The Chicago Financial Planner — aka Roger Wohlner — ran a guest editorial written by me on his blog this weekend. If it looks familiar, it’s because the Hub ran it earlier in the weekend under a slightly different headline. Why Financial Independence is a Better Goal than Retirement. That blog was picked up a year ago by the Retirement and Good Living Blog.
I had also run a guest post on Roger’s blog a year ago after the U.S. edition of Findependence Day was published in 2013. After all, both the U.S. and Canadian editions of the book are set in part in Chicago!
After an exchange this weekend on Twitter about the above post, Roger offered to run the blog as a followup to the first one but indicated he preferred to run his own headline. He chose the one used in this post, which is a bit more neutral. So if you missed the earlier one, please do check out Roger’s version. Apart from the headline, it’s also different because of an extensive preamble Roger wrote to introduce it, with comments about the “Findependence” movement to which this site, The Financial Independence Hub, is dedicated.
Posting on Twitter as @rwohlner Roger is one of the most followed Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) in the United States. You can also find him listed under our “Getting Help” tab.
What do you think?
As I posted this Monday morning, there were three comments about the article on Roger’s site. After you read them, it would be great to get some reader feedback about these two terms (Retirement vs. Findependence) here at the Hub. Also note another post from this morning: 5 fears you shouldn’t have about retirement. Read them over and ask yourself how many of those fears would still apply if you substituted the phrase “financial independence” for retirement.
While we’re still tweaking our discussion forums, registered users should be able to use the Comment feature below. If anyone attempts to do so and is having difficulty posting a comment, please email me at jonathan@findependenceday.com.
Testing. You know which term I’m voting for!