By Abid Salahi
Special to Financial Independence Hub
If you had told me in my early twenties that I’d be already planning for retirement before my first major job promotion, I might have laughed it off.
Like many young professionals, I was more concerned with navigating the beginnings of my adult life and my first ‘real’ job than retirement, far in the future.
However, a deep dive into the financial world revealed the concept of ‘Financial Independence’ or ‘Findependence,’ a state where you have sufficient personal wealth to live without having to work actively for basic necessities. Essentially, what it means is that you can retire way earlier than what society considers ‘retirement age’ and enjoy your retirement while you’re still relatively young.
Today, as I share my experiences and the strategies that I’ve learned along the way, I hope to inspire you to start thinking about retirement sooner rather than later. After all, achieving financial independence is not just a goal; it’s a journey that offers profound peace of mind.
Start Early and Embrace the Power of Compound Interest
Let’s talk about the first and most important strategy I adopted; harnessing the power of compound interest.
Compound interest is like a snowball rolling downhill; as it rolls, it picks up more snow, growing bigger and faster. When you save money, compound interest works by earning interest on both your initial amount and the interest already earned.
This means your money grows faster over time. For example, investing just $200 a month starting at age 25 could grow to more than $500,000 by age 65, assuming an average annual return of 7%.
Diversify your Investment Portfolio
Diversification is key to managing risk and maximizing returns over the long term.
I’m going to say it again … DO NOT invest all of your money in one single asset!
My approach has been to spread investments across a variety of asset classes including stocks, bonds, real estate, and even some alternative investments like cryptocurrencies.
But again, if you spread your investments into too many different assets, the profit you might obtain from each investment could become very small and not that significant. So, not too many but also not too few.
Take advantage of Tax-Efficient Accounts
In both Canada and the U.S., you can take full advantage of tax-advantaged retirement accounts. How? Let me elaborate.
In Canada, utilizing the RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) and the TFSA (Tax-Free Savings Account) can significantly enhance your savings growth by deferring taxes or allowing tax-free gains.
In the U.S., similar benefits are offered through IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) and 401(k)s.
The amazing thing about these accounts is that they not only reduce your tax liability but also allow your investments to grow unhindered by taxes, which can make a substantial difference over the decades.
Consider Real Estate Investments
When talking about investments, it’s impossible to leave out investing in Real Estate.
Real estate can be an excellent addition to any retirement strategy, offering both capital appreciation and potential rental income. Continue Reading…