Decumulate & Downsize

Most of your investing life you and your adviser (if you have one) are focused on wealth accumulation. But, we tend to forget, eventually the whole idea of this long process of delayed gratification is to actually spend this money! That’s decumulation as opposed to wealth accumulation. This stage may also involve downsizing from larger homes to smaller ones or condos, moving to the country or otherwise simplifying your life and jettisoning possessions that may tie you down.

Why a focus on ‘leaders’ works in Call Option ETFs

By Paul MacDonald, CFA

(Sponsor Content)

Harvest ETFs Chief Investment Officer explains why the independent ETF firm focuses on 20-30 ‘leaders’ in its call option ETFs.

Harvest’s call options ETFs are built through a structured process. Portfolio managers begin by identifying an industry, sector or theme with long-term growth prospects such as healthcare, technology, or utilities. They then identify and select between 20 and 30 leaders: large-cap companies with significant financial reserves and market share. The portfolio managers then apply Harvest ETFs’ active & flexible call option strategy to the ETF holdings to generate consistent monthly income for unitholders.

But why do they only select between 20 and 30 companies for their call option ETFs? Diversity is a key to any investment strategy, so shouldn’t Harvest ETFs focus on the widest variety of holdings as possible?

In our experience, the focused approach taken in many Harvest ETFs is tied directly to the execution of Harvest’s active and flexible Covered Call Option strategy.

20-30 stocks is not a random number. When we select the stocks we want an ETF to hold, our goal is to create concentrated portfolios, but with large enough capitalization and a wide enough diversity of business styles and operations that we can give investors broadly diversified exposure to a single sector or industry.

We like diversity, and in a one-stop solution for market exposure, having a huge array of companies can make a lot of sense. But for a targeted strategy like a call option ETF, focusing on the leaders of a particular industry or sector means the managers making decisions have a deep familiarity with the companies they hold.

Why familiarity matters in Call Option ETFs?

Call Option trading in an actively managed ETF requires constant engagement with options premiums available on specific stocks. One of the key value adds of an active call option strategy is the flexibility portfolio managers can have, both to generate their consistent monthly distribution and capture higher options premiums when available to expose more of the portfolio to potential market upside.

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Retired Money: What Asset Class charts can teach about risk and volatility

My latest MoneySense Retired Money column addresses a topic I have regularly revisited over the years: annual charts that help investors visualize the top-performing (and bottom-performing!) asset classes. You can find the full column by clicking on the highlighted headline here: Reading the “Annual Returns of Key Asset Classes”—what it means for Canadian investors. 

As the column notes, I always enjoyed perusing the annual asset classes rotate chart that investment giant Franklin Templeton used to distribute to financial advisors and media influencers. I still have the 2015 chart on my office wall, even though it’s years out of date.

Curious about the chart’s fate, I asked the company what had become of it, and learned it’s still available but now it’s only in digital format online. As always I find it enormously instructive. It’s still titled Why diversify? Asset classes rotate. As it goes on to explain, “one year’s best performer might be the next year’s worst. A diverse portfolio can protect your from downturns and give you access to the best performing asset classes this year – every year.”

The chart lists annual returns in Canadian dollars, based on various indexes.

Right off the top, you see that U.S. equities [the S&P500 index] are as often as not the top-producing single asset class. It topped the list five of the last nine years: from 2013 to 2015, then again in 2019 and 2021.

On the flip side, bonds tend to be the worst asset class. Over the 15 years between 2007 and 2021, at least one bond fund was at the bottom seven of those years: global bonds [as measured by the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index] in 2010, 2019 and 2021, US bonds [Bloomberg US. Aggregate Bond Index] in 2019, 2012 and 2017, and Canadian bonds [FTSE Canada Universe Bond index] in 2013. And consider that all those years were considered (in retrospect) a multi-decade bull market for bonds. You can imagine how bonds will look going forward now that interest rates have clearly bottomed and are slowly marching higher.

As you might expect, volatile asset classes like Emerging Markets [measured by the MSCI Emerging Markets index] tend to generate both outsized gains and outsized losses. EM topped the chart in five of the last 15 years (2007, 2009, 2012, 2017 and 2020) but were also at the bottom in 2008 and 2011. EM’s largest gain in that period was 52% in 2009, immediately following the 41% loss in 2008. Therein lies a tale!

The latest Templeton online charts also include a second version titled “Risk is more predictable than returns.” It notes that “Higher returns often come with higher risks. That’s why it’s important to look beyond returns when choosing a potential investment.” It ranks the asset classes from lower risk to higher risk and here the results are remarkably consistent across almost the entire 15-year time span between 2005 and 2021.

The missing alternative asset classes

This is all valuable information but alas, these charts seem to focus almost exclusively on the big two asset classes of stocks and bonds, precisely the two that are the focus of all those popular All-in-one Asset Allocation ETFs pioneered by Vanguard and soon matched by BMO, iShares, Horizons and a few others. Continue Reading…

Should I hedge? Hedged vs. Unhedged ETFs in Canada

Special to the Financial Independence Hub


When you look at the TSX composite, you will notice that the financial and energy sectors make up a large percentage of the index. In fact, the financial sector constitutes over 30% and the energy sector almost 15% of the TSX. If you want a heavier weighting in the consumer staples, consumer discretionary, technology, or health care sectors in your portfolio, it almost always means you have to invest outside of the Canadian market.

For most investors, the easiest way to diversify outside of Canada is utilizing one of the many low-cost index ETFs available. When investing outside of Canada, one of the things to consider is currency exchange rates because they can either work for you or against you.

Hence, investors must answer this very important question: should you utilize currency-hedged ETFs? Or should you ignore the currency exchange rate risk and go with unhedged ETFs?

Hedged vs. unhedged ETFs, which one should you choose? It’s an important and complicated question. Let’s take a closer look.

What is currency hedging? 

I’ll be honest. When I first started doing DIY investing, I didn’t understand what currency hedging meant. The term confused me for a very long time.

Think of currency hedging like buying car or house insurance. You’re buying and paying for the insurance to protect yourself from an unforeseen event that could cause you to lose a lot of money.

In layman’s terms, currency hedging is a strategy to reduce the effects of currency fluctuations. You’re betting that the foreign currency, usually the US dollar, will weaken against the Canadian dollar. In other words, currency hedging allows you to hold foreign equities without worrying about currency fluctuations and impacting your overall return.

Say you decide to invest in the broad US equity market and the market returned 15% over the past year. During the same year, the US dollar weakened against the Canadian dollar by 10%.

If you invested in an unhedged US broad equity market index ETF, you’d only see a return of 5% minus expenses. The overall return is not 15% because the 10% currency fluctuation has eaten into your returns.

In this scenario, you’d benefit from investing in a hedged US broad equity market index ETF and end up with a return of 15% minus expenses.

Currency hedging isn’t all sunshine and rainbows though. Just as it can work in your favour, as with the above example, it can also go against you. For example, if the US dollar strengthens against the Canadian dollar by 10% during that same time period, you’d end up with a return of 25% minus expenses with an unhedged ETF but only a return of 5% with a hedged ETF. That’s a significant difference!

How do ETF managers hedge currencies? 

How do ETF managers hedge and manage risk caused by currency fluctuation? Can’t the average investors like you and me do the same, deploy similar strategies, and avoid paying the ETF management fees?

Well, ETF managers hedge by purchasing assets and instruments to offset currency exposure. ETF managers can buy forward contracts by entering into an agreement to exchange a fixed amount of currency at a future date and a specified rate. They can also use future contracts, currency options to hedge against potential currency risks. These assets and instruments are usually adjusted every month to ensure proper exposure to currency exchange rate risks.

If all that sounds complicated to you, well it is. This is why hedging isn’t something the average investor can easily do. Hedging, as it turns out, is best to leave it to the experts.

Are currency-hedged ETFs good? Should you always invest in currency-hedged ETFs so you don’t have to worry about currency fluctuation and can sleep like a baby?

Well, the answer is complicated. Turns out, there are many factors that investors need to evaluate before deciding whether to use a currency-hedged ETF or not.

Before we go through these reasons, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of currency-hedged ETFs.

Pros of currency-hedged ETFs

The biggest advantage of currency-hedged ETFs is that you are protecting yourself from any unforeseen (major) currency fluctuation. Essentially, what you see is what you get – you get the true value of the underlying holdings without having to worry about currency exchange rates. This is one of the advantages of CDRs.

For many investors, this can provide peace of mind and simplify investing in foreign markets.

Cons of currency-hedged ETFs 

As you can imagine, there’s a cost associated with buying and selling forward and future contracts, options, and other derivatives to offset currency exposure. As a result, currency-hedged ETFs typically have higher management fees compared to their unhedged counterparts.

For example, VSP, the CAD-hedged Vanguard S&P 500 index ETF, has an MER of 0.09%. Meanwhile, its unhedged counterpart, VFV, has an MER of 0.08%.

Even if management fees are the same between hedged and unhedged ETFs, there are potential hidden costs like higher turnover rates.

For example, even though the hedged and unhedged Vanguard US Total Market ETFs, VUS and VUN, have the same MER, VUS, the hedged version, has a portfolio turnover rate of 23.38% while VUN the unhedged version only has a portfolio turnover rate of 8.31%. Higher turnover rates typically mean more transaction costs, which can lead to lower returns in the long run.

Furthermore, currency hedging doesn’t always work for you. When the currency fluctuation goes the other way, currency hedging can lead to a lower return. So be careful when people claim that currency hedging will eliminate all currency risks and that you should ALWAYS invest in currency-hedged products! In my opinion, when it comes to investing, there’s no such thing as ‘ALWAYS.”

Why invest in currency-hedged ETFs? 

Given the pros and cons, who is best suited to invest in currency-hedged ETFs? As it turns out, it depends on your risk tolerance and your investment timeline. Here are a few reasons why you’d invest in currency-hedged ETFs.

If we look at the US dollar and Canadian dollar, the all time high was 1.600 in January 2002 and an all time low of 0.948 in October 1959. Over the last 30 years, the historical average has been 1.243.

As of writing, the exchange rate is 1.275 which is stronger than the 30-year historical average.  But only slightly! This means there’s a decent chance the US dollar will weaken against the Canadian dollar. However, there are far too many geo-political and geo-economic factors that could possibly arise that no one can accurately predict which way the exchange rate will go in the near, and certainly, in the more distant, future.

If your investment timeline is short, you probably want to protect yourself from the potential weakening of the US dollar. Therefore, it may make sense to pay the extra management fees and use currency-hedged ETFs to smooth out currency fluctuations. On the other hand, if you have a longer investing time horizon, it is probably wise not to go with the hedged option.

2. If you hold a large percentage of foreign equities

If your portfolio is largely allocated to markets outside of Canada, fluctuation in foreign exchange rates can quickly decrease your returns. Using currency-hedged ETFs is a simple way to potentially lock in your returns and not worry about the inverse effects of adverse currency fluctuation.

3. You have low risk tolerance

If you are risk averse, currency hedging can potentially reduce the volatility caused by currency exchange rates. By removing currency exchange rates out of the equation, it’s one less thing to worry about for risk averse investors, allowing them to sleep better at night.

Why invest in unhedged ETFs 

On the flip side, there are many reasons why one may want to consider investing in unhedged ETFs. Continue Reading…

Retirement Reflections during our 32nd year of Financial Independence

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

By Billy and Akaisha Kaderli,

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

In January, 2022 we began our 32nd year of Financial Independence. Few people can say they have 30 years of self-funded retirement by the age of 68 and have a higher net worth after spending and inflation than when they started. This is something of which we are quite proud.

As we have aged, one thing we have learned is that long term is getting shorter every day. Life is to be enjoyed now, not someday:  the older we get the more we appreciate that view. Life is continuously full of opportunities and we want to take them.

Opportunities abound

For example, a couple of years ago we were approached by a startup company which sponsored us for several months in Saigon, Vietnam in exchange for sharing our past experience in the restaurant and service industry and for exposure to our readers through our popular website and blog. That was a fabulous trip, and it got us back over to Asia again.

Then we were approached for a partnership, offering tours to Europe and South America. Can you imagine? There are always opportunities!

These are just two examples of why we say that life is full of chances to grow and learn something new if you want to take them. And neither of these recent options could have been presented to us if we were still working.

Portfolio getting stronger

Since the 2008 financial meltdown the markets certainly have performed well, thereby increasing our portfolio. And for a longer term view the S&P 500 closed at 312.49 when we retired in 1991, producing a better than 8% annual ride plus dividends. So, our advice is to get invested now and in a couple of decades looking back you will have wished you had invested more. Probably a lot more.

We suggest people track their spending now, then multiply that number by 25 to get a rough estimate of the portfolio amount they need to retire. Once you know that amount, in simple terms, assuming the same 8% growth in the future and you withdraw 4% for living expenses, this leaves you 4% to cover inflation and growth so you are all set.

The 4% rule is a guide not set in stone and ours bounces around depending on the markets and our expenses, but on average we have been able to maintain it easily below 4%. Our data over 30 years gives us security knowing that if one year it is higher we can make adjustments the following year to correct it. Then again, the markets could move higher helping us out as well, which is usually the case. Plus, we now are receiving Social Security, so payments and dividends cover our expenses. You can read our reasoning behind this decision here.

Practical considerations

Another note is that because we have a good percentage of assets in retirement accounts, when we turned 56 years old we used IRS rule 72T to withdrawal an annual amount close to our estimated Social Security payments, thus creating a bridge until we actually qualified. Now that we are receiving benefits we have turned off that spigot and are letting the IRAs grow once again.

The age of 72 is now coming into our sight and RMD, required minimum distributions, are the next issue to deal with, but we still have time and no one knows what the tax laws will be then.

With that statedwe still maintain a core holding of buy and hold (DVY, SPY, VTI) which sends us a steady stream of dividends in our taxable accounts as well as tracking the market. But in our IRAs, where we have no tax issues regarding trading, we have been more active using market seasonality with the idea of side-stepping larger declines. Some years have been better than others but we have been taking about half of the market risk than being all in all the time and that is comforting.

Where to retire, cost of living and healthcare

We are not alone anymore, with Boomers retiring at 10,000 a day, we see more retirees everywhere! But in terms of the foreign locations that we visit, the retirement community of Chapala, Mexico is growing at a fast pace. The Colonial town of Antigua, Guatemala has also attracted its share of Expats, and there is a solid and active retirement community in Chiang Mai, Thailand and Panama.

We would recommend Mexico, Panama and Guatemala for their proximity to the US and Canada as well as being on similar time zones as family and financial markets in the States. We would say that Thailand is attractive for its excellent medical care, warmer weather and uniqueness. All of these locations offer excellent lifestyle for cost of living. Continue Reading…

Retirement Options for Small Business Owners

By John Shrewsbury, RICP

Special to Financial Independence Hub

As a small business owner who is emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially engaged in a growing startup, you may feel consumed in the now. So many small business owners put everything back into their company without setting aside their profits in a tax-efficient way. If you run your business without an eye to the future, you will never reach the point where work becomes optional. Your business is your vehicle to financial independence, but it won’t happen without years of careful preparation.  

The independence and freedom of your entrepreneurial path comes with an array of responsibilities. As the business owner, the weight of preparing for your retirement and the retirement of your employees falls entirely on your shoulders. After all, if you don’t plan for your retirement, who will? Start building retirement savings into your company budget and making it a part of your compensation for running the company.

Business owners in the U.S. have retirement options for many situations

As a small business owner, you have a retirement option for almost every situation. When choosing a plan, your most significant consideration is the cost of contributing. If you can only afford to set aside a small amount of money each year, an individual retirement account (IRA) will serve you well. 

A Simplified Employee Pension plan (SEP) is the equivalent of a jumbo IRA. This plan works best for self-employed entrepreneurs with few or no employees. You can contribute up to 25% of your compensation to a SEP, with a maximum of $61,000 per year allowable in 2022. Keep in mind that if you have eligible employees, an SEP requires you to contribute an equal percentage of their salaries to the percentage you contribute from your own revenue. For example, a business owner with an employee making $100,000 per year would have to contribute 25% of the employee’s salary if they want to maximize their own contribution at 25%. If you have a number of employees, a SEP will most likely be your most expensive option.  Continue Reading…