Building Wealth

For the first 30 or so years of working, saving and investing, you’ll be first in the mode of getting out of the hole (paying down debt), and then building your net worth (that’s wealth accumulation.). But don’t forget, wealth accumulation isn’t the ultimate goal. Decumulation is! (a separate category here at the Hub).

The “mostly stocks” Retirement Portfolio

By Dale Roberts, cutthecrapinvesting

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

It was a long time in the making, but I recently finished and posted the stock portfolio for retirees, on Seeking Alpha. It uses an all-weather portfolio approach but only puts stocks to work. Stocks are arranged by sector to perform in certain economic environments. Stocks and REITs will have to step up to do the work of bonds, gold, cash and commodities. We’re building the retirement stock portfolio on the Sunday Reads.

Here’s the post – Stocks for the retirement portfolio. That is a U.S. version. I will also post the Canadian stock portfolio (ideas for consideration)  on Cut The Crap Investing.

Defense wins ball games

The key is a core defensive stance: for market corrections, recessions and deflation. For those who are not able to access Seeking Alpha, here’s the portfolio.

As always, this is not advice. This is an idea and strategy for consideration.

Defensives @ 60%

Utilities – 10%

NextEra Energy, Duke Energy Corp, The Southern Co, Dominion Energy, Alliant Energy, Oneok, WEC Energy.

Pipelines – 10%

Enbridge, TC Energy, Enterprise Partners, Energy Transfer, Oneok.

Telecom – 10%

AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, T-Mobile, Bell Canada, Telus.

Telco REITs – American Tower, Crown Castle.

Consumer Staples – 10%

Colgate-Palmolive, Procter & Gamble, Walmart, Pepsi, Kraft Heinz, Tyson Foods, Kellogg, Kroger, Hormel Foods, Albertsons Companies.

Healthcare – 10%

Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Labs, Medtronic, Stryker, CVS Health, McKesson Corporation, United Health, Merck, Becton Dickinson, Cigna Corp.

Canadian banks – 10%

RBC, TD Bank, Scotiabank, Bank of Montreal.

Growth assets – 20%

Consumer discretionary, retailers, technology, healthcare, financials, industrials and energy stocks.

Apple, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Nike, BlackRock, Alphabet, Lowe’s, Amazon, TJX Companies, McDonald’s, Tesla, Visa, Mastercard, Raytheon, Waste Management, Berkshire Hathaway, Broadcom.

Inflation protection – 20%

REITs 10%

Agree Realty Corporation, Realty Income, Essential Properties, Regency Centres Corporation, Stag Industrial, Medical Properties Trust, Store Capital Corporation, Global Self Storage and EPR Properties.

Oil and gas / commodities stocks 10%

Canadian Natural Resources, Imperial Oil, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, EOG Resources, Occidental Petroleum, Devon Energy.


Nutrien, The Mosaic Company.

Precious and other metals

Tech Resources, BHP Group, Rio Tinto

All said, I am still a fan of some cash and commodities and bonds. This was offered in the post …

The hybrid approach might then include:

  • 5% cash
  • 5% bonds
  • 5% commodities
  • 85% retirement stocks

More Sunday Reads Continue Reading…

Your home and your retirement plan

By Anita Bruinsma, CFA, Clarity Personal Finance

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

“Your home should not be your retirement.”

This is a common headline in personal finance and although the details are nuanced, the headline can give the wrong impression: that you shouldn’t rely on the equity in your home to fund your retirement.

Certainly, it shouldn’t be the only source of retirement income: homeowners also have to save using RRSPs and TFSAs. However, homeowners in high-priced housing markets will likely have excess equity in their homes that should be considered when building a retirement plan and determining how much they need to save.

The rationale for the “don’t rely on your home for retirement” advice is twofold: first, that you will always need a place to live and the value of your home will be needed to buy or rent another residence; and second, that you need money to buy food and other things, which you can’t do if all your wealth is tied up in your home.

Both these points are valid, but they don’t apply to everyone. Like all aspects of financial planning, each individual’s personal circumstances need to be considered and in fact, many people should count on their home to help fund their retirement.

You’ll always need a place to live

To address the first point — that your current home will fund your next home — consider doing an analysis that looks at the cost of renting for the years after you sell your home. For those in high-priced housing markets like Toronto, the proceeds from selling a mortgage-free home will likely more than offset the cost of renting for 30 years in retirement, including paying for long-term care. The same analysis applies to downsizing by buying a smaller place in a less-expensive market. This means there could very well be excess funds that can be used later in life and this should be accounted for when determining how much retirement savings you need. Continue Reading…

6 unique ways to Increase your Net Worth and Build Generational Wealth

By Emily Roberts

For Financial Independence Hub

Whether or not you consider building wealth a complicated process, the fact is that there are time-tested paths to make it happen. Increasing your net worth and building generational wealth is never unintentional; this article described six unique ways to help you do it.

Build Solutions for Unique Problems

All of the world’s wealthiest people, self-made millionaires, created solutions for global problems, and that’s why they became rich. You may argue that most industries already have wealthy giants, but you can find a niche with a growing problem and design a solution. Scale the solution for the global market, and you would have made a step in building generational wealth.

Invest in Profitable Startups

Investment has always been key to building wealth. If you invest early in a business, you position yourself for massive profits when the business grows. Carefully profile startups and invest in them. You should hire a financial advisor or learn more about investment before doing this.

Hire a Debt Management service

You may get into debt as you invest and build a business. Debt is not necessarily wrong when taking loans to build a business, but it could easily cripple your finances. Debt management helps you overcome depth without declaring bankruptcy, improves your cash flow and gives you the more significant financial freedom to invest in building wealth. You can contact Harris and Partners to learn about consumer proposals and how they could help you. A consumer proposal is an alternative to declaring personal bankruptcy and helps create an agreement with creditors.

Hire brilliant Employees

All rich people who built their wealth from scratch have one thing in common: despite their brilliance, they hire the best minds and hands to handle their business and investments. Whether or not you are brilliant, you need employees with specific traits. As Warren Buffett puts it, you need employees with integrity, intelligence, and energy to get the best results. Of course, you need to show strength and foresight, but ensure you have a solid team working for you. Continue Reading…

An update on Findependence Day

Regular readers of this site [] probably know that it sprang from another site that was created in 2008 to help sell copies of the original Canadian edition of my financial novel, Findependence Day. I am writing this blog somewhat sheepishly as it turns out that that site is no longer available under the original URL. That URL was the title of the book followed by .com but this post is to warn anyone that the new site currently residing on that domain has nothing to do with me or the Hub. Sadly, we no longer own that URL.

I won’t even provide a link here because I can’t vouch for what may occur there: earlier this week we took down the link to it from the Hub, as it took casual browsers to a different site that appears to originate from India. I realize some readers may out of curiosity be tempted to click on the link but if they do would urge them to heed any warnings that may generate; it may or may not be a legitimate site, and therefore could compromise the computer or device of anyone who visits the site and clicks on any portion of it.

Second US edition via Best Buy Books (updated in 2021)

How to buy the original book and subsequent US edition

That said, there are still ways to purchase the original book and subsequent revised U.S. editions. You can find used copies of the original Canadian edition as well as the latest US edition at Abe Books. They also sell copies of some of my other books, including The Wealthy Boomer and the co-authored Victory Lap Retirement.

We do not sell the two US editions directly but they are available directly from either [published in 2013] or Best Books Media [updated and published in 2021.] Hard-cover, paperbacks and e-book versions of the U.S. Trafford version are available at Trafford or via Amazon Canada.  In addition, Chapters Indigo offers hardcover or paperback versions as well as a Kobo ebook version. 

I introduced the newest US edition on July 1st, 2021 here on the Hub. See why by clicking on An interview with myself. The Best Books Media edition is also available in hardcover, paperback and ebook formats at Barnes & Noble.

The hardcover version is also available at The Book Depositary. Here is the publisher blurb from that site:

Findependence Day presents personal finance in a “can’t put down” story format easily digested by young adults entering the workforce and the world of money. Because money problems often cause marital breakups, it focuses on the financial journey of a young couple who experience the usual ups and downs of job loss, buying homes, raising children, investing and pensions, starting businesses, coping with stock market volatility, and more.

The secrets of financial independence are critical wherever you are in the financial life cycle:

– Newlyweds embarking on family formation will discover the importance of financial planning.

– Debt-plagued graduates will be motivated to embrace “guerrilla frugality.”

First U.S. edition from Trafford, 2013

How to get the original Canadian edition directly from me

While used copies of the 2008 edition can be had for as little as $4 or $5 on some of the sites flagged above, shipping charges will put the final tab well above $10.  But you can still buy brand new copies of the original edition directly from me for $16, postage included, and I’d be glad to sign them and write a short message.

We hope to build a landing page from the Hub in due course that will let interested readers buy the original book through PayPal or credit cards, as was the case on the now-disappeared site.

In the meantime, copies of the 2008 Canadian edition can be purchased directly from me by emailing me at or mailing a cheque for $16 payable to J. Chevreau Enterprises Inc., 22 Thirty Sixth St., Etobicoke, Ont., M8W 3K9. The $16 price includes GST.

Make sure you include your own mailing address so we can send it via Canada Post. That email can also be used for e-transfers. We absorb the GST. Cartons of 36 copies are also still available for $105 plus postage (roughly $30): some financial advisors find this to be a cost-effective giveaway for clients and prospects.


Should your Small Business partner with a Social Media Influencer?

Image Source: Pixabay

By Beau Peters

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Justifying working with social media influencers in a big business is much easier. They have the resources, reach, and reputation to make the process seamless. But should your Small Business partner with a social media influencer?

Let’s examine three pros and cons of working with a social media influencer as a small business. Then, we’ll guide you in deciding if this type of partnership is worth pursuing.

Pros and Cons of working with a Social Media Influencer

Working with a social media influencer can positively impact your business’s bottom line, but first, you must weigh the pros and cons of this kind of partnership equally. Let’s start with three substantial disadvantages:

1.) Working with an influencer is hard to justify with a small budget

Small businesses have to be diligent about their finances. The last thing you want to do is spend unnecessary money on a marketing strategy you don’t need. When you have a small marketing budget, it can be hard to justify working with an influencer.

You must consider whether you can actually afford to bring on an influencer and that you’re committed to measuring the return on investment to ensure it’s worth it.

2.) It’s risky

Any marketing strategy is risky, but working with an influencer can be particularly risky because you can’t control people. Even if an influencer checks off all the boxes on your “ultimate influencer” list, they may not do what you thought they would do for your brand.

From taking your product and running to not producing the agreed-to content to being completely ghosted, many things can go wrong when working with a social media influencer.

If you aren’t comfortable with the risks, this may not be for you.

3.) It takes a lot of time and effort to find the right influencers

One of the most complex parts of working with influencers is finding the right ones to partner with. Working with the wrong influencers can damage your reputation. If they do something against your brand’s values, your audience won’t be pleased you’re associated with them.

Finding the right influencers to work with takes a lot of time and effort. But you must put in that time and effort to ensure you’re partnering with people with shared values, morals, and ethics.

Even with these cons, the advantages of working with a social media influencer can be significant for a small business. Here are three of them:

1.) Capitalize on the trust influencers have with their audience

Hyper-personalized customer experiences are becoming more important for marketing strategies to be effective. However, the challenge is building enough trust and a deep enough relationship with your target audience to provide that experience.

The great thing about successful influencers is that they know their audience. They built massive trust with them through content they can resonate with. You can capitalize on influencers’ trust with their audience when you choose the right ones to work with. Continue Reading…