Debt & Frugality

As Didi says in the novel (Findependence Day), “There’s no point climbing the Tower of Wealth when you’re still mired in the basement of debt.” If you owe credit-card debt still charging an usurous 20% per annum, forget about building wealth: focus on eliminating that debt. And once done, focus on paying off your mortgage. As Theo says in the novel, “The foundation of financial independence is a paid-for house.”

Darren Coleman interviews Tax expert Kim Moody about Liberals floating tax on Home Equity

Darren Coleman (left) and Kim Moody (right, with glasses).

The following is an edited transcript of an interview conducted by financial advisor Darren Coleman’s of the Two Way Traffic podcast with tax expert Kim Moody, of Moody Private Client. It appeared on August 8th: click here for full link.

Moody recently wrote an article in the Financial Post about the government flirting with the idea of a home equity tax, even on principal residences. Such a tax could result in an annual levy of about $10,000 for a home worth $1 million. He described that, along with the increase in the capital gains inclusion rate that has already passed into law, “really bad tax planning” based on ideology, not economics.

In the podcast Moody and Coleman also discussed …

  • The disparity between U.S. and Canadian tax rates, beginning with how the state of Florida compares with Ontario, a difference of 17%.
  • The tax model established in Estonia lets you reinvest in your company without paying corporate tax while personal income is taxed at a flat rate of 20%. They say such a system would work in Canada, and celebrate success and entrepreneurship.
  • What organizations like the Fraser Institute and mainstream economists think about Canada’s economic performance.

Below we publish an edited transcript of the start of the interview, focusing on the capital gains inclusion rate and trial balloon about taxing home equity.

Darren Coleman, Raymond James

Darren Coleman:  I’m Darren Coleman, Senior Portfolio Manager with Raymond James in Toronto.  I’m delighted to be joined by Kim Moody of Moody’s tax and Moody’s private client. You’re also a law firm based in Calgary, Alberta, and probably one of Canada’s best known tax and estate planning advisors. You may have heard our last conversation with Trevor Perry  about some of the issues we might be seeing in terms of taxation of the principal residence in Canada.

I think because governments have spent so much money that we’re going to see tremendous innovation in taxation.  Do you want to set the table for the article you wrote in the Financial Post, where you talked about where this is coming from, and why Canadians might be on alert for what might be coming to tax the equity in their homes.

Kim Moody: The point of the piece was mainly just to put Canadians on notice that you had the Prime Minister and the finance minister sitting down with what I call a pretty radical
think tank.  I consider them an ideological bastion of radical thought but that issue aside,
they call them call themselves a think tank, and this particular one, led by Paul Kershaw of
Generation Squeeze, has stuff on their website that pretty much attacks older Canadians:
basically saying they’ve gotten rich by going to sleep and watching TV. Unbelievable. Whoever approved that, it’s just so offensive. But that issue aside,  the whole connotation of the messaging is that, hey, these people are rich. We’ve got these poor young Canadians who are not rich and they can’t afford houses because you’re rich and …

Darren Coleman Someone should do something about it, right? That’s the trick.

Kim Moody

Kim Moody: Someone should do something about it. And their solution is to introduce a so-called Home Equity tax on any equity of a million dollars or more. And they call it a modest surtax of 1% per year. So it’s like another, effectively property tax … It’s just so nonsensical and so offensive on a whole bunch of different levels. Like you think about grandma and grandpa, yeah, they’ve got equity in their homes, but they don’t have a lot of cash. They’ve been working hard their entire lives to pay off their houses. And yes, they want to transfer down to their kids at some point, but right now, they’re living again, and they’re making ends meet by living off their pensions that they worked hard, and you’re expecting them to shell out more money for that, and I find that offensive.

…. Back to the original premise of why I wrote the article:  to let Canadians know that our leaders are entertaining stuff like this. It doesn’t mean they’re going to implement it, but they’re actually entertaining radical organizations like this and secondly, just to put Canadians on
notice that this is just the beginning. If this regime continues with out-of-control spending and no
adherence to basic economics, then we could expect a whole bevy of new taxes.

Darren Coleman  

Indeed, they’ve already done some of this, right? So you know that this idea about we’re going to tax home equity, either through some kind of annual surtax on equity over a certain amount, or we’re going to put a capital gain on principal residences. And I would argue that for years now, Canadians have had to report the sale of the principal residence on their tax returns, which is a non-taxable event, yet you now have to tell them, and if you don’t, there’s a penalty. Continue Reading…

Simple Interest mistakes

Image courtesy Pexels: Monstera Production

By Michael J. Wiener

Special to Financial Independence Hub

I’ve heard a few times over the years that one of the disadvantages of making an extra payment against your mortgage, or any other debt, is that saving this way only earns simple interest rather than compound interest.  This is nonsense, as I’ll show with an example.

Flawed Reasoning

The reasoning behind the claim that paying down a mortgage only earns simple interest goes as follows.  Each month, your payment pays all of the interest plus some of the principal.  Therefore, there is no interest accruing on previous interest, so there is no compounding.

This is a tidy little story, but the reasoning doesn’t hold up.

An Example

Suppose you have 20 years left on your 6% mortgage (in Canada where most mortgages use semi-annual compounding). This makes your monthly payment $1780.47. The second column of the table below shows how your mortgage balance would decline over the coming year.

Suppose you decide to pay $10,000 down on your mortgage, but you leave the payments the same. The third column shows your declining mortgage balance for this scenario. The last column shows the difference between these scenarios. This difference shows your returns from your investment in paying down your mortgage.

If your investment earned only simple interest at 6% per year, then the difference would be $10,600 after a year, but it is $10,609.  The extra $9 comes from the semi-annual compounding.  This isn’t much after one year, but after ten years, simple interest gives $16,000, but the real figure if we continued this table is $18,061.  The compounding effect is significant.

Where Does the Flawed Reasoning Go Wrong?

To get the correct answer to questions such as whether paying down your mortgage earns compound interest, we have to treat money as fungible. Consider what happens when your debt accrues new interest. Think of the interest blending evenly with the former debt amount. Then when your payment gets applied, it wipes out proportional amounts of the original debt and the new interest. This leaves some interest with your debt that will accrue compound interest later.

Giving the Flawed Reasoning Another Chance

Let’s consider a simpler example. You borrow $10,000 at 12% (compounded monthly), pay off just the $100 interest each month for a year, and then pay back the $10,000.  So, you paid a total of $1200 in interest. Continue Reading…

Top Canadian Dividend ETFs

By Mark Seed, myownadvisor

Special to Financial Independence Hub 

What makes a great Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)?

What makes a great Canadian dividend Exchange Traded Fund? 

What are the top Canadian dividend ETFs to own?

You’ve come to the right site and the right post for these answers and my thoughts. Let’s go in this updated post!

Top Canadian Dividend ETFs – what is an ETF?

An ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is a diverse collection of assets (like a mutual fund) that trades on an exchange (like a stock does).

This makes an ETF a marketable security = it has trading capability. Since you and buy and sell ETFs on an exchange during the day, ETF prices can change throughout the day as they are bought and sold.

ETFs may typically have lower fees than mutual funds (although not always), which can make them an attractive alternative to mutual funds.

Based on my personal experiences approaching 20 years as My Own Advisor I find ETFs very easy to buy using a discount brokerage and ETFs can provide a low-cost way to diversify your portfolio.

Although you don’t need to buy equity ETFs, it is my personal belief that you’re FAR better off owning more equities than bonds over long investing periods.

Simply put: learn to live with stocks for wealth-building. I’m trying to do the same!

What goes into a good ETF? What should you consider?

Before we get into my favourite Canadian dividend ETFs, here are some elements to consider as you select your ETFs for your portfolio:

1. Style – ETFs can track an index, follow an industry sector, be rules-based like some smart-beta funds are, or be much more. For the most part, I prefer plain-vanilla, broad market equity indexed ETFs. While I used to own a few dividend ETFs I no longer invest this way. I’ll link to that post later on. That said, Dividend ETFs can provide income to you as an investor; tangible money to use or reinvest as you please.

2. Fees – Hopefully by now from my site you know that high money management fees kill portfolio values over time. I try and keep my management expense ratio (MER) (the fee paid to the fund’s manager, as well as taxes and other costs) low (for as long as possible). Dividend ETFs often come with higher fees due to portfolio turnover. Something to think about.

Further Reading: Learn about MERs, TERs and more about ETF fees here.

3. Tracking error – In short, tracking error is the difference between the performance of the fund (the ETF) and its benchmark (what it tracks). I would advise you to look at the fund’s prospectus before you buy it and strive to own ETFs with low tracking errors.

4. Diversification – Along the same lines ‘Style’, you should be very mindful of the assets within an ETF before you buy it. ETFs are not created equal.

If you’re just starting out your investing journey, you can learn more about ETFs here.

Top Canadian ETFs vs. Dividend ETFs

When in doubt about buying any individual stock, I’ve been a huge fan of Canadian broad market ETFs like XIU, XIC, ZCN, VCN, along with others over the years.

I like XIU in particular.

XIU holds the largest 60 stocks in Canada and most of those stocks held in XIU pay dividends, although not all of them. Paying a dividend comes down to company policy. There are certainly many ways shareholder value is created.

While XIU has nowhere near the number of holdings that VCN has, XIU has delivered stellar long-term returns better than most.

I referenced this above: diversification can be a great ally as a risk mitigation tactic against stock picking but that doesn’t mean owning an ETF is bulletproof. Indexed ETFs hold all the stock studs and duds. Dividend ETFs might do the same. Dividend ETFs may limit your investing universe and your returns compared to other funds. Things to think about.

5. Tax efficiency – If you never intend to max out your TFSAs, RRSPs, kids’ RESPs, or other registered accounts then this is a non-issue for you. For some investors, however, who invest outside registered accounts (such as the aforementioned RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs, RESPs, LIRAs) like I do, then you need to consider the tax efficiency of your ETFs.

XIU in particular is very tax efficient. There are other ETFs to consider for tax efficiency as well.

In taxable accounts, I would advise you to look at the fund’s prospectus before you buy it and strive to own ETFs for your taxable account that are tax efficient; for the dividend tax credit or for capital gains.

Further Reading: How to invest for tax efficiency investing in taxable accounts.

6. History – While past performance is never indicative of future results unfortunately ETF/fund history is all we have since nobody can predict the financial future with any accuracy. Consider the track record of the ETF when it comes to returns.

What are my Top Canadian Dividend ETFs?

All data and information was updated in late-July 2024 and is approximate (for total returns) at the time of this post.

ETF Symbol MER # of holdings Total 5-Year Return Total 10-Year Return
VDY 0.22% 56 61% 100%
ZDV 0.39% 51 46% 67%
XEI 0.22% 75 50% 70%
XIU 0.18% 60 55% 103%
Comparison only: XAW 0.20% 8,700+ stocks 71% N/A – 2015 inception date

I’ve added global ETF XAW for comparison purposes only to the other four (4) Canadian dividend ETFs.  (Dislosure: I own XAW ETF and will continue to do so.)

Why I don’t own any Top Canadian Dividend ETFs…

Readers of this site will know I don’t own any Canadian dividend ETFs. I’ll share those reasons:

While the Vanguard Canadian High Dividend Yield Index ETF (VDY) is a good consideration, I own all the top-10 VDY stocks outright / on my own at the time of this post and have done so for 10+ years in many cases. So, no point in duplicating things …  Also, VDY is heavy on Canadian banks so there is sector concentration risk there I could avoid by owning some individual Canadian stocks. I can also decide to own some lower-yielding and higher=growth stocks inside my taxable account. Continue Reading…

Retired Money: Review of Die with Zero and 4,000 Weeks

Chapters Indigo

My latest Retired Money column looks at two related books: Die with Zero and Four Thousand Weeks.

You can as always find the full version of the MoneySense column by clicking on the highlighted text: Why these authors want you to spend your money and die with $0 saved.

I start with Die with Zero because it most directly deals with the topic of money as we age. In fact, as most retirees know, one of the biggest fears behind the whole retirement saving concept is running out of money before you run out of life.

But it appears that many of us have become so fixated with saving for retirement, we may end up wasting much of our precious life energy, and being the proverbial richest inhabitant of the cemetery. For you super savers out there, this book may be an eye opener, as is the other book, 4,000 Weeks.

As I note in the column, this genre of personal finance started with Die Broke, by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine, which I read shortly after it was first published in 1998. That’s where I encountered the amusing quip that “The last check you write should be to your undertaker … and it should bounce.”

The premise is similar in both books: there are trade-offs between time, money and health. Indeed,  as you can see from the cover shot above, its subtitle is Getting all you can from your money and your life. As with another influential book, Your Money or Your Life,  we exchange our time and life energy for money, which can therefore be viewed as a form of stored life energy. So if you die with lots of money, you’ve in effect “wasted” some of your precious life energy. Similarly, if you encounter mobility issues or other afflictions in your 70s or 80s, you may not be able to travel and engage in many activities that you may have thought you had been “saving up” for.

A treatise on Life’s Brevity and appreciating the moment

The companion book is Four Thousand Weeks : Time Management for Mortals, by Oliver Burkeman. If you haven’t already guessed, 4,000 weeks is roughly the number of weeks someone will live if they reach age 77 [77 years multiplied by 52 equals 4,004.] Even the oldest person on record, Jeanne Calment, lived only 6,400 weeks, having died at age 122.

I actually enjoyed this book more than Die with Zero. It’s more philosophical and amusing in spots. Some of the more intriguing chapters are “Becoming a better procrastinator” and “Cosmic Insignificance Therapy.” I underlined way too many passages to flag here but here’s a sample from the former chapter: “The core challenge of managing our limited time isn’t about how to get everything done – that’s never going to happen – but how to decide most wisely what not to do … we need to learn to get better at procrastinating.”



Unique Strategies to Reduce your Car Expenses and Save Money

It may not seem like it, but owning and driving a car will be a major part of your financial picture throughout your adult life. As with all financial aspects, it pays to be a smart and savvy decision-maker and shopper and to know how to save money on car expenses.

Adobe stock image: Syda Productions

By Dan Coconate

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Cars, believe it or not, are considered an asset. However, it’s good to remember that cars are indeed a depreciating asset. Every year, they decline in value due to wear and tear and also due to the release of newer models. As a result, cars are not a smart investment since they only hold value for a short amount of time.

So be wise about your cars. Making sound financial choices about the cars you drive, and the car insurance you obtain, will equal more money in your pocket in the long run.

First, let’s take a look at some tips on how to save money when you are buying a car. If you’re aiming for a stress-free and independent retirement phase, you’ll love these unique strategies to reduce your car expenses and save money.

Transitioning to early retirement is an exciting chapter that requires a smart approach to manage your finances. Car expenses are significant parts of any driver’s budget, and you can actually save money with a few strategic adjustments. Here are some unique strategies to reduce your car expenses and save money for more pressing needs.

Negotiate with your Insurance Company

One of the most effective ways to reduce car expenses is to negotiate with your insurance company. Many people assume their premiums are non-negotiable, but that’s not true.

By contacting your insurance provider and discussing your current rates, you might find opportunities for discounts or better rates. Highlight your clean driving record or inquire about senior discounts.

Consider Bundling Car Insurance with other Policies

Insurance companies often offer discounts to customers who bundle multiple policies. If you have homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, consider combining it with your car insurance.

This strategy will simplify your payments and provide a discount on your premiums. The savings from bundling can add up over time, helping you reduce your car expenses and invest more in your retirement savings!

Take a Defensive Driving Course

Defensive driving courses are excellent for lowering your insurance premiums. Many insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who have taken these courses. Completing a course shows your insurer that you’re committed to safe driving practices.

Lower your Driving Speed

Driving at low speeds can reduce your car’s fuel consumption. When you maintain a moderate speed, your engine works more efficiently, conserving fuel and reducing wear and tear. Small fuel savings can add up over time, making a noticeable difference in your car-related expenses. Continue Reading…