As was announced here recently, Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner has launched a new weekly financial podcast called Rule Breaker Investing.
I’ve long been a fan of Chris Hill’s weekly Motley Fool Money podcast, which generally runs close to 40 minutes and makes a nice weekend catchup on the financial week just past. He also spearheads a shorter podcast called Market Foolery, which runs Monday to Thursday. (Full disclosure, I once appeared on that podcast and also write for Motley Fool Canada).
Identifying the “lead” dogs
The Motley Fool founders (and brothers) David and Tom Gardner have both appeared on some of these established podcasts in the past but now David has his own dedicated show; it allows him to share his insights into what he believes are the most innovative and disruptive publicly-traded companies. Most of the early episodes are between six and 14 minutes, and go into the major “Rule Breaker” principles. He also cites as examples some long-time winners from Motley Fool portfolios, such as Amazon.com, Netflix, Starbucks and Tesla.
Motley Fool Rule Breakers is David’s main newsletter (it sells for US$99 a year) but you can get plenty of insight at no charge by listening to the new podcast, which is available at iTunes and Stitcher.
Here is a summary of the first few episodes. You can also get a feel for one of the first segments by reading this transcript of the six attributes of a rule-breaker stock, originally outlined in 1998-1999 as a still-available book titled Rule Breakers Rule Makers.
Podcasts great multi-tasking tool
Generally, I find financial podcasts a great multi-tasking tool: you can listen to them while walking or exercising, or while commuting. In an email exchange, Chris Hill (who heads up Motley Fool’s radio and podcast strategy) confirmed that Rule Breakers Investing and the new personal finance podcast, Motley Fool Answers, are both doing well already.
Along with the long-running Motley Fool Money, both are among the most popular and highest rated podcasts in the iTunes Investing category, while Market Foolery and Industry Focus are among the most popular and highest rated in the “Business News” category.
“Obviously there are other platforms besides iTunes (like Stitcher, TuneIn, etc.) but iTunes is by far the biggest,” Hill said.