By Mark Venning,
Special to the Financial Independence Hub
Unless you have been hiding in a cave for the last couple of decades, you have likely heard more than enough versions of the dialogue and plays with words around the changing attitudes and approaches to the long-standing social construct “Retirement.”
Not to mention the numerous metaphors we have applied to interpret this later life transition from a full time working life to…whatever we think we should call it…whatever works for you. In this case, it’s a Victory Lap.
Exactly three years ago in a two-part blog post, I interviewed the then co-authors of the book Victory Lap Retirement: Mike Drak and Jonathan Chevreau, published October 2016. Now in May 2019, the second edition arrived. Based on the success of book sales for version one and some strong endorsements from a number of respected specialists and writers in the financial services field, this no doubt is good cause for this second round.
Beyond those reasons, I asked Mike Drak recently, “What prompted you to arrive at the 2nd edition and add a third contributor, Rob Morrison?”
Mike: “Our intention is to keep revising Victory Lap Retirement as we learn more from ongoing research and also from our own experiences. We added Rob Morrison CFP® as we wanted to release the book in the US and he could bring US expertise to the table as President of financial services firm Huber Financial Advisors, LLC, in Lincolnshire, Illinois. He is well versed with respect to Retirement.”
Smart decision, given the size of the US market and that fact that perspectives are not that much different between the US and Canada when it comes to older adults rethinking pathways in a later life journey. And in this manner, when it comes to co-authors working together as Mike Drak says, “We speak the same language and share the same beliefs that traditional full stop Retirement is a thing of the past and that we need to develop a better concept, one that will work today.”
As I mentioned in my 2016 post on the first review of Victory Lap Retirement, over my twenty years in the career services world, where I worked directly with business executives in their later life transitions – leaving the corporate crow’s nest, as I called it, since 2001 I produced three Retirement programs, delivered countless seminars and engaged many coaching conversations. Continue Reading…