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Can Savvy Stock-picking outperform Investment Funds?

By Ian Duncan MacDonald

Special to the Findependence Hub

Why spend days building a stock portfolio when you can almost instantly invest the same amount of money in the units of a popular mutual fund or Exchange Traded Fund [ETF]?

One of the most popular are the Standard and Poor’s  500 Index Exchange Traded Funds and Mutual Funds that are sold by probably hundreds of banks and investment dealers. The rise and fall of the S&P index has become a standard by which the success of all portfolios are often measured against.

The Standard and Poor’s 500 Index is a compilation of stocks selected by a committee called the S&P Dow Jones Indices. It is managed by S&P Global Inc., which sells financial information and analytics. This company is an evolution of the century old McGraw-Hill publishing company.

The S&P 500 tracks the 500 largest American companies selected by their stock market capitalization, which is the value of all the shares held by investors in a company. Fund management companies selling units in their S&P 500 mutual funds and ETFs are quick to brag that just nine of the 500 companies account for 31% of the market capitalization of all 500 companies. These nine are Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, Alphabet, Meta, Tesla, Berkshire Hathaway, and JP Morgan Chase. The sales pitch for buying fund units is, how you can lose with such well known, successful companies in your S&P 500 fund.

These very high-profile companies are the bait to distract you from considering the hundreds of mediocre, but large low-profile stocks in the S&P 500.

I have described the “Magnificent Seven,” which are included in the above nine, as being overvalued when you compare such things as their very high share prices to their much lower book values. For example, Apple’s book value was $4.00 compared to its share price at the time, which was $185. Book values are calculated by professional auditors subtracting what is owed by a company from their assets. The net figure is then divided by the number of outstanding shares to arrive at the stock’s book value. A book value’s logical calculation is far removed from the chaos of optimistic and pessimistic speculators bidding daily for millions of Apple shares in a stock market influenced by media hype, greed, and fear.

Many Investors seek safe stocks that will provide them with a reliable income to support them in their retirement. They look for companies that have demonstrated for years that they share the company profits with the company owners, who are the shareholders. This sharing is done through significant regular dividends.

Only 2 Mag 7 stocks pay dividends

Only two of the Magnificent Seven pay dividends. Their dividends are so small you wonder why they bother. Nvidia is paying a token dividend yield of 0.03% and Microsoft is paying 0.71%.

There are about 25 million companies in the United States. Surely “owning” shares in the 500 largest stocks must be a good investment? However, that very much depends on what your definition of a “good investment” is? My definition of a good, strong, safe stock investment has nothing to do with high market capitalization, which is the primary qualification for being classified as an S&P 500 company.

To me a good stock investment primarily includes:

  • A share price that has steadily increased over the last 20 years.
  • A high operating margin percent that is calculated from the percentage of the amount remaining after you have subtracted the expenses to generate the revenues from the revenues.
  • A company that shares its profits with its shareholders by paying ever-increasing annual dividends yields of at least 5% over the last 20 years.  These would include even the market crash years of 2000, 2008 and 2020.
  • The profitability of a company as reflected in a price-to-earnings ratio that would be below 20.
  • A book value for the company that would be close to or even higher than the share price.

Perfect stocks meeting all these criteria rarely, if ever exist.  You thus are required to make compromises based on how close you can come to your ideal stock.

Creating stock-scoring software

To make such compromises easier, I invented for myself stock scoring software that calculates an objective number from zero to 100. This number allows the sorting of stocks from the most to least desirable. The higher the number the more desirable the stock. Having scored thousands of stocks, the lowest I have ever calculated was an 8 and the highest was a 78. I avoid stocks scoring under 50.

For safe diversification and to avoid disastrous surprises you should aim at investing equally in 20 carefully chosen stocks. Your expectation from historical trends of strong companies is that most of your dividend payouts and your share prices will increase steadily.  This will keep your dividend income well ahead of inflation.

There are about 16,000 stocks available in North America to choose from. Sorting through these thousands of stocks for your “best” 20 is not difficult once you are shown how to do it. It can be done in hours, not days.

When I reviewed all the stocks that make up the S&P 500, I found only 5 stocks that would qualify for consideration in my portfolio. 113 of the S&P 500 had been immediately eliminated for consideration because they pay no dividend. Even some of the very largest companies in the S&P 500 like Amazon, Alphabet, Tesla, Berkshire Hathaway, Facebook, and Disney pay no dividends. A further 288 of the S&P 500 stocks only paid dividends between 3.5% and 1%.

Why would a 3.5% minimum dividend yield be important? For the last 100 years the average inflation rate is reported to have averaged 3.5%. If you had bought a share that never increased or decreased in value but paid out a steady 3.5% in dividends your stock would theoretically have stayed ahead of inflation if it were invested back into the portfolio.

Strong shares have histories of steadily rising share prices.

As share prices increase many companies steadily increase their dividend payouts out of pride and competitive reasons to at least maintain their traditional high dividend yield percents. Usually, the dividend payout increase percentages rise much faster than share prices. This can be easily observed.

Only 100 S&P500 stocks pay dividends higher than 3.49%

Within the 500 stocks you are left with only 100 that are paying dividends higher than 3.49%. To give you a reasonably generous income, the ideal is to realize an annual dividend income generating at least 6% of your portfolio’s value. On a million-dollar portfolio this would be $60,000.

There are only 12 of the S&P 500 companies paying a dividend greater than 5.97%. Two of the 12, AT&T and Altria Group, had return-on-expense percentages of zero or less which eliminated them from consideration. When the remaining 10 were scored it was found that 7 of them were now paying a dividend of less than 6% which eliminated them. Of the remaining three only one had an operating margin greater than zero. This left just one company, Verizon, out of all 500 that would meet my minimum requirements for inclusion in my portfolio. It had a good score of 62.

Verizon’s score was based on a share price of $40.48, a price 4 years previously of $58.22, a book value of $21.98, Ten analysts recommending it as a buy, a dividend yield percent of 6.57%, an operating margin of 16.57%, a daily trading volume of 12,645,534 shares and a price-to-earnings ratio of 14.7.

We still needed 19 more stocks to create a strong diversified portfolio.  Fortunately, there is a wide choice of companies with lower capitalization who are paying dividends of 6% and will have scores higher than 50. Some of these are foreign based companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange who were automatically excluded from being included in the American centric S&P 500. Some had high capitalizations that could have easily included them. Foreign stocks can give a portfolio a geographic diversification which strengthens it.

If you had $200,000 to invest, you could do far better investing the $200,000 in 20 carefully chosen, high-scoring, high-dividend stocks than investing that $200,000 in S&P 500 fund units. While the 20 stocks could generate a dividend income of $12,000, the dividend income  generated from the fund units of an S&P 500 fund would be a diluted 1.3% or an annual dividend return of $2,600. The total dividend income received from all 500 stocks becomes diluted when it is split among all those S&P 500 stocks paying little or no dividends. Continue Reading…

How to open a successful Self-Directed IRA [in the U.S.]

You must have a functional account that is easy to use to efficiently manage your retirement savings. Discover how to open a successful self-directed IRA.

Image courtesy of Logical Position

By Dan Coconate

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Many share the goal of achieving financial security in retirement, yet the path to reaching this milestone is often full of uncertainty and complexity. Learning about smart investing is one of the most effective strategies for ensuring a stable financial future.

A self-directed Individual Retirement Account (IRA) offers Americans a flexible and powerful vehicle for retirement savings, providing the opportunity to diversify your portfolio beyond traditional stocks and bonds. Learning how to open a successful self-directed IRA presents a unique advantage if you are seeking control over your retirement future. [Editor’s Note: Available in the U.S., IRAs are most comparable to Canada’s RRSPs.]

Choosing the right Custodian

The choice of custodian is vital in setting up your self-directed IRA. A custodian is an IRS-approved financial institution responsible for holding and safeguarding your IRA’s assets. Since not all custodians offer the option to invest in all asset types available to self-directed IRAs, selecting one that fits your investment strategy is essential. Custodian fees can vary widely and may include account opening fees, annual maintenance fees, transaction fees, and asset holding fees. These costs can significantly impact the overall returns on your investment, especially over the long term.

Funding your Self-Directed IRA

Funding your Self-Directed IRA is a crucial step toward building your retirement nest egg. A direct transfer from an existing IRA into your self-directed IRA is often the most straightforward method, involving minimal paperwork and no tax implications. A rollover from a 401(k) can also deposit substantial funds into your self-directed account, but it’s important to be aware of the rollover windows and potential tax consequences.

Understanding the Rules & Regulations

Understanding the rules and regulations that govern self-directed IRAs is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity for ensuring the long-term success and compliance of your retirement savings account. This comprehension should include familiarizing yourself with prohibited self-directed IRA transactions to understand the tax implications, potential penalties, and fees of your investments. Learning these rules will ensure that you remain compliant while maximizing your IRA’s potential.

Choosing your Investments Wisely

You must choose wisely to financially prepare for retirement with the freedom to invest in multiple assets. Making informed investment decisions is one of the most crucial strategies for your self-directed IRA’s success. This decision must involve researching potential investments, understanding the market, and considering your overall retirement strategy. Strategic diversification and due diligence play key roles in achieving long-term financial growth and security. Continue Reading…

Maximizing Income: 15 Strategies for Accelerated Wealth Creation

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

We’ve gathered the wisdom of successful entrepreneurs and financial experts to reveal their strategies for accelerating wealth accumulation. From focusing on high-leverage activities to applying the 50/30/20 budgeting rule, explore the diverse tactics shared by fifteen professionals, including founders and CEOs, on how to maximize income and expedite wealth building.

  • Focus on High-Leverage Activities
  • Diversify Your Income Streams
  • Live Beneath Your Means
  • Invest in Real Estate
  • Turn Passions Into Online Business
  • Leverage Offset Mortgages with Stoozing
  • Build a Collaborative Business Model
  • Pursue Passionate Side Hustles
  • Specialize in In-Demand Niches
  • Invest Earnings in Business Ventures
  • Hire a Specialized Tax Specialist
  • Automate Savings to Investment Transfers
  • Document Achievements in a Brag Book
  • Combine Education with Financial Investing
  • Apply the 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule

Focus on High-Leverage Activities

The best way to maximize your income and expedite the process of building wealth is to focus on your highest-leverage activities and outsource everything else. When you’re doing everything yourself, you can only do so much. But when you delegate as much as possible, you can focus on your core competencies and grow your business faster. This is something I’ve learned the hard way. In the past, I used to do everything myself.

But as my business grew, I realized that I was spreading myself too thin. So instead of trying to do everything, I hired people to do the things I didn’t enjoy or wasn’t good at. This allowed me to focus on my strengths and grow my business faster. For example, I used to spend a lot of time writing blog posts and creating content. But now I have a team of writers who do that for me. This has freed up a lot of my time and allowed me to focus on marketing and growing my business. Matthew Ramirez, Founder, Rephrasely 

Diversify your Income Streams

One effective approach I’ve used and recommend is diversifying your income streams. By expanding your sources of income beyond a single stream, you can create a more stable and potentially higher-earning financial foundation. Explore avenues such as investing in stocks, real estate, or offering freelance services.

One way I diversified my income streams was through investing in stocks. I researched and identified companies with strong growth potential and invested a portion of my savings in their stocks. Over time, as the companies performed well and their stock prices increased, I earned capital gains and dividends.

This additional income from my investments complemented my primary source of income and contributed to building wealth. By regularly monitoring the market and making informed investment decisions, I was able to maximize my earnings and accelerate my financial goals. — Sacha Ferrandi, Founder & Principal, Source Capital

Live Beneath your Means

Eschew lifestyle creep, which can hamper you from building wealth. Instead, live beneath your means by comparison shopping, creating and sticking to a budget, and funneling savings, raises, and additional monies received into an emergency fund, savings vehicles, and investments.

For example, comparison shopping for your auto and home insurance can save you hundreds of dollars a year. The same goes for negotiating interest rates with credit card companies and rates for other services. Instead of spending that extra money, boost your savings account or open a CD account.

If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, build your wealth by increasing your contribution to it whenever you receive a raise. Be sure to take advantage of the maximum amount if your employer offers a 401(k) match. — Michelle Robbins, Licensed Insurance Agent,

Invest in Real Estate

Making real estate investments became my cornerstone strategy for building substantial wealth. Strategically acquiring properties in prime locations and astutely capitalizing on market trends paved the way for a transformative financial journey. Through shrewd decision-making, I cultivated a stream of passive income from rental properties and witnessed significant appreciation in property values over time. The enduring nature of real estate investments proved to be a resilient and effective avenue for wealth accumulation.

By leveraging the power of property ownership, I secured a reliable income source and tapped into the wealth-building potential inherent in real estate. This strategic approach allowed me to navigate the complexities of the real estate market, aligning my investments with long-term growth prospects and contributing significantly to the acceleration of my overall wealth-building objectives. — Bill Lyons, CEO, Griffin Funding

Turn Passions into Online Business

I developed my personal finance site into a thriving business that has been instrumental in helping me build wealth. After paying off my student loans, I launched the site to help other millennials manage money by sharing the frugal tips and repayment strategies that worked for me.

Years later, My Millennial Guide now earns steady revenue through affiliate partnerships and digital consumer banking offers relevant to my audience. I’ve built a sizable audience by providing quality and engaging money advice for free.

My own journey to financial freedom after conquering student loan debt has proven firsthand how lucrative launching an online business around your passions can be. The flexible income from My Millennial Guide provided the runway to leave my corporate job and focus full-time on site growth.

Now, rather than relying on a single income source, multiple automated revenue streams from this one company allow me to maximize earnings while making an impact by sharing financial advice. The wealth-building opportunities entrepreneurship provides are limitless.

I’m proud that the free resources and recommendations I’ve shared on My Millennial Guide have empowered thousands toward financial freedom, while also securing my own prosperous future. Turning my purpose into a business became the ultimate wealth vehicle. — Brian Meiggs, Founder, My Millennial Guide

Leverage Offset Mortgages with Stoozing

A pivotal strategy in my journey to Financial Independence was leveraging an offset mortgage with ‘Stoozing.’ This method, while requiring discipline, has the potential to drastically lower mortgage payments and accelerate wealth accumulation. Taking advantage of 0% interest credit card offers, I redirected these funds into an account linked to my mortgage. This not only reduced the mortgage balance but also minimized interest expenses significantly.

The essence of Stoozing lies in its ability to turn credit into a tool for savings. With over $100,000 deposited from credit cards, my mortgage interest payments plummeted. This approach demands meticulous management to clear the credit card balance before the 0% interest period expires. By doing so, I could fast-track my path to financial freedom by a decade, demonstrating the power of innovative financial strategies in wealth building. — Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

Build a Collaborative Business Model

To make more money and get rich faster in the legal field, it makes sense to encourage cooperation and build a group law firm instead of a solo practice. Lawyers with different types of skills can work together in collaborative law firms. Because they have different skills, their members provide a range of legal services.

Collaboration allows firms to offer more services, which speeds up growth. When the team is more diverse, the firm can assist more clients and handle more complex legal cases. Working together can bring in more money and help individuals get rich faster. Help desk workers and lawyers share computers, filing cabinets, and office space in a collaborative law firm.

By using the same resources, firms may be able to reduce costs and operate more efficiently. Collaborative lawyers can retain more of their earnings by cutting down on individual expenses. You can get rich faster and make money through smart investments if you know how to manage your finances well. Lawyers can become leaders in their field by focusing on their expertise if they work together. People with specific legal needs should choose this firm because it specializes in those areas of law. Dominating a niche might enhance your legal reputation. Wealthy individuals are drawn to the firm because it has a large market and charges a premium for its specialized services.

Collaborative law firms can showcase their array of services and lawyers’ expertise by representing themselves as a one-stop shop for all your legal needs. This branding strategy makes the firm stand out in the competitive legal market. Effective branding positions the company as an authority, which attracts more clients. As more clients and business opportunities arrive, you make more money and build your wealth. — Martin Gasparian, Attorney and Owner, Maison Law

Pursue Passionate Side Hustles

What I have learned is that as you grow in your career and acquire new skills, this will help you to think about other avenues to travel to bolster your income. Take, for instance, I always wanted to be an adjunct professor, but it was a true process. It did not happen overnight. It took time. We can’t rush the process because once we get there in a hurry, then we can’t stay there. The goal is to get there and have the foundation to remain. Continue Reading…

Managing a Windfall: Sudden increases in Net Worth and how to handle them

Image courtesy Pexels/Tima Miroshnichenko

By Devin Partida

Special to Financial Independence Hub

The initial excitement of suddenly receiving an inheritance, lottery win or large bonus is palpable, presenting what seems like endless possibilities. However, this euphoria gives way to the daunting reality of managing significant amounts of money.

You face complex decisions that involve managing your new wealth responsibly and planning for your future in ways you might not have considered before. This transformative moment calls for careful consideration and strategic financial planning to ensure your sudden wealth leads to long-term security and success.

The Reality of Sudden Wealth

Many people believe sudden wealth is a one-way ticket to lifelong happiness, but the reality is far more complex. Despite the number of U.S. adults in the upper-income tier rising from 14% in 1971 to 20% in 2019, managing significant financial resources introduces many new challenges.

You might think money will solve all your problems, but it often brings issues, including increased responsibility, potential isolation and the need for meticulous financial planning. Instead of viewing wealth as a simple solution, recognize it as a valuable tool requiring savvy management to benefit your life. This approach ensures you handle your finances wisely, considering the intricate balance between enjoying your wealth and maintaining it for the future.

Understanding the Psychological Impacts

When you receive a sudden windfall, confusion and stress quickly cloud the initial rush of joy as you face unexpected financial decisions. People sometimes refer to this whirlwind of emotions as “sudden wealth syndrome” — a phenomenon that can lead to anxiety, poor judgment and hasty financial decisions.

Taking deliberate steps is crucial to maintaining emotional stability. They include the following:

  • Pause and allow yourself time to adjust
  • Consult with a financial advisor and tax expert
  • Seek support from professionals or support groups

These help you manage your new circumstances wisely and guarantee you make the most of your windfall without emotional turmoil.

Practical steps to manage a Windfall

Create a budget tailored to your new financial situation to manage a sudden windfall adeptly. Start by calculating your net worth to gain a clear understanding of where you stand money-wise. Before making any major decisions, place your funds in a temporary, safe location like a high-yield savings account to ensure they remain secure while you explore your options.

Additionally, take the time to educate yourself on financial management and investment strategies. Enhancing your knowledge in these areas will empower you to make informed decisions that align with your long-term financial goals. This proactive approach will help you maximize the benefits of your newfound wealth.

The Importance of a Structured Financial Plan

A comprehensive financial plan is essential to manage and sustain your wealth effectively. Harness the power of technological advancements like AI and machine learning, which can predict upcoming financial trends and assess investment risks precisely. Moreover, seek the expertise of professional financial advisors who can tailor a plan specifically suited to your unique needs and goals. Continue Reading…

NIA on Canada’s 3-pillar Model of Retirement Income

The National Institute of Ageing is today releasing the next instalment [“the final Step 1”] of its series of papers on the Canada Pension Plan (CPP/QPP) and the Canadian retirement income system. The link invites readers to click on a download button for a full PDF of the report.

Recall that Findependence Hub’s introductory blog on this was published on April 11th here, and subsequently in my Retired Money column at on April 23: How to double your CPP Income. It also summarized in this second Hub blog on April 24th.

Below is a screenshot from the new paper: my comments follow below the graphic, which the NIA defines as a “redefined visual of the Canadian retirement income system.”


Recall that the entire series of papers is titled 7 Steps Toward Better CPP/QPP Claiming Decisions: Shifting the paradigm on how we help Canadians.  Step #1 is titled (Re)Introducing the Retirement Income System: A New Framework Tailored to the Retiree’s Perspective.

The accompanying text includes this overview:

“Canada’s retirement income system has traditionally been presented to the public as three pillars, consisting of government-sponsored retirement income programs (CPP/ QPP, OAS and GIS), workplace pension plans and personal savings. However, this traditional framing is a missed opportunity to help workers mentally transition into retirement, encouraging them to shift their attention toward the adequacy of their financial resources to successfully and sustainably finance their entire retirement.”

The paper goes on to point out that here is some irony involved in how the traditional “three pillar” framework of the retirement income system is presented: it does so from the perspective of providers (i.e., government, employers and the financial services industry), rather than those it is intended to inform.

“When viewed from the end user’s perspective, pensions are not a financial pillar of the retirement income system. They are the income foundation on which other financial resources rest.”

By viewing pensions as “a foundation rather than a pillar,” the NIA continues,  “the resulting framework provides a structure that is more focused on spending, with an ‘income’ foundation that securely and sustainably replaces employment income. Private assets accumulated on an individual or collective basis — including tax-deferred savings such as registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), registered retirement income funds (RRIFs), and defined contribution (DC) pension plans — are ‘spending buckets’ on top of this foundation, providing flexibility to support non-routine spending throughout different retirement stages.” Continue Reading…