Why a $10,000 TFSA limit will help the middle class

efa49b4d1f1ae1a4c611f9e65083237a_400x400Motley Fool Canada has just published my blog Why a $10,000 TFSA limit will help the middle class. It lays out my argument that if the new Liberal government truly wishes to help out the beleaguered middle class, then the logic used to justify the cut in the middle-income tax  bracket from 22% to 20.5% should apply equally to the 11 million Canadians who have  TFSAs.

As we have noted before, a poll by Angus Reid showed that more than half of those 11 million do NOT want to see Prime Minister Trudeau keep his election promise cut the TFSA limit almost in half.

And as Bill Tufts argued Wednesday on the Hub, the larger TFSA limit is only one step to pension parity vis a vis the generous public-sector pensions that are ultimately backstopped by those same middle-class taxpayers. See Let’s level the playing field between TFSAs and Public-sector pensions.

Finally, a reminder that Catherine Swift and her WorkingCanadians.ca group continues to attract support for its petition to preserve the $10,000 TFSA limit.

See also Catherine’s blog on the Hub, entitled Majority of TFSA owners want the $10K limit: join petition to preserve it.

As we have noted before, in order to get the arithmetic growth of petition signers, it’s not enough just for YOU to sign it. We’re suggesting you use email, social media and one-on-one conversations with like-minded family and friends, and get at least six others to sign it too.


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