As readers may know, Hub blogger Michael Drak and I have just finished co-authoring a book about life after Financial Independence. It’s titled Victory Lap Retirement, and describes a new post-corporate lifestyle that combines work and play, much like the illustration to the left.
The book has just gone through its second editing pass. Next we’ll be sending out pre-release PDFs to media and influencers, looking for testimonials: if you’re interested please let me know at or Michael at
The finished product should be in book stores and available online by mid-summer.
Half-hour interview will be at Abundant Retirement telesummit
We have started with some pre-publicity in the United States (the book is written for both Americans and Canadians.) One is with The Abundant Retirement Summit, an online retirement planning telesummit that will run for ten days starting on February 15th.
It’s free to users and there will be two audio interviews each day between the Summit’s Kay Young (pictured above) and 20 retirement experts and authors. One of those interviews will be with myself and Michael: click here for details, and then on Kay’s one-minute video for an overview of the summit.
Generally, the themes are quite consistent with Victory Lap Retirement: as Kay explains, it’s about finding meaningful, flexible and portable work and pursuing one’s passions.
You can register here at no charge:
Free e-book
As a free gift for registering, we are making available for free the US edition of my e-book, A Novel Approach to Financial Independence, for the five days between February 16 and Feb. 21st. During that time, just click on the book’s link at Alternately, you can access what is in effect an early version of chapter of Victory Lap Retirement: on The 7 Eternal Truths of Financial Independence. Click here for a link to the 7 instalments that originally appeared at the National Post last summer.

Another way to get a sneak preview of the new book is to read some of Mike Drak’s s Hub blogs over the past year, many of which cover similar content. Just enter his name in the Hub’s search engine or click here.
See for example:
The Gift of Early Findependence
What’s Money Got to Do with It?