The second article of six planned to appear on the BBC StoryWorks website in Canada has now been published. You can find it by clicking on the highlighted headline here: Strategies for a Low-Interest World.
As explained in the first instalment, the articles (written by me) looks at Covid-19 and the impact on the real estate and mortgage industry. The articles will appear every week and run into November. Later articles will look at the case for locking in to fixed-rate mortgages, the investing experience following Covid, optimum strategies going forward and close with retirement strategies in the age of Covid.
The second article just posted looks at why variable-rate mortgages may still be the optimum route for homeowners to go, seeing as interest rates seem destined to remain “lower for longer.” Mortgage rates are as low as anyone could reasonably have hoped to see in their lifetimes, but rock-bottom rates are also putting upward pressure on home prices. As noted in the first article, even prices of suburban and rural properties are rising, as the pandemic changes the supply/demand dynamics of where we work and live.
Rates are unlikely to spike upwards as long as the pandemic is a factor. Based on recent statements by central Banks around the world, it’s reasonable to expect interest rates will remain “lower for longer,” if not indefinitely at least for the foreseeable future. In mid-September the US federal reserve said rates won’t be raised before 2023.
Both fixed and variable rate mortgages are under 2%
In Canada, fixed and variable rate mortgages are being offered at less than 2%. Continue Reading…