These three ETFs are responsible for most of my wealth

By Alain Guillot

Special to Financial Independence Hub

I was a day trader for almost 10 years.

Oh, I was so smart. I was smarter than the market and all its participants. But I was not, I was delusional. I wasted my time trying to guest the direction of the markets. I had good months in which I felt I was going to be a millionaire, and then in one bad trade I would lose most of my gains.

The one lesson I discovered, and maybe was worth the price of all my losses was that passive investment works.

The strategy create by John Bogle many decades ago is till paying huge dividends. Mr. Bogle was the founder of Vanguard Funds, the inventor of Passive Investing, a strategy created for the masses. Ever since I started passive investing my portfolio has been going up at a staggering rate.

My investments are composed of three main investments:

VFV (Vanguard S&P 500 US Index ETF)
XIU (iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF)
VIU (Vanguard FTSE Developed all caps ex North America)

Plus other individual stocks that mostly lose me money.

Pie chart of Alain Guillot portfolio

What about you? What’s your investment strategy?

Alain Guillot is a part time event photographer, part time Salsa teacher, and part time personal finance blogger. He came to Quebec as an immigrant from Colombia. Due to his mediocre French he was never able to find a suitable job, so he opened a Salsa/Tango dance school and started his entrepreneurship journey. Entrepreneurship got him started into personal finance and eventually into blogging. Now he lives a Lean FIRE lifestyle and shares his thoughts in his blog This blog appeared first on his blog and is republished here with permission. 

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