Vanguard has released its 2023 forecast. You can access it by clicking on this link to a PDF.
We first looked at this in this Hub blog on December 12: Vanguard says Balanced portfolios still offer best chance of success as Inflation gets beaten back.
In this follow-up blog, we’re looking in more depth on the Canadian portion of the report, which begins on page 23. We have reproduced some of the text and charts from that section in the second half of this blog.
“Generally, we are calling for a global recession next year, including a milder recession for Canada with economic growth pegged at 0.7% (for Canada),” says Matthew Gierasimczuk, spokesperson for Vanguard Investments Canada Inc.
Vanguard expects five key themes will shape the Canadian and global economic environment as we move into 2023:
- Central banks’ vigilance in the fight against inflation
- Spillover effects of global economy, energy, and real estate markets on the Canadian economy
- Economic effects of the energy crisis in Europe
- China’s long-term structural challenges as it aims to end its zero-COVID policy
- Last, but not least, a more positive outlook for long-term investors across bonds and equities
Fighting inflation: Central banks maintain vigilance
Vanguard says 2022 has proven to be “one of the most rapidly evolving economic and financial market environments in history. Across the globe, central banks have responded with coordinated monetary policy changes that have outpaced anything we’ve seen for several decades.”
A globally coordinated monetary tightening regime
“This is the greatest inflation threat we’ve seen since the 1980s,” it continues, “Central banks have a difficult path ahead that will require being more aggressive with policy, making additional rate hikes, and maintaining vigilance as the inflation situation shifts.In the U.S., the Federal Reserve has adopted the position that there is still work to be done, and it appears to have the resolve to stick with it.”
For the balance of this blog, we’ll drill down on the report’s prognosis for Canada, which starts on page 23 of the forecast. We’ve selected large chunks of text, which is as it appears in the report, with minor excisions such as references to some charts not reproduced here. Therefore, we are not using quotation marks. An ellipsis (3 dots as here: …) is used to indicate sections excised between passages. With one or two exceptions, most subheadings are from Vanguard. Readers who want the full report should of course click on the PDF link above.
Canada: Reining in an overheating economy
The year 2022 has seen persistent global inflation followed by rising policy rates as central banks across the world played catch-up. Over the course of 2022, inflation in Canada continued to tread higher driven by a combination of rising demand, tightening labor markets, and volatile energy and food prices as a result of ongoing supply constraints and geopolitical events. Heading into 2023, there are growing signs that inflation will moderate due to recovery in global commodity supply and slowing economic growth driven by tightening monetary policy.
In 2022 we discussed how policy tightening will be a crucial risk behind a lower growth environment among other factors such as high inflation, further supply disruptions, and new virus variants. Looking back most of these risks occurred throughout the course of 2022. The unexpected Russian invasion of Ukraine added to supply disruptions and pushed headline CPI inflation to its historically highest level of 7.9% YoY. Continue Reading…