Longevity & Aging

No doubt about it: at some point we’re neither semi-retired, findependent or fully retired. We’re out there in a retirement community or retirement home, and maybe for a few years near the end of this incarnation, some time to reflect on it all in a nursing home. Our Longevity & Aging category features our own unique blog posts, as well as blog feeds from Mark Venning’s ChangeRangers.com and other experts.

The two main types of Financial Independence

By Vicki Peuckert Cook

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

If you are financially savvy and on your way to a secure retirement, you may already know the steps you should take to work toward financial independence. Maybe you’re already there.

But if you are climbing out of debt and just taking control of your money, financial independence (aka “Findependence”) might seem entirely out of reach. If you have kids, focusing on solving your own money problems may be complicated by your concern about their financial future too.

Financial independence means two different things at two different points in life. And they are both significant milestones. You and your adult children may even be working toward them at the same time!

Here are explanations of both kinds of financial independence and actions to consider to make the path to “FI” attainable, no matter where you are starting from.

Becoming Financially Independent from your parents

Adult children who no longer require any monetary support from their parents are financially independent. This doesn’t mean that a parent can’t provide some kind of financial aid if they choose, it means a child can meet their financial obligations without parental help.

With money concerns including five-figure student loans, rising rents, and considerable consumer debt, many young adults face an uphill battle when trying to leave their parents ‘financial’ nest. And parents may also be “sandwiched in” – helping their kids and providing support for aging parents while trying to save for retirement.

For the benefit of everyone involved, parents and adult children have a responsibility to each other to focus on changes and develop a plan to make financial independence a priority.

What can young adults do?

They can learn how to track expenses and make (and stick to) a budget. Making choices like sharing housing with friends and buying used cars or taking public transportation can also help 20-somethings tackle debt.

Over time, increased income from second jobs paired with making frugal choices like cooking at home, can provide the money adult children need to minimize and finally eliminate the need for parents to provide financial support.

What should parents do?

Parents should start setting limits on the assistance they provide their children. And they should work closely with them to create a plan to end all financial support over a set period of time. Parents need to realize they may actually be harming their kids by enabling their kids to make decisions that aren’t always focused on them becoming financially secure.

If a parent always steps in with a solution, their kids may not learn the importance of meeting their needs while putting off wants for the future. And this will only lengthen the time needed to reach financial independence.

Providing advice, emotional support, and helping adult children problem solve money troubles shifts the financial relationship to adults talking, rather than a parent instructing their child on what to do.

Becoming Financially Independent from Work

The other definition of financial independence is one that’s sometimes debated. But there is little argument that it should be a future goal of everyone. In general, reaching financial independence means you have enough income to pay for your living expenses for the rest of your life without having to work. Continue Reading…

Retiring at home — and how to get the funds to do it

By Darlene Vilas

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

I’ve spent many years helping a lot of retirees to stay in their home. So, I wasn’t surprised when a survey by HomeEquity Bank and IPSOS revealed that 93% of Canadians aged 65+ are determined to retire at home.

For people with a healthy pension and retirement savings, staying in their home is rarely a problem. However, many Canadians have inadequate retirement savings. According to a report by CIBC, 30% of people have no retirement savings at all, while another 19% have saved less than $50,000. I help people with lower retirement income to understand the financial options available to them, so they can retire comfortably in their home.

Why staying put is so important

According to HomeEquity’s research, maintaining independence is a key reason for retirees wanting to stay in their home, followed by staying close to family, friends and their community.

Many of my older clients find just the idea of moving to be very stressful. They don’t like the thought of downsizing, which means leaving behind loved ones and places they’re familiar with.

I can understand that, so I try to help people stay in their home, whatever their financial situation. Thankfully, for homeowners, there are several options available.

The financial tools that can help you stay at home

Taking out a mortgage or a line of credit can allow you to cash in on some of your home’s equity. However, the mortgage option is becoming increasingly difficult for retirees. With the new mortgage stress test, you have to qualify at a much higher rate than before, which means you can now borrow much less. Plus, taking on mortgage payments for up to 20 years can put a strain on your retirement income. If you miss some payments, you could lose your home.

A home equity line of credit can be a good option if your income qualifies.  They are fully open and can be repaid at any time without penalty. This is a very helpful option for homeowners who would like to access cash easily if they experience unforeseen home expenses such as emergency repairs to the home. Payments are typically interest only, which keeps your monthly obligation at a minimum.   The downside of a home equity line of credit is they are callable at the discretion of the bank.  This means you could be forced to sell your home to repay the line of credit.

With a reverse mortgage, you can borrow up to 55% of your home’s value. You never have to make a mortgage payment and you’ll never be forced to move out. Many of my clients use a reverse mortgage as an efficient way of cashing in some of their home’s equity. Because there are no regular mortgage payments, it can help them to greatly improve their financial situation, boost their disposable income and live the kind of retirement they’d hoped for.

Those people concerned about maintaining their home’s equity can make monthly interest payments, but the nice thing is, they don’t have to. Continue Reading…

How to retire and fill 40 hours a week

By Tea Nicola

(Sponsor Content)

“Can you believe it, honey? Friday’s my last day at work! Time sure flies. I can’t wait to start spending all of our free time together!”

Did this thought warm your heart, or get your pulse racing in panic? That probably depends on whether you’ve given some good thought to what you’re doing after retirement.

But what do you actually want to do after you stop working? Your retirement income goals will depend much on your answer to that question, as your financial adviser is apt to tell you.

We’re living longer — and that’s a good thing, if you plan for it

‘Retirement’ wasn’t really a thing, until recently. You lived, you worked, you died … and the world kept turning as youth picked up the baton of life’s track meet. That’s partly the reason pension age was set at 65: few were expected to live long enough to claim it! When the USA passed their Social Security Act in 1935, American men were expected to live to about 58.

But with our longer life spans, you could still be shuffling around decades after you’ve stopped working. According to Statistics Canada and the 2016 Census, “there were 5.9 million seniors in Canada, which accounted for 16.9% of the total population. In comparison, there were 2.4 million seniors in 1981, or 10% of the population.”

There are more retirees than ever! So, our question is a practical one: how do you retire and still fill 40 hours a week?

What Canadian retirees are already doing with their time

How to retire and fill 40 hours a week. Time chart

Does this all seem inspiring … or overwhelming? Is the room spinning at the prospect of playing shuffleboard and doing yard work for the next two or three decades? Fortunately, we’ve picked up an important idea from doing retirement income planning with countless clients. Continue Reading…

Seasonal work in Retirement

By Fritz Gilbert, TheRetirementManifesto.com

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Have you ever thought about seasonal work in retirement?  My friend, Kirk, recently leveraged seasonal work to experience something for the first time in his life.  He became a cowboy, through a seasonal job at a Dude Ranch.

At Age 58!

You may remember Kirk, he’s visited with us before (including his thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail, his broken foot on the Pacific Crest Trail and the story of breaking his ribs when he Lived Life At The Limits on a mountain bike ride with yours truly).  This Fall, he’s heading to Nepal to do some trekking around Mt. Everest.  Interesting guy, my friend Kirk, and we can all learn something from the way he lives his life in retirement.

Today, he tells us the story of doing seasonal work in retirement at a Dude Ranch, which he did in the Spring of 2018.

The old military and corporate guy became a cowboy.  Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but he did “wrangle horses” for 6 weeks at a Dude Ranch. How cool is that?

Here’s his story…

Working On A Dude Ranch

Kirk. A “FIRE Guy In His Prime”

I promised myself I would write three “potential” blog posts for my friend this year covering what could possibly be my most adventurous year since my retirement began 2 ½ years ago. Caution: I am not the spectacular writer that Fritz is; however, here is my latest adventure …

(Note from Fritz: I don’t know about my writing skills, but I do know that Kirk lives life more “on the edge” than anyone I personally know. Nepal, really? That Kirk guy is nuts!)

When I retired roughly 2 ½ years ago I decided to do away with my “LinkedIn” account. I was cleaning up some old things from my work years and didn’t think I would need a resume in my retirement life. As I started checking off things in my Dump Truck List (Buckets are no longer big enough) I started realizing that I had some skill gaps. Ultimately, I wanted to be a wrangler for a cattle drive in Montana but realized that wasn’t going to happen if I didn’t have some experience handling a horse.

I researched some possible jobs through www.coolworks.com and drafted a list of the qualifications for some of the wrangling jobs which interested me. Much to my surprise, I met them all with one exception:

I had no experience in riding a horse.

Having grown up on a farm really prepared me well for many aspects of the job, but we never had horses. How could I learn to ride a horse, handle the tack, teach the ranch’s customers, etc. if I didn’t know how to handle horses myself? While I suppose I could have paid for the experience — I am FI [Financially Independent], after all — there was something in me that kept gnawing in the deep recesses of my mind.

Thoughts which whispered, and thoughts that led to my decision to pursue seasonal work in retirement:

You have been so frugal all your life to get to FI, is this really how you want to spend your money?
Would you really be able to buy this experience or is this something you have to spend time acquiring skill, talent, and familiarity?
What other experiences do you need now in order to pursue the future adventures of your dreams?

(Note from Fritz: I like how Kirk thinks several moves ahead. Dream for your tomorrow, and identify what you should be doing Today in order to achieve your dreams. Move your life from Good To Great).

After much thought, I decided to venture out to an unknown area for me and listen to the younger crowd who said many of their wonderful experiences were as “Workaway” people.  Workaway is simply a web service that connects people who are looking for experience with people that are looking for help.  The Workaway people generally work 4 – 5 hours per day, 5 days per week in exchange for room/board and experience.  Given that I have plans to travel through Asia in the coming years, this approach could help with some international options as well. I looked into the site http://www.workaway.info and decided to give it a try.

It was somewhat difficult to determine where I would go to gain this experience.  I wasn’t sure how it would all work out, so I decided to minimize my risk by choosing a location that:

  • had good/great reviews by those who participated
  • was close so if it was horrible I could bail
  • had more than just myself as a workaway so I could learn from the experience of others

I ended up selecting a Bed and Breakfast Dude Ranch in upstate NY, only an hour away from where I grew up and where my mother still lives.  If it was a horrible experience I had a solid Plan B. I would simply bail out and stay with my mom, working around her house to complete some things on her “To Do” list.  It would also afford me the opportunity to spend time with some aunts, uncles, and cousins which I had not seen in far too long. Continue Reading…

6 steps to avoiding a bear market near Retirement

By Fritz Gilbert, TheRetirementManifesto.com

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Did you know a looming Bear Market Crisis is approaching?!

I just read it on the internet, so it’s got to be true!

To make matters worse, I just retired a month ago.

Uh Oh!  (Am I screwed?)

Today, some reality about Bear Markets, along with 6 steps to consider as you structure your retirement portfolio.

A Looming Bear Market

Ok, I’m having a bit of fun with the “read it on the internet” line, but the reality is that a Bear Market WILL happen. I’m not being prophetic, just stating the facts.  Since before the days of the tulip mania in 1637, bear markets have always been will us, and they always will.  We’ve benefited from a very nice bull run. We’re being naive if we think that it will never end.

Since 1900, we’ve had 32 Bear Markets, defined as a correction of 20% or more.  Do the math, and that averages out to a Bear Market every 3.7 years.  The average bear market lasts 367 days (the longest was 34 months!). Here’s what they look like graphically:

The Looming Bear Market Will Drive A Retirement Crisis

I actually did read an article on the internet about the looming bear market crisis.  In The Next Bear Market In Stocks Will Drive A Retirement Crisis,“ the author states:

“A recession could decimate even substantial retirement portfolios.”

Further, the author goes on to say that Social Security and Medicare, and the resulting increase in taxes, increase in eligibility age and reduction in benefits “would be a disaster” for those dependent on the safety net.

Add to that the Voices Of Worry over the global debt pile up and the underfunded status of many state & local pension funds and things could get really, really ugly.

Maybe I shouldn’t have retired early. 

Too late now, I guess I’d better get to work on building a Bear Market Crisis Prevention Plan.

The Looming Bear Market Crisis

We all know a Bear Market is coming. It’s been an increasing theme in the blogosphere, with even the esteemed Financial Samurai taking risk off the table. America’s wealthy are moving to cash.  Ben Carlson of A Wealth of Common Sense has 36 Obvious Investment Truths to remind folks that you should protect yourself.

I’m not a panic-driven investor, screaming a scare tactic headline to drive traffic (tho, if you’re reading this, I guess it worked, right?).  Rather, I’m reminding folks of the reality of how the markets work and encourage you to think about it as you develop your retirement portfolio strategy.  Yes, stocks have historically outperformed over the long-term, and will likely continue to do the same.  Just recognize that the road can be bumpy, and plan accordingly to avoid getting bitten by a bear when you can least afford it.

A Bear Market Crisis Contingency Plan

The reality is that bear markets have always been with us, and always will.  Unfortunately, we never know when that snake is going to strike, so it’s best to wear snakeproof boots along the path of retirement.  Following are some steps I’m taking, as an early retiree, to defend our portfolio against the risk of a bear attack.  View them as suggestions, and pick and choose as appropriate for your situation.

6 Steps To Bear Market Protection Continue Reading…