All posts by Jonathan Chevreau

How to more than double your CPP benefits

While it’s well known that the longer you wait to start receiving CPP benefits, the higher the payout, a series of papers debuting today from the National Institute on Ageing (NIA) highlights the fact that:

a) Many Canadians don’t realize that CPP benefits taken at age 70 are a whopping 2.2 times what they are if taken at the earliest possible age of 60. Indeed, a 2018 Government of Canada poll found an amazing two thirds of us didn’t understand that the longer you wait, the higher the CPP payout will be.

b) Despite this fact and despite being often mentioned in media personal finance articles, most Canadians nevertheless take CPP long before age 70.

You can see at a glance in the chart shown at the top the dramatic rise in free government money that can be obtained by waiting till 70.

The paper’s lead author is   Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, PhD, FCIA, FSA, Director of Financial Security Research for the National Institute on Ageing at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Addressed chiefly to Canadian baby boomers, MacDonald and three contributors say upfront that deciding when to start taking CPP (or the Quebec Pension Plan) is “one of the most important retirement financial decisions they will make.”

Not only are benefits begun at age 70 2.2 times higher than they would be if taken at age 60, but “these higher payments last for life and are also indexed to inflation.”

So it’s a baffling that 90% choose to start CPP at the traditional mid-way point between these extremes: age 65.

Starting with the paper being released today, the NIA will publish seven papers in total aimed at educating consumers about these decisions.

It’s not as if most Canadians don’t already realize how important CPP will be to their income. Indeed, with traditional Employer-Sponsored Defined Benefit pension plans becoming increasingly rare outside the public sector, for many the CPP, together with Old Age Security, will be the closest many retirees will come to having a guaranteed-for-life inflation-indexed pension. According to a 2023 NIA survey on Ageing in Canada, 9 out of 10 recipients say their CPP/QPP pension is an important source of their retirement income, with 6 out of 10 saying it’s essential and they can’t live without it.

The chart below illustrates this:

The initial paper being released today observes that similar dynamics are at work in the United States with its Social Security system. Academic literature there finds that “delaying claiming is almost always the optimal decision from an economic perspective.”

CPP offsets the 2 big bogeymen of Inflation and Running out of Money

A larger CPP income obtained by waiting till 70, or at least past 65, helps new retirees address two of their biggest fears, the NIA says: Inflation and running out of money before you run out of life. It finds that 37% fret about inflation and 22% worry about running out of money in old age. Continue Reading…

A deadline seniors don’t want to miss: RRSP-to-RRIF conversions

My latest column looks at a topic of high importance for near-retirees or already retired folk who have reached their early 70s: the requirement to convert an RRSP to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) and/or annuitize.. You can find the full column by clicking on the highlighted text here:  How to cope with the RRSP-to-RRIF deadline in your early 70s.

As the column mentions, this deadline is rapidly approaching for my wife and me.

Here’s how Matthew Ardrey, senior wealth advisor at Toronto-based Tridelta Financial, sees the big picture on RRSP-to-RRIF conversions: “By the year in which one turns 72, the government mandates that the taxpayer convert their RRSP to a RRIF and draw out at least the minimum payment. The minimum payment is calculated by the value of the RRIF on January 1st multiplied by a percentage rate that is tied to the taxpayer’s age. Each year older they get, the higher that percentage becomes.”

Currently, at age 72 (the latest that you can receive the first RRIF payment), the minimum withdrawal is a modest 5.28% of the market value of your RRIF assets. By age 95, this increases to 20% of the market value, says Rona Birenbaum, founder of Caring for Clients.

You need to take the RRSP to RRIF deadline seriously: you must convert by December 31st of the calendar year in which you turn 71. What if you miss it? Then, Birenbaum cautions, 100% of your RRSP becomes taxable income in that year, which will often push you into the highest marginal tax rate. Needless to say, for those with hefty RRSPs, losing almost half of it in a single tax year would be disastrous.

There is of course the option of using your RRSP to purchase an annuity, but Birenbaum observes that most clients opt for the greater flexibility of the RRIF.

Given the normal human inclination to procrastinate, most near-retirees will probably want to keep their RRSPs going until the bitter end and aim for this “latest” deadline for conversion. However, technically, Birenbaum says you can open a RRIF much earlier than is mandated. “There is no earliest age, though it’s rarely beneficial to open a RRIF during your working years.”

Note that when RRIF income is received, it’s taxed as fully taxable income, Ardrey says, “There is no preferential treatment for this income, like there would be for capital gains or Canadian dividends. Though this income is a cornerstone for many Canadians, it can also cause tax complications that were not there

While similar in several respects Birenbaum notes some important differences between RRSPs and RRIFs. Both are tax-sheltered vehicles, can hold the same investments, and withdrawals are fully taxable as income. However, RRSP contributions are tax-deductible, while you can’t contribute to a RRIF (so there are no tax deductions.)

RRSPs don’t have any mandated withdrawals, whereas RRIFs have mandated annual withdrawals, starting in the calendar year after you open the account. With RRSPs, there are no minimum withdrawals, although they are permitted: your only option is to request a one-time lump sum withdrawal (and pay tax on it at various rates depending on the amount you wish to withdraw).

RRIFs have mandated annual minimum withdrawals, which rise steadily over time. Minimums are outlined on this website. Unlike an RRSP, a RRIF lets you automate withdrawals for ease of cash flow management (monthly, quarterly, annually etc.)

Unless the taxpayer requests it, there are no withholding taxes on RRIF minimums. A second complication is that this extra income from the RRIF can also trigger clawbacks of Old Age Security (OAS) benefits. If income exceeds $90,997, OAS payments will be clawed back by $0.15 for every dollar over this amount until they reach zero, Ardrey warns.

Pension splitting and using your spouse’s age

Fortunately, there are ways to minimize these possible tax consequences. If you are one half of couple, you can benefit from a form of pension income splitting: RRIF income can be split with a spouse on their tax returns, providing the taxpayer is over the age of 65. “Even if incomes are in a situation where a RRIF income split would not seem logical, a split of $2,000 can provide a pension tax credit for the spouse. This could also be the difference between being impacted by the OAS clawback or not.”

Another trick is basing your minimum RRIF payment on your spouse’s age. This works when you have a younger spouse/ By doing this, the taxpayer gets their younger partner’s age percentage applied to their RRIF minimum payment.

The full MoneySense columns goes into the mechanics of withholding taxes and what happens upon death.

The Mechanics of Conversion

Birenbaum says you can usually expect your financial institution to reach out to you to remind you before the deadline. There will be paperwork to file at the institution where you’d like to hold the RRIF, although it’s not required that the RRIF be at the same place your RRSP is held. Your existing RRSP investment holdings can be simply transferred to your new RRIF account. The initial paperwork will ask you to set your desired payment schedule (day of month and payment frequency), to choose RRIF minimums based on your age or that of your younger spouse.


Retired Money: Plan for Retirement Income for Life with Fred Vettese’s PERC

My latest MoneySense Retired Money column focuses on a free retirement calculator called PERC, plus the accompanying new third edition of Fred Vettese’s book, Retirement Income for Life: Getting More Without Saving More.

You can find the full column by clicking on the highlighted headline: Retirement Income for Life: Why Canadian retirees love Frederick Vettese’s books and his PERC. Alternatively, go to and click on the latest Retired Money column.

As the column notes, I have previously reviewed the earlier editions of the book but any retiree or near retiree will find it invaluable and well worth the C$26.95 price. Also, there is a free eBook offer.

PERC of course is an acronym and stands for Personal Enhanced Retirement Calculator.

PERC is itself a chapter title (chapter 15 of the third edition) and constitutes the fourth of five “enhancements” Vettese describes for getting more without saving more. Vettese developed PERC while writing the first edition in 2018: it is available at no charge at

In another generous offer, anyone who buys the print edition can get a free ebook version by emailing details of proof of purchase to

I reviewed the previous (second) edition of Fred’s book for the Retired Money column back in October 2020, which you can read by clicking on the highlighted headline: Near retirement without a Defined Benefit pension? Here’s what you need to know. Continue Reading…

MoneySense Retired Money: Should GICs be the bedrock of Canadian retirement portfolios?

My latest MoneySense Retired Money column, just published, looks at the role Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) should play in the retirement portfolios of Canadians. You can find the full column by going to and clicking on the highlighted headline: Are GICs a no-brainer for retirees? 

(If link doesn’t work try this: the latest Retired Money column.)

Now that you can find GICs paying 5% or so (1-year GICs at least), there is an argument they could be the bedrock of the fixed-income portfolios, especially now that the world is embroiled in two major conflicts: Ukraine and Israel/Gaza. Should this embolden China to invade Taiwan, you’re starting to see more talk about a more global conflict, up to an including the much-feared World War 3.

Of course, trying to time the market — especially in relation to catastrophes like global war and armageddon — generally proves to be a mug’s game, so we certainly maintain just as much exposure to the equity side of our portfolios.

I don’t think retirees need to apologize for sheltering between 40 and 60% of their portfolios in such safe guaranteed vehicles. Certainly, my wife and I are glad that the lion’s share of our fixed-income investments have been in GICs rather than money-losing bond ETFs: the latter, and Asset Allocation ETFs with heavy bond exposure, were as most are aware, badly hit in 2022. But not GICs; thanks to a prescient financial advisor we have long used (he used to be quoted but now he’s semi-retired chooses to be anonymous), we had in recent years been sheltering that portion of our RRSPs and TFSAs in laddered 2-year GICs. Since rates have soared in 2023, we have gradually been reinvesting our GICs into 5-year GICs, albeit still laddered.

The MoneySense column describes a recent survey by the site about “Bad Money advice,” which touched in part on GICs. Almost 900 readers were polled about what financial trends they had “bought into” at some point. The list included AI, crypto, meme stocks, side hustles, tech and Magnificent 7 stocks and GICs. Perhaps it speaks well of our readers that the single most-cited response was the 49% who said “none of the above.” The next most cited was the 16% who cited a “heavier allocation to GICs.” You can read the full overview here but I did find a couple of other findings to be worthy of note for the retirees and would-be retirees who read this column: Not surprisingly, tech stocks (FANG, MAMAA. etc. were the first runnerup to GICs, receiving 13.24% of the responses. Not far behind were the 10.55% who plumped for crypto and NFTs (Non-fungible tokens). AI was cited by 3.7%: less than I might have predicted; and meme stocks were only 2.81%.

As I said to executive editor Lisa Hannam in her insightful article on the 50 worst pieces of financial advice, GICs are at the opposite end of the spectrum from such dubious investments as meme stocks and crypto. (I’d put Tech stocks and A.I. in the middle).

GICs won’t grow Wealth for younger investors, aren’t tax-efficient in non-registered accounts

The GIC column passes on the thoughts of several influential financial advisors. One is Allan Small, a Toronto-based advisor who occasionally writes MoneySense’s popular weekly Making Sense of the Markets column. He is among GIC skeptics. He told me his problem with GIC is that they “don’t grow wealth. They can act as a parking lot for money for some people but over time there have been very few years in which people have made money with GICs, factoring in inflation and taxation.” Continue Reading…

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Home ownership, the Foundation of Financial Independence with Jonathan Chevreau


Below is an edited transcript of a podcast interview conducted late in 2023 between myself and Burn Your Mortgage podcaster and author Sean Cooper.

The conversation starts with our thoughts on the high price of housing in Canada and how newcomers trying to get on the first rung of the housing ladder can get a start by saving up in Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) and the new First Home Savings Accounts (FHSAs.)

From there we move on a discussion of saving for Retirement, my concept of Findependence (or Financial Independence) and Semi-Retirement: aka Victory Lap Retirement.

Click any of the links below to hear the full audio podcast on your favorite podcast app. Below that is a shortened edited transcript of the interview.

Partial  Transcript

Sean Cooper  

Let’s get started with our interesting discussion today on findependence as well as your daughter’s journey to homeownership. I remember you being on a segment of CBC on the money back in the day a few years ago, with your daughter. So yes, the first thing I want to ask you about is the challenge of younger folks buying a property around that housing affordability issue, so maybe we can talk a bit about your daughter’s journey to homeownership and also about the new First Home Savings Account (FHSA.)

Jonathan Chevreau  

Sure. first of all, as an only child, we remind her that eventually we’ll be gone and that this current house will be hers in any case. So that removes some pressure. Is it a challenge right now in places like Toronto and Vancouver to buy a first home? Yes, it is. Is it impossible? No, it’s like anything else in personal finance. It’s priorities. I think I’ve educated her to the point that she’s been saving in a TFSA and maximizing it since she was 18 years old.

The point is between the TFSA and now the First Home Savings Account, it’s a lot better to receive interest than to pay it out once you commit to a house, which is a lot more expensive than the baby boomers ever had to pay … We’d rather collect rent, in effect, or interest income than than pay it out.

FHSA versus TFSA and Homebuyers Plan

Sean Cooper  

Could you share your thoughts on how the FHSA compares to the TFSA and the RRSP homebuyer plan?

Jonathan Chevreau  

As you know, the FHSA has only been out for about a year. And it allows you to invest $8,000 a year into basically anything that an RRSP or a TFSA would allow you to invest in. So not just fixed income, but you can invest in stocks, ETFs, asset allocation ETFs, etc. And you get a deduction similar to how an RRSP generates one.

But the beauty of it is it’s very flexible, like a TFSA. You don’t have to buy a first home. But it’s only good for people who have never bought a home yet, so it’s a one-time only deal. I would say it would be a priority. But whether or not you think you’re going to buy a home, you certainly will want to retire at some point. And therefore the FHSA does double duty.

Sean Cooper  

I agree completely. And the FHSA is a lot more flexible than the homebuyer plan, you can actually use both of them together. So if you have a lot of money in your RRSP, then you can use them in combination. But a couple cool things that I learned is that with the RRSP home buyers plan, there’s actually the rule that basically any contributions that you make, it has to sit in the account for 90 days before you can take the money out. But with the FHSA, it doesn’t have that same rule, you can essentially contribute money and then pretty much take it out. And you don’t have to wait 90 days or anything like that.

 Jonathan Chevreau  

The good thing about home equity and a paid for-home because as you know, Sean, I’ve written that the foundation of financial independence is a paid-for home, but once it’s paid for there is home equity, then, if you have to, in the last five years of Old Age would tap it to pay for, I don’t know, $6,000 or $7,000 a month for a nursing home or retirement home. Nice to have in the back of your pocket, the home equity.

My view is, there’s no rush to get out there and buy a first home at these high interest rates and home prices are also almost near record high though they’ve come down a bit.

Retirement savings, pensions, CPP, OAS

Sean Cooper  

Why don’t we switch gears and talk about the second topic that we want to discuss: financial independence.  If all the money is in the house, and you don’t have a gold-plated pension plan, you have a bit of a challenge there. Now, certainly you can downsize but then there is the cost of moving and the land transfer tax, and all that.

Jonathan Chevreau  

Well, I don’t have a gold-plated pension. I would call it more like a bronze-plated one. Mostly from National Post, since I was there for 19 years. My wife has no employer pension, but always maximized her RRSP. And we obviously eat our own cooking, so we have maximized our TFSAs since it began. We delayed CPP as long as we could, but didn’t quite wait until 70 because actuary and author Fred Vettese had an article in The Globe the last couple of weeks arguing that those who are 68 or 69 now are probably better off taking CPP a year or two earlier, so you get the inflation adjustment.

Most financial planners would say you should look at CPP and OAS really nice additions to savings and that can be the foundation or your findependence, especially if you don’t have an employer-provided Defined Benefit pension plan.  Some worry that if the worst happens, like Alberta leaving CPP, what if somehow they renege on the CPP promise? But I don’t think it’s going to happen.

Retiree money fears and Asset Allocation

Still, it doesn’t hurt to have financial assets so in the end, you’re not going to be dependent on the government or any one employer.  One thing you can count on is your personal investments like RRSPs/RRIFs, TFSAs, and non registered savings. Then of course, if you’re managing your own money , you have to worry about the fear of every retiree: running out of money or losing money if the stock market crashes. Asset allocation is the proper protection there: my own financial advisor recommends 60% fixed income to 40% stocks, I guess we’re close to that. Right now GICs — guaranteed investment certificates — are paying roughly 4 or 5%, depending where you go. If you ladder them so they mature one to five years from now, then you don’t have to worry about the reinvestment risk. You just reinvest whenever they come due at current rates. Continue Reading…