By Gary Gorr, Chartered Financial Consultant
Special to the Financial Independence Hub
Recently I have been doing retirement assessments for several new customers. What amazed me as I spoke with them was how resigned to defeat the clients were. It was like they knew in their guts that they had started saving too little and too late to attain the retirement they wanted.
One answered my question on when do you want to retire by saying “around 120 is the only way I could.”
After the initial meetings I reflected on other circumstances from planning for customers in 2014 and noticed some commonalties.
- Age range: 45-55
- They own homes with attractive Fair Market Values
- Had fairly decent equity positions in homes
- Most would carry a mortgage into retirement
- All had projected incomes at retirement far less than their desired outcome
Many Canadians, including these clients, have grown up with the belief that home ownership is an important goal. The home represents a significant part of their net worth.
Not easy to unlock home equity