Today’s Hub review is a bit unusual in that we’ve allowed an author to review her own book. I originally reviewed No Hype: The Straight Goods on Investing Your Money when it came out almost a decade ago and found it a useful addition to the genre, seeing as so many financial books these days are written by financial professionals.
It was refreshing to see a book written by a pure financial consumer like Gail, who like the rest of us has to sort the financial wheat from the chaff and has no real axe to grind. As she says on her web site, she’s an independent voice.
Hopefully we’ll review it in the more traditional manner over the coming weeks or months but in the meantime, it’s nice to know the book is still out there and has been revised.
Incidentally, and as noted in Saturday’s weekly wrap, Gail and I are among six speakers at The Financial Show in Mississauga later this month. Joining us will be Gordon Pape, Pat Bolland, Jim Ruta and Scot Blythe. — Jonathan Chevreau
By Gail Bebee,
Special to the Financial Independence Hub

When I set out in 2006 to write the original No Hype – The Straight Goods on Investing Your Money, my goal was to create a readable book that set down all the investing basics for Canadians, without a financial industry bias. It was born from my frustration at not finding such a book when I decided to take control of investing my money.
Thousands of books and two sold-out editions later, the students taking my Investment Planning night school course at Toronto District School Board still need a good reference, and retail investors are still looking for an objective, understandable book on all the investing basics written expressly for Canadians.
The content has stood the test of time amazingly well, but the world of investing is never static. Before going to print again, an update was in order.
The just released third edition offers the same readable, unbiased approach to explaining the investing basics with entries on everything from asset classes and finding a financial advisor to choosing funds and building a portfolio. Revisions include:
- Numerous updates to facts and figures to reflect such realities as regulatory amendments and renamed professional designations, changes in inflation, revisions to mutual fund fees, new tax rates, and address changes in the cloud and on the ground.
- Reference to new financial firms and products, particularly in the ETF space.
- The latest data on historical return rates for traditional asset classes. Returns are lower!
- Updated estimated return rates for portfolios with varying risk levels.
- Revised and updated model portfolios.
You can find out more about the book and purchase it at www.gail It can also be ordered from Indigo.
Buyers at my website also receive an exclusive bonus, Gail’s Top Twenty Investing Tips.