By Tim Paziuk
Special to the Financial Independence Hub

In the recent Federal Budget, the government listened to seniors and advisors and reduced the minimum withdrawal amounts for RRIFs (Registered Retirement Income Funds). But did they go far enough?
If you’re not familiar with minimum withdrawal amounts, here’s a quick overview:
Up until the time you’re age 71 (or if your spouse is younger, their age 71) and you’re earning an income, you can contribute money on a tax deductible basis to a personal or spousal RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan).
When you reach age 71 you have a decision to make. The decision is, do you convert your RRSP to a RRIF, an annuity, or do you cash it out (or a combination of the three). If you choose to convert it to a RRIF, the income payments cannot be deferred any longer than the following year (age 72). Continue Reading…