Decumulate & Downsize

Most of your investing life you and your adviser (if you have one) are focused on wealth accumulation. But, we tend to forget, eventually the whole idea of this long process of delayed gratification is to actually spend this money! That’s decumulation as opposed to wealth accumulation. This stage may also involve downsizing from larger homes to smaller ones or condos, moving to the country or otherwise simplifying your life and jettisoning possessions that may tie you down.

Lessons we Learned in 2024

Billy and Akaisha in Sorrento, Southern Italy; Photo courtesy of

By Akaisha Kaderli,

Special to Financial Independence Hub

 “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome” – Marine slogan

What a year!

Every year brings new challenges that we must face. Life doesn’t stop and the best way to meet the “new” is with an open attitude and a sense of confidence. Fear doesn’t help anyone or anything.

Solid plans often break

Our Readers will sometimes say they have just a few more things to settle, a few more “I’s” to dot and “T’s” to cross before retiring. They’re waiting for the health care issue to be settled, waiting for the bonus check next year, waiting to hit “this” particular financial number, waiting for next year to sell their properties, waiting for things to mellow out in the country, waiting for inflation to go down, waiting for the market to go back up,… they’re waiting…

Personal Financial Independence was put off until this imaginary perfect time, and then finally they planned a year of travel. But BAM! One of the spouses became gravely ill with a disease that not only shook them up, but forced them to shelve all excursion plans. Or the market started pulling back giving them the willies and they lost confidence in their future plans of early retirement.

Ask yourself, “What are you waiting for and why?” Then ask yourself if you have a Plan B for these unexpected situations.

Lots of people wait until they graduate from law school, or get the degree or wait until they get married, or until they buy that perfect house, or until the kids get out of school, or they hit that magic number to retire – in order to be happy.

They live for tomorrow and forget all about the pleasures and happiness of today.

Stop settling, start living. NOW.

You’re not going to get anything in Life by playing it safe. There are no guarantees.

Lesson learned; Faith over Fear, Don’t Worry be Happy

Image courtesy

We only have control of ourselves.

I get push back on this one, sometimes. Usually it falls under the “You don’t understand what I’m going through” category.

But if you think about it, stuff happens.

We can’t control a loved one getting ill, can’t control that our children or spouse do what we prefer. We don’t have a lot of say in international peace relations. Whether our children get divorced, illness knocks you or a loved one for a loop, there’s a huge business loss or politics don’t go our way – all we have control overis our response to the situation.

If you are feeling out of control on your moods, there are lots of tools to clarify your mind and calm yourself down and lots of services available to you. Don’t let the stress build up until you have an even worse situation happen.

Lesson Learned; Life is not in our total control – only our response to it is.

Relationships change

Relationships are cemented or lost every year. Change is part of life, and some relationships don’t move forward with us.

Once again if you think about it, when you got married, had a child, moved cross-country, got that promotion, contracted a serious illness, got divorced, retired early or hit any other life milestone, did some friendships recede?

Most likely.

Life is change and sometimes your better future lies ahead of you, without those loved people in them.

Yes, it IS difficult to let go of habits and people. We’ve all been there at different points in our lives. It’s better to process the loss and continue to move forward, creating the life of our dreams, than to become bitter and angry over the loss.

In my opinion, 2024 was a year of clarification.

What I mean is, yup. Things fall away. Sometimes it’s beloved things and people. I think this helps us to focus on what really matters to us. This is a blessing in disguise and you will be stronger for it.

Lesson Learned; As you grow, some relationships won’t make it into your future.

Fear seems ever-present

When we are afraid of something, chances are, we don’t know much about it. Our perceptions are skewed because of this.

Remember the old saying – FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real?

Take control and choose to find out more. The knowledge you discover will give you options and open up doors for you. Question the thoughts you are thinking and the beliefs you are holding. Question the definitions you have set for yourself. Fear does not serve you in any way and will only force you to contract, limiting your options even further.

This is a choice.

You can either learn and grow or contract and suffer because of it.

Lesson Learned; Fear is related to ignorance. Choose to learn more

People retreated into perceived safety

There is no safety, there are no guarantees. And sometimes as we age, we think we’ll feel better if we just “don’t take any chances.”

Remember Helen Keller’s quote:

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.

You can either live your life or live in FEAR.

Make the most of life every day. It’s later than you think!

Lesson Learned; Life is a risk every day. Manage it.

Anxiety seems to be everywhere

This is a good one, and it surprised me a bit.

Living the “life of my dreams” I hadn’t realized that I was still carrying friction and tension in assorted areas of my life. Billy and I started getting massages more often. I began going to a chiropractor, and my customary yoga became more important. We upped our exercise routine, I meditated more and I opened my mind to new information.

Anything that just didn’t “fall into place easily” or no longer worked … we dropped.

This made us feel freer and gave us more physical energy, clearing our minds.

Lesson Learned; Make things easier on yourself in any and all ways.

Don’t stop living your life

When things change beyond our control, we must find the advantages in the situation and make the most of where we are. Continue Reading…

Retired Money: Taking RetireMint for a test spin

My latest MoneySense Retired Money column has just been published: you can find the full column by clicking on the highlighted headline here: What is RetireMint? The Canadian online platform shows retirement planning isn’t just about finances.

We provided a sneak preview of RetireMint late in August, which you can read here: Retirement needs a new definition. That was provided by RetireMint founder Ryan Donovan.

The MoneySense column goes into more depth, passing on my initial experiences using the program, as well as highlighting a few social media comments on the product and some user experiences provided by RetireMint.

RetireMint (with a capital M, followed by a small-case letter I rather than an e) is a Canadian retirement tool that just might affect how you plan for Retirement. There’s not a lot of risk as you can try it for free. One thing I liked once I gave it a spin is that it isn’t just another retirement app that tells you how much money you need to retire. It spends as much or more time on the softer aspects of Retirement in Canada: what you’re going to do with all that leisure time, travelling, part-time work, keeping your social networks intact and so on.

In that respect, the ‘beyond financial’ aspects of RetireMint remind me of a book I once co-authored with ex corporate banker Mike Drak: Victory Lap Retirement, or indeed my own financial novel Findependence Day. As I often used to explain, once you have enough money and reach your Financial Independence Day (Findependence), everything that happens thereafter can be characterized as your Victory Lap.

As Donovan puts it, this wider definition must “break free from the tethered association of solely financial planning.”

Donovan says roughly 8,000 Canadians will reach retirement every single week over the next 15 years. And yet more than 60% of them do not know their retirement date one year in advance, and more than a third will delay their retirement because they don’t have a plan in place.

Retirement not calendar date or amount in your bank account

Donovan says  “Retirement has become so synonymous with financial planning, and so associated with ‘old age,’ that they’re practically inseparable. Yet, in reality, retirement is a stage of life, not a date on the calendar, an amount in your bank account, and is certainly not a death sentence.” He doesn’t argue that financial planning is the keystone of retirement preparation, as “you won’t even be able to flirt with the idea of retiring without it.” But it’s much broader in scope than that. As he puts it, this wider definition must “break free from the tethered association of solely financial planning.” Continue Reading…

Now (and always) is the worst time to invest in bonds

Image courtesy

By Alain Guillot

Special to Financial Independence Hub

With friends on a rainy day
With friends on a rainy day

Anytime anyone consults a financial advisor, two things typically occur:

  1. The financial advisor tends to recommend their “in-house” products, which often come with high management expense fees ranging from 2-3%
  2. They inquire about your age and then miraculously present a fund tailored to individuals in your age group.

We’ve discussed point #1 in previous posts. Financial advisors invariably promote funds with high expense fees because they receive kickbacks known as trailer fees, which constitute a significant portion of their income. However, it’s important to note that these trailer fees come out of your pocket. It is in the financial advisor’s best interest to consistently suggest products that offer the most generous commissions.

Despite the fact that there are numerous low-cost index funds and ETFs that might be the best options for their clients, financial advisers seldom recommend them because they do not generate commissions. The success of investment advis0rs often depends on their clients’ lack of knowledge.

As for point #2, they are equally inadequate. The typical formula for selecting a stock-and-bond portfolio is to subtract your age from 100%. This implies that if you are 30 years old, your portfolio should consist of 70% stocks and 30% bonds. If you are 50 years old, the recommended allocation is 50% stocks and 50% bonds, and so on.

Is age really the most significant factor? What if I am already a millionaire? What if I am struggling to pay my rent? What if I am in good health? What if I am in poor health? These factors seem to be overlooked, as financial advisers simply refer to tables provided by their employers and assign clients to predetermined brackets from their sales manuals.

Historically, stocks have consistently outperformed bonds as an investment, but investing in bonds can create a false sense of security. In reality, bonds offer reduced volatility, but less volatility does not equate to lower risk. Over the long term, bonds are not less risky than stocks; they are simply less volatile.

The truth is that the more bonds you hold in your portfolio, the more you limit your growth potential. Why would anyone sacrifice their potential for earnings simply because they are older? When you are older and in need of your money the most, that’s precisely when you would want your money to work its hardest for you. Continue Reading…

Retirement needs a new Definition

By Ryan Donovan

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Before we dive into this article, let’s play a quick game: a word association game. I’ll bet you a crisp $5 bill, or a shiny loonie for the more risk averse out there, that with three chances, I can guess the first word that pops into your head. Now, it has to be the first word, so no cheating. Ready, set… the word is ‘Retirement.

If you said ‘Retirement Income,’ ‘Retirement Savings’ or ‘Retirement Home,’ I’ll come to collect my winnings. If you said anything like ‘Travel,’ ‘Hobbies’ or ‘Exploration,  then good on you; I’ll send along an IOU.

The reason I felt so confident taking that bet is because when I tell people that I work in retirement planning, 99 out of 100 times, they assume that I work in financial services. The other time, people ask about senior living. Retirement has become so synonymous with financial planning, and so associated with ‘old age,’ that they’re practically inseparable. Yet, in reality, retirement is a stage of life, not a date on the calendar, an amount in your bank account, and is certainly not a death sentence.

One of our primary goals when creating our startup, RetireMint, was to reframe the national conversation around “what it means to retire,” which, at its core, requires redefining how Canadians prepare for retirement.

Now, I am not discounting the importance and necessity of a sound financial plan. After all, you are reading this in Financial Independence Hub … Yes, financial planning is the keystone of retirement preparation, as you won’t even be able to flirt with the idea of retiring without it. Yet, retirement planning must adopt a much wider definition and break free from the tethered association of solely financial planning.

Retirement should really be a time to enjoy the fruits of your hard labour:  a chapter that will hopefully span decades, fuelled by leisure, exploration, discovery and meaning.

Answering the ‘what, where and how’ of everything you want to see, do and accomplish in this next chapter requires conscious preparation in areas far beyond spreadsheets and bank statements. 

The industry paradigm is that you have about 8,000 days in retirement, or around 22 years. In each of those years, you will have more than 2,000 hours of new-found free time that would have been spent working throughout the majority of your life. Filling these thousands of hours with meaningful and purposeful activity is much more easily said than done.

The common approach to retirement planning (yes, we are now using the wider definition) has been to ‘punt the ball down the field’ and ‘cross that bridge when you get to it.’ Yet, we see time and time again that those who leave their lifestyle planning to their first day of retirement are the ones who have the hardest time transitioning into this next chapter.

The people who say, “I’ll never get tired of sipping Piña Coladas on a beach,” face the same fate as the ones who say “I can’t wait to golf every day.” While these may be dream activities for retirees, they ultimately see diminishing returns if they’re your only activities, because humans are funny creatures:  we need meaning and variation.

Despite its innocent demeanour, retirement has some dark, inconvenient truths: 

  • Ages 50-64, 65-84 and 85+ have the three highest suicide rates in North America, and in the last five years, we’ve seen a 38% increase in suicides among Baby Boomers.
  • Canadians over 65 have a divorce rate three times the national average.
  • Over 25% of older Canadians are socially isolated, which causes a 50% increased risk of dementia.
  • And, 77% of older Canadians live with at least two chronic illnesses or conditions.

It’s statistics like these that starkly highlight the importance of planning for your lifestyle, wellness and purpose, as well as the need for trusted resources to help with this planning. This was the a-ha moment that sparked our urgency to develop RetireMint.

RetireMint stemmed from empirical evidence showing that once people’s finances are at least on the right track, their primary concerns and conversations with their financial advisors shift far beyond the scope of their meetings. “What am I going to do with the grandkids?,” “Where am I going to travel?” “What happens when I lose my work insurance coverage?,” are just a few of the plethora of questions that popped up time and time again.

It’s fantastic that Canadians have this level of trust and comfort with their advisors, but the truth is that financial advisors are not equipped to answer all of these broader retirement inquiries, and they’ll be the first to admit it. It’s clear that this undue burden falls on the shoulders of financial professionals, but if not for them, who is going to provide the answers? Continue Reading…

Using Defensive Sector ETFs for the Canadian retirement portfolio

By Dale Roberts

Special to Financial Independence Hub

In a recent post we saw that the defensive sectors were twice as effective as a balanced portfolio moving through and beyond the great financial crisis. The financial crisis was the bank-failure-inspired recession and market correction of 2008-2009 and beyond. It was the worst correction since the dot com crash of the early 2000’s. Defensive sectors can play the role of bonds (and work in concert with bonds) to provide greater financial stability. With defensive sector ETFs you might be able to build a superior Canadian retirement portfolio.

First off, here’s the original post on the defensive sectors for retirement.

The key defensive sectors are healthcare, consumer staples and utilities.

And a key chart from that post. The defensive sectors were twice as good as the traditional balanced portfolio. The chart represents a retirement funding scenario.

You can check out the original post for ideas for U.S. dollar defensive sector ETFs.

The following is for Canadian dollar accounts. Keep in mind, this is not advice. Consider this post as ‘ideas for consideration’ and part of the retirement portfolio educational process.

The yield is shown as an annual percentage as of mid March, 2023.

80% Equities / 20% Bonds and Cash

Growth sector ETFs

  • 15% VDY 4.6% Canadian High Dividend
  • 15% VGG 1.8% U.S. Dividend Growth

Canadian defensive sector ETFs

  • 15% ZHU 0.5% U.S Healthcare
  • 10% STPL 2.4% Global Consumer Staples
  • 5.0% XST 0.6% Canadian Consumer Staples
  • 10% ZUT 3.7% Canadian Utilities

Inflation fighters