
A Wake-up Call for those choosing Mutual Fund fees over Robo-Advisors

Image courtesy Questrade/iStock

By Scarlett Swain

(Special to Financial Independence Hub)

It’s that time of year. The leaves have started to shift to brilliant shades of crimson, orange, and yellow. The days are getting shorter. And, suddenly, it’s “jacket weather” again. For many Canadian families, the transition into cooler months signals a time to begin the process of reviewing their finances from the past year with the goal of being better prepared in the years ahead.

With the cost of living in Canada incrementally higher than it has been in recent memory, there is a renewed opportunity for families to ask a familiar question: what is a simple, one-step investment strategy that they can use to help stretch the most out of their money, both now and for the long haul?

Well, like the changing seasons, it may be a good time for families to consider changing up a dated investment approach in favour of one that will take their money a little further. That is, using a low-fee, low-touch, robo-advisor in place of costly mutual fund investments … and, here are a few reasons why:


Robo-advisors have ushered in a new era of accessible investing. Designed to be user-friendly from the get-go, they are an excellent choice for both novice and experienced investors. With just a few clicks, investors can select a portfolio that matches their risk tolerance and fund it with little to no hassle.


A well-constructed portfolio needs variety. Robo-advisors excel at this by spreading investments across different asset classes, thus reducing risk. Mutual funds, while also diversified, often lack the customizability and personalization offered by low-fee robo-advisors.

Automated Rebalancing

Investing with a robo-advisor provides nimble, automated rebalancing, ensuring that investments stay aligned to goals, even as market conditions shift. Mutual fund investors often need to manually (and worse, reactively) adjust their portfolios, potentially missing out on market opportunities or exposing them to unnecessary risk. Continue Reading…

How do Non-Registered Accounts differ from RRSPs and TFSAs?

Canadian investors have several account types at their disposal to build an investment portfolio. This typically starts with registered accounts – RRSPs and TFSAs – to take advantage of tax deductions, tax deferred growth (RRSP), and tax-free growth (TFSA). But registered accounts come with contribution limits, so once those accounts are filled up many investors will open a non-registered account to invest any extra cash flow or a lump sum of money.

In this article I will explain what a non-registered account is, how it works, how it’s taxed, who should use one, and who shouldn’t. Plus, I’ll look at the pros and cons of using a registered account versus a non registered account to save and invest.

What is a non-registered account?

A non-registered account is something that can be used for savings – such as an emergency fund – or as a complement to your other investment accounts. It does not have any special tax attributes, contribution or withdrawal limits, or age restrictions – other than the fact that you must be 18 (or 19 in some provinces) to open an account.

At its core, a non-registered account is a taxable account. That means any investment income earned inside the account will be taxable to the investor each year. Investment income typically comes in the form of interest or dividends. I’ll explain how those are taxed later.

Investors using a non-registered account don’t have to pay tax when their investment(s) increases in value. That taxable event doesn’t occur until an investment is sold inside a non-registered account. If the investment increased in value, the investor would have to pay taxes on 50% of that gain (called capital gains tax). If the investment decreased in value from when it was purchased, the investor could claim a capital loss on 50% of that loss in value. Capital losses can be carried forward indefinitely but can only be used to reduce or eliminate a capital gain.

A non-registered account could be an individual investment account, a joint investment account, or a high-interest savings account.

How does a non-registered account work?

Anyone age 18 or older (or 19 in some provinces) can open a non-registered account for the purpose of saving or investing. For most people, their first non-registered account is a savings account. Any interest earned inside the account is taxable to the investor. For example, if you held $10,000 in a non-registered savings account and earned 1% interest for the entire year – you would add $100 to your taxable income for that year.

A non-registered investment account is typically used by investors who have reached the contribution limit inside their registered accounts – their RRSP and TFSA. There’s no contribution limit in a non-registered account. Some investors may choose to invest in a non-registered account instead of their RRSP if their tax bracket is lower now than it is expected to be later in life.

Investors can purchase stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other investments inside their non-registered account. Any investment income earned, such as interest on cash savings, interest from bond investments, and dividends distributed by stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs, are taxable in the hands of the investor each year.

Non-registered investors need to pay close attention to their buying and selling activity inside the account. Unlike RRSPs and TFSAs, where investments can be bought and sold without any tax consequences, selling a non-registered investment is a taxable event and subject to capital gains. One tip is to use the website to track your non-registered transactions.

When to use non-registered accounts

Most people should strive to max out the contribution room inside their registered accounts first before opening a non-registered account to invest. But non-registered accounts can and should be used as part of your financial plan for savings and investing.

The easiest way to utilize a non-registered account is to open a high interest savings account to start building your emergency fund, or as a place to fund your short-term goals. I’d suggest doing this in a non-registered savings account rather than your TFSA for two reasons:

  1. Your TFSA should be used to invest for longer term goals like retirement
  2. The taxable interest earned on your “high interest” savings account will likely be so minimal that it’s not worth using up your valuable TFSA contribution room to shelter that interest income

I’ve already mentioned two situations when investors should open a non-registered investment account:

  1. When you’ve maxed out the contribution room inside your RRSP and TFSA and still have extra cash flow available to invest
  2. When you’ve maxed out the contribution room inside your TFSA but your tax bracket is lower now than you expect it to be later in life – meaning an RRSP contribution would be less advantageous today

There’s also a third scenario that makes sense to use a non-registered investment account: If you’re the type of investor who likes to carve out a small percentage of your portfolio to speculate on individual stocks, sector ETFs, or cryptocurrency.

Related: The Problem With Core and Explore

Speculative investments are more likely to suffer losses than a broadly diversified portfolio of passive index ETFs. Why use your valuable RRSP and TFSA contribution room to speculate and potentially lose money on an investment when there are no tax advantages? Furthermore, any money lost on a bad investment means contribution room is also lost forever.

Instead, if you must scratch that itch, use a non-registered investment account to house your speculative bets on meme stocks, tech ETFs, and crypto coins. If you strike it rich and then sell, only 50% of the gains are taxable. And, more likely, if your investments lose money, you can sell and claim 50% of the loss as a capital loss. This can offset future capital gains down the road.

Types of non-registered investment accounts

Outside of the non-registered savings account there are two types of non-registered investment accounts: a cash account and a margin account.

A cash account is a regular non-registered investment account that can be used to hold cash, bonds, stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, and other investments. These accounts can be held individually or jointly.

A margin account can hold the same investments as a cash account, but with a margin account the investor will have the ability to borrow money to invest – i.e., use leverage. Investors cannot use margin in a registered account.

Certain online brokerages have different names for their non-registered accounts. I’ve heard it called a non-registered account, an unregistered account, a cash account, an open account, or a margin account. Questrade calls its non-registered accounts “margin accounts,” even though investors don’t need to use margin to invest in one. Wealthsimple Trade calls its non-registered account a “personal account.”

Pros and cons of non-registered investments

Here are the pros of using a non-registered account:

  • No contribution or withdrawal limits
  • Anyone can open an account once they’ve reached the age of majority in their province
  • Capital gains are only taxed when sold, and only 50% of the gain is subject to taxes
  • 50% of investment losses can be used to reduce or eliminate future capital gains.
  • Useful when you’ve reached the contribution limits of your registered accounts, or when you don’t want to use your RRSP or TFSA contribution room to hold your emergency savings or speculative investments Continue Reading…

The waiting is the hardest part, and the most profitable times for investors


By Dale Roberts

Special to Financial Independence Hub

Investors are starting to notice that their portfolios have been treading water for a couple of years. Over the last two years, a global balanced growth portfolio would essentially be flat. Of course, move out to 3-year, 5-year and 10-year time horizons and we have very solid to generous returns.

At times investors have to wait. We build and springload the portfolio waiting for the next aggressive move higher. In fact, these holding periods can be beneficial: we are loading up on stocks at stagnating or lower prices. We’re able to buy more shares. The waiting is the hardest part for investors. But it is essential that we understand the benefits to sticking to our investment plan.

In January of 2021 I wondered aloud in a MoneySense post if the markets might not like what they see when we get to the other side of the pandemic. That’s an interesting post that looks back at the year 2020, the year the world changed with the first modern day pandemic. That suspicion is ‘kinda’ playing out as the markets stall and try to figure things out.

That’s not to suggest that my hunch was an investable idea. We have to stay invested.

Stick to your plan when the market gets stuck

Patience is the most important practice when it comes to wealth building. When done correctly, building life-changing wealth happens in slow motion and it is VERY boring.

Boring is good.

Waiting can be boring. But maybe it can look and feel more ‘exciting’ if we know what usually happens after the wait. Stock markets work like evolution. There are long periods of stagnation and status quo and then rapid moves and change.

Instead of boring, maybe it should feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. The good stuff is on its way.

Here’s an example of a waiting period, from 1999. The chart is from iShares, for the TSX 60 (XIU/TSX). The returns include dividend reinvestment.

And here’s the stock market ‘explosion’ after the wait.

That’s more than a double from the beginning of the waiting period.

And here’s the wait from 2007, moving through the financial crisis. Ya, that’s a 7-year wait. Talk about the 7-year itch, many investors filed for divorce from the markets.

It was a costly divorce.

Markets went on a very nice run for several years. Continue Reading…

Before you Retire: 5 things to do before Pursuing a Conservatorship

Conservatorships can be a great tool for protecting finances in the right situations. Learn about some vital things to do before pursuing a conservatorship.

Adobe Image by contrastwerkstatt, via Logical Position

By Dan Coconate

Special to Financial Independence Hub

As you approach retirement, you want to accelerate your planning for the future, and one crucial consideration might be a conservatorship.

A conservatorship is a legal arrangement that provides a responsible adult (the conservator) with the authority to make decisions for another person (the conservatee) incapable of making them on their own.

This not only affects individuals within the United States, but it can be done throughout the world.

If you’re considering pursuing a conservatorship, you should be as prepared and informed as possible. We’ll discuss five things you should do before pursuing a conservatorship so you can make the best decision for your loved one or for yourself.

Learn all you can

The first step in conservatorship planning should always be to learn as much as you can about the process, requirements, and potential pitfalls. Start by asking some important questions, such as what are the different types of conservatorships, how they function, and whether you even need one. You should also consider consulting an attorney with experience in conservatorship law, who can help answer these questions and provide further guidance.

Assess the Need

Next, carefully assess whether a conservatorship is the best option for your situation. Consider alternatives like power of attorney, living trusts, or other legal arrangements that may be less restrictive. If possible, involve the person who may be the subject of the conservatorship in discussions about their needs and desires. This can help ensure you hear and respect their wishes in your decision.

Evaluate your own Capability

Before pursuing a conservatorship, another thing you should do is think hard about your own capabilities. Remember that these legal bindings involve significant responsibility. Ask yourself whether you’re able and willing to dedicate the necessary time and effort to managing someone else’s affairs. Do you possess the knowledge and skills to make sound decisions about their financial, legal, and personal matters? It may feel daunting, but honestly assessing your readiness can help ensure you’re making the right choice.

Understand the Costs

Additionally, prepare yourself for the financial implications of pursuing a conservatorship. Pursuing a conservatorship can be expensive, from court fees to ongoing legal, accounting, and fiduciary costs. Factor these expenses into your decision-making and explore ways to reduce costs if necessary, such as seeking pro bono legal assistance. Continue Reading…

Half of new Canadian families targeted by financial fraud

A survey by Interac Corp. (Interac) released Wednesday (Nov. 8) on Canada Newswire found 70 per cent of  new Canadians polled believe they are more susceptible to financial scams than the general population.

53 per cent of newcomers say they and/or immediate family members have been targeted by fraud, while 55% are very concerned about becoming a victim in the future.

Scammers appear to be preying on a record number of immigrants arriving in Canada, who have to navigate an unfamiliar financial landscape. The top scams they face include fake job postings (witnessed by 40% of new Canadians surveyed), phishing attempts (37%) and scammers disguising themselves as representatives of official government institutions (34%)

“Being targeted for financial scams is an all-too-common experience for newcomers. We all have a role to play in providing advice to help build their financial literacy and spot scams before it’s too late,” says Rachel Jolicoeur, Director, Cybermarket Intelligence and Financial Crime at Interac. “Newcomers want to feel in control and most prefer to spend their own money versus borrowing. As they get used to life in Canada, we need to build their trust when transacting in new ways – such as using Interac e-Transfer or Interac Debit for the first time.”

The Interac survey reinforces that high scam rates are taking a toll on the financial fortitude of newcomers. Only 22% of newcomers polled strongly agree they would know what to do if they were the victim of a financial scam. 56% say being targeted makes them feel less financially confident, compared with 36% of all respondents polled.

New digital learning program helps arm against fraud

73% of these newcomers to Canada want to learn more about how to protect themselves from fraud, and 83% see the value of having access to tools that help manage their spending. Seeing as November is Financial Literacy Month, Interac and Conscious Economics have teamed up to offer Mindfulness & Money for Newcomers and International Students, a digital learning program that teaches financial literacy and fraud prevention techniques. Continue Reading…