs we dub CPP/OAS/GIS.

The main one is the Canada Pension Plan, to which all employees must contribute. Like Social Security you can take CPP early (even at age 60) but it pays much more if you wait till 70.

There is also Old Age Security or OAS, which people normally take at the traditional Retirement Age of 65. You can’t get it earlier than that but like CPP, can defer it to 70 and get paid more. It’s funded by the government’s general tax revenues but it’s means-tested, so if you have taxable income above $80,000 or so (the threshold rises a bit each year), you start to have OAS taxed away and you lose it all around $120,000. This is for each person, so retired couples normally try to keep their taxable income below $80,000 each, so $160,000 between them.

Finally, there is the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) to the OAS: which is means-tested and aims to top up income for seniors who have no real pensions or retirement savings. Personally, we don’t plan on receiving GIS: most middle-income seniors worry more about preserving OAS benefits: CPP is taxed but benefits are not clawed back.

REL: Could you tell us a little about how your portfolio is structured?

JC: I always used to wonder [in articles] why anyone would need more than a single global balanced mutual fund or these days a comparable Asset Allocation ETF from firms like Vanguard, BlackRock or BMO ETFs.

I believe in diversification by asset class, geography, investment style, and market cap. To some extent I keep in mind the All-Weather Portfolio championed by Ray Dalio, or before that, Harry Browne’s Permanent Portfolio. The latter was 25% in bonds for deflation, 25% stocks for prosperity, 25% gold for inflation and 25% in cash for really bad times. Dalio is a bit like that but would add commodities and maybe real estate. I don’t believe you can consistently predict markets and asset classes so I believe in being exposed to all of these over the long haul, with perhaps shorter-term tactical tweaks if trends become obvious (like interest rates bottoming a year ago.)

REL: How big a part of your retirement plan does the Canadian-based healthcare play? Would you consider permanently relocating to another country? If so, which countries have you considered?

JC: Canadians are a bit spoiled with universal health care. US Democrats would probably call it socialized medicine.

Jon in Malaga, Spain

It’s not entirely free as Ontario levies an annual Health Premium [i.e. tax] depending on income, but it’s lower than private insurance would be. We don’t worry about sticking with a single employer just to keep their health care insurance, although of course some will buy private Blue Cross and that kind of thing beyond what employers provide.

We travel a lot: Florida for a while, more recently Morocco, Mexico and other Spanish-speaking places including Spain itself. But I doubt we’d permanently leave Canada.

Just today we were walking around our home turf by the lake in Toronto. It’s called Long Branch, which was originally a Summer Resort when founded in 1884: affluent families in downtown Toronto would take the street car to their summer “cottage” in Long Branch. It’s now just another bedroom community but only a 15-minute GO train ride from downtown Toronto.

Canada overall is a blessed place: we’re protected by two oceans and it’s nice having a friendly neighbor and military power to the south. The rest of the world probably considers us boring, which suits us fine: we’ll keep us a best-kept secret! At one point we considered Mexico as a way to avoid Canada’s long winter and relatively high taxes but the high apparent levels of crime in recent years scared us off. My parents were British and French so we like to visit the UK and France, as well as Spain. But we are happy to keep Toronto a home base and to visit places for months at a time through AirBnB.

REL: In your retirement life, what will you do about access to health care? Are you open to Medical Tourism?

JC: Again, Canada’s health care system is almost free for citizens and reasonably accessible. In fact, it’s so attractive that it may prevent some of us from permanently pulling up stakes. I can see Dental Tourism as more likely, as only recently have the NDP started to badger the Trudeau Liberals to provide universal free dental care for young people and low-income seniors.

Sadly, neither category is us!

REL: Are you a traveler or more of a stay-at-home, community kind of guy? Are you and your wife on the same page regarding retirement and travel?

JC: I think we are. Ruth retired from her full-time job in the transportation industry three years ago but still does a bit of consulting and a lot of church work, volunteering, tutoring and the like.

Lake Ontario, a 30-second walk from Jon and Ruth’s home

As I said to you before this interview, I still put in a “gruelling 3-hour day” Monday to Thursdays, with Friday mornings if necessary. Like yourselves, I can run the web site from anywhere with good Internet access. Most recently we spent 4 weeks in Malaga, Spain and I kept things going from there. But in our next stage we will try to avoid more of the long Canadian winter and spend 2 or 3 months at a time abroad in January/February/March. Continue Reading…

Cash Alternatives: Bond ETFs and other Vehicles

Image Deposit Photos

By Alizay Fatema, CFA 

(Sponsor Content)

Central banks across the globe are likely to continue with their attempts to tame inflation by hiking interest rates, crushing the hope that markets will return to normality any time soon.

With the unemployment rate at a historically low level, inflation remains a top concern for the Bank of Canada (BoC) and the Federal Reserve (Fed), who are also dealing with looming risk of a recession and uncertainty regarding the impacts of the recent bank turbulence. The BoC and the Fed appear to be ahead of global peers in their attempt to slowdown inflation – raising the question around whether we have seen the peak in rates in North America.

The rapid tightening cycles by policy makers are reinforcing the appeal of owning high-
quality ultra-short bond, and money market ETFs. A series of recent rate hikes by the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve gave a boost to yields for these products, making the saying “cash is king” true to a certain extent, as investors who are worried about higher inflation and slowing growth prefer investing in these cash alternatives to ride out the market volatility. In today’s market, you can earn an attractive yield while taking less risk – earning while you wait for volatility to subside.

Yield curve[1], are we in love with the shape of you?

Normally, the yield curve is upward sloping, meaning longer-term bonds yield more than shorter-term bonds as investors often demand higher yields for locking their money up for a longer period. However, at present, the shape of the yield curve is inverted, which means shorter-term securities are yielding more than longer-term ones. This inversion is largely owing to the Central Bank’s quest to reduce inflation by hiking the interest rates.

Due to historically low interest rates in the last few years, investors were compelled to take more duration[2] risk by adding exposure to longer-term bonds and higher credit risk[3] by investing in lower credit quality segments such as high-yield or emerging markets bonds. However, due to the current yield curve inversion, the tables have turned now, offering a unique opportunity for fixed-income investors looking to earn higher yields.

Source: Bloomberg USYC3M10 Index (Sell 3 Month US T-bill & Buy 10 Year US Bond Yield Spread) Sep 1992 to April 2023

Why stash cash in money market & ultra-short-term bond ETFs?

The front-end of the yield curve (0-1yr) offers an attractive asymmetry and opportunity to capture yield between 4-5% + with limited duration and credit risk. This allows investors to earn the highest yields we’ve seen in more than a decade on fixed income and build a more stable high-quality fixed-income portfolio by adding exposure to ultra-short investment grade bonds and money market securities. Based on the current interest-rate volatility, hugging the front-end of the curve seems a more prudent and consistent way to preserve capital in a fixed-income allocation. BMO ETFs offers solutions such as BMO Money Market Fund ETF Series (ZMMK), BMO Ultra Short-Term Bond ETF (ZST) and BMO Ultra Short-Term US Bond ETF (ZUS), which are a great way to get exposure to the front end of the curve.

These money market & ultra short-term bond ETFs invest in high credit-quality instruments that provide a great degree of safety and capital preservation. Firstly, by investing in securities that mature in less than one year, the duration risk is minimal, which results in lower interest rate sensitivity in your portfolio. Secondly, these ETFs offer high liquidity[4] due to the nature of their underlying securities, which means they can be bought and sold easily with minimal market impact. Continue Reading…

New tax-free Questrade FHSA helps Canadians save, invest & realize their dream of homeownership

Image courtesy Questrade/iStock

By Rob Shields, Questrade 

Special to Financial Independence Hub

On April 1, 2023, Questrade became the first in Canada to offer the new First Home Savings Account (FHSA). For us, this was a major accomplishment in our continued mission to help Canadians on their journey to financial independence. Our goal has always been to challenge the status quo, transforming financial, investing and mortgage services for the good of Canadians. Knowing the Government of Canada was introducing the new FHSA on April 1, the team at Questrade began planning months ago. Our goal was to offer Canadians this account on day one, so they can start saving, investing and growing their money for their first home. Mission accomplished.

Save for a home faster

Saving for a home is a big challenge for many Canadians. With housing prices as they are — especially in major cities — maximizing your down payment is critical. By opening an FHSA account at Questrade, Canadians can invest up to $8,000 annually, deduct their investment contributions from their taxable income and give it the opportunity to grow in the market. They can contribute up to $40,000 in this account, with no limits to how much it can grow, making it a powerful savings tool. Ultimately, they can withdraw it tax-free to use it for a home purchase: with no requirement to repay. The only requirements to open an FHSA are: being a verified resident of Canada, being at least 18 years of age, and being a first-time home buyer.

Imagine a scenario where you open an FHSA account with a goal to buy a house in 10 years. If you maximize your annual contribution limit of $8,000 per year for the first 5 years, you’ll reach the lifetime contribution limit of $40,000 in 5 years. If you invest your account with a Questwealth Aggressive Growth Portfolio, which had an average return of 7.18% per year, your account could grow to $69,993 after 10 years*. That’s $69,993 you can withdraw tax-free to put towards your home, with $29,993 coming just from investment gains. Continue Reading…

3 things that make me want to pull my hair out

Pexels: Mikhail Nilov

By Bob Lai, Tawcan

Special to Financial Independence Hub

I have been writing on this blog for almost nine years. Over that time, I have learned and gained a lot of personal finance and investing-related knowledge. Whenever I gain new knowledge, I try to share it on this blog with the hope that readers can gain the same understanding as well.

As much as I love sharing new knowledge with other people, there seem to be some deep-rooted misunderstandings, myths, or misconceptions on certain topics. I really don’t understand why some people have these misconceptions and I will try my best to debunk some of the common misconceptions I have encountered, just so I don’t have to keep ripping my hair out.

#1 Don’t want a raise to avoid the next tax bracket

Our tax system is extremely complicated, so I understand there are some misunderstandings here and there. The biggest misunderstanding is that all your income is taxed at your tax marginal rate.

Due to this misunderstanding, people often make such statements like…

“I don’t want a raise just to get taxed more.”

“I am not working overtime to get bumped to the next bracket and lose my income to taxes.”

And so on…

But that’s a very very wrong understanding. Your income is taxed on a tiered bracket system. Below are the 2022 federal tax brackets.

Taxable Income – 2022 Brackets Tax Rate
$0 to $43,070 5.06%
$43,070.01 to $86,141 7.70%
$86,141.01 to $98,901 10.50%
$98,901.01 to $120,094 12.29%
$120,094.01 to $162,832 14.70%
$162,832.01 to $227,091 16.80%
Over $227,091 20.50%

So if you happen to make $90,000 a year, the entire amount does not get taxed at 12.29% tax rate. The first $43,070 is taxed at 5.06%, then the next $43,070.99 is taxed at 7.7%, then the rest is taxed at 10.50%.

Essentially your $90,000 annual income is taxed like below:

Income Tax Rate Tax amount
$43,070.00 5.06% $2,179.34
$43,070.99 7.70% $3,316.47
$3,859.01 10.50% $405.20

You’d be paying a total of $5,901.00 of federal tax on your $90,000 income, or an effective average tax rate of $6.56%. The same tiered tax bracket system is applicable to provincial taxes as well, albeit with different specific percentages for each province.

So no, the $90,000 you received isn’t all taxed at 10.50%. The amount is divided up and taxed at different tax rates.

What if you had an income of $90,000 and your employer decided to give you a $35,000 raise? Should you say no because you’ll move up two tax brackets federally from 10.5% to 14.7% and get taxed way more than your $35k raise?

It’s mind-boggling that some people actually believe this is the case and therefore would say no to any raises!!! Let’s do some quick and easy math to sort this out.

I ran the numbers using Wealthsimple’s 2022 income tax calculator and set BC as the province. Here’s the summary:

Income Federal Tax Provincial Tax (BC) CPP/EI Net
$90,000 $12,643 $5,079 $4,453 $67,825
$125,000 $21,146 $9,320 $4,453 $90,091
Delta $35,000 $8,503 $4,241 $0 $22,266

So, an increase of $35k a year raised your total taxes by $12,744 a year. More importantly, you will be netting $22,266 more than you’d have at the lower income of $90,000 a year.

So ask yourself, would you rather pay almost $13k more in taxes while pocketing over $22k more each year? Or would you rather not get the extra money at all? I think 99.9% of the population – if not more – would want the former.

All things equal, you will always come out ahead with a raise regardless of what tax bracket you end up with.

Fortunately, people that have this misconception are a very small percentage of the population.

#2 “Invest” in RRSP

Every February I hear statements in the line of… “I’m investing in my RRSP.” But when I ask for more clarification, I learn that people are simply transferring money into their RRSPs and letting that money sit in cash. They’re moving money into RRSP simply for the RRSP income tax deduction.

I get the idea of getting the RRSP tax deduction to reduce your overall taxes. But don’t you want your money to compound and grow? Why do you have your money sit inside a tax-deferred account and earn a measly 1% interest rate when you can invest in things like ETFs and stocks?

Some people argue that GICs are way safer than other investment vehicles like mutual funds, ETFs, and stocks because GICs have a guaranteed earning rate and you can’t lose money. Continue Reading…

How to stay motivated while Pursuing Financial Independence

Image courtesy of Terkel

From setting specific financial goals for success to having someone hold you accountable, here are 18 answers to the question, “What are your best tips for how to stay motivated and disciplined in the pursuit of financial independence?”  

  • Stay Disciplined and Goal-Oriented
  • Tie Your Goals to a Tangible Item
  • Stay Educated
  • Equate Money to Your Time
  • Celebrate Small Wins Along the Way
  • Develop an Action Plan
  • Create a Budget
  • Invest in Yourself
  • Develop a Strong “Why”
  • Have Fun With It
  • Set Specific Financial Goals for Success
  • Balance Spending Now and Saving for the Future
  • Start Tracking Your Progress
  • Focus On the Big Picture
  • Be Present
  • Build a Support System
  • Set Yourself Micro-Goals Along the Way
  • Find a Financial Accountability Buddy

Stay Disciplined and Goal-Oriented

Staying motivated and disciplined while pursuing financial independence requires commitment. One approach to remaining committed is to practice goal-setting, breaking down big goals into smaller goals that are based on achievable objectives. For example, if you want to save $1,000 in 3 months, break your bigger goal of saving money into a series of monthly phases, setting benchmarks each month as you inch closer to achieving your end goal. This helps with momentum and development while moving towards your desired result. Michael Alexis, CEO,

Tie Your Goals to a Tangible Item

One often overlooked way to accomplish this is to tie your goals to a tangible item, such as a savings jar or bank account. Visualize yourself with it when planning out what you need to do today and watch as your small contributions add up. 

Having this visual representation can be just the thing you need on days when you feel unmotivated and looking for an excuse not to save money. Taking ownership of your financial goals is the first step towards realizing those dreams – that’s what staying disciplined will help you achieve! Tasia Duske, CEO, Museum Hack

Stay Educated

Continually educating yourself about personal finance is crucial in staying motivated and disciplined as you pursue financial independence. Of course, this starts with knowing how to budget and set boundaries for yourself. 

As you strive toward financial independence, it’s important that you know where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back on spending. There are a variety of ways that you can budget your money, so explore those options and find a way that works for you. 

If you are one who likes to invest, stay up to date on current market trends so you don’t take any enormous risks that could cost you a lot of money. As you continue to stay informed and educated about personal finance, you will make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes, which will ultimately help you achieve your goals. Bill Lyons, CEO, Griffin Funding

Equate Money to your Time

Whether you make minimum wage or $100 an hour, we all trade time for money. Spending less money is one way to achieve greater financial independence. But when you’re struggling to cut expenses, one way to stay motivated is to understand how much time your money costs you. 

For example, if you’re toying with the idea of a $50 purchase, think of how much of your time it would take to make back that $50. How far would that put you behind? Would you be willing to spend that time getting that item?

Thinking about money in terms of minutes/hours of your life can help you exercise some restraint on impulse buys or unnecessary purchases. If you feel like it would be a waste of time, it’s probably a waste of money, too. Alli Hill, Founder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

Celebrate Small Wins along the way

Achieving financial independence can be a long and difficult journey, and it’s easy to become discouraged if you only look at the result. You can keep your motivation and momentum going by celebrating minor victories along the way.

Set attainable short-term goals, such as paying off a credit card or increasing your monthly savings by a certain amount. When you achieve these objectives, take the time to recognize your accomplishments and reward yourself‌. 

As a reward for sticking with it, give yourself a small treat or indulge in a favorite activity. This will help you in maintaining your motivation and discipline, as well as making the journey to financial independence more enjoyable. –Johannes Larsson, Founder and CEO,

Develop an Action Plan

It is important to develop a plan with realistic goals. Start by setting short-term goals that are achievable, such as saving a certain percentage of each paycheck or paying off the debt within a certain timeframe. 

Then, set longer-term goals for retirement savings or other goals related to financial independence. Having a plan will help keep you motivated and on track to achieving your financial goals. Martin Seeley, CEO, Mattress Next Day Continue Reading…